Loving You Is Hurtful

Chapter 142: Uncomfortably quiet

"Sister Enxi, um... can I continue to call you that?" Lin Wan seemed to want to say something, but after she spoke, she asked carefully.

"Of course." Luo Enxi heard Lin Wan's cautious tone and couldn't help softening her tone.

"Sister En Xi." Lin Wan immediately called out happily.

Lin Wan's good mood can be clearly felt even through the phone line Luo Enxi, which makes her mood a little better.

"Sister En Xi, how is your health recently?" Lin Wan asked.

"Well, I am fine for a long time." Luo Enxi replied.

She has never been to the company since she guarded Fu Haochen from the knife and was injured. Later on, the big and small things continued, and Luo Enxi had no chance to return to the company. What's more, Fu Haochen wouldn't let her go to work, and she would just be idle and embarrassed.

Lin Wan didn't know about Luo Enxi's pregnancy, nor did Luo Enxi mention it.

"Will you come back to work?" Lin Wan's tone was full of expectation.

As long as the thought of continuing to work with Luo Enxi, Lin Wan felt that the whole person's mood was flying up.

Luo Enxi paused when he heard Lin Wan's questioning, and did not reply directly.

She couldn't figure out Fu Haochen's thoughts now.

Since Fu Haochen likes He Xia Nuan, then this family definitely won't have her place.

But if Fu Haochen really wanted to marry He Xia Nuan in the future, why did he suddenly transfer her back to her original position?

So where did Luo Xirou go?

When she thought of Luo Xirou, Luo Enxi suddenly thought that the day before she was discharged from the hospital, Luo Beichen came to look for her, and Fu Haochen seemed to have locked up Luo Beichen.

Now Luo Xirou was suddenly replaced. Could it be that Fu Haochen and Luo's family fell out?

Luo Enxi thought, but felt that he could not guess Fu Haochen's true thoughts.

Maybe, just to calm her emotions temporarily. Luo Enxi's mood fell. She was pregnant now, and Fu Haochen wanted her to give birth to the child without thinking about it. This was not impossible.

Luo Enxi thought this way, and her heart felt cold again.

In fact, Luo Enxi really misunderstood Fu Haochen this time.

Fu Haochen actually just wanted to return what originally belonged to Luo Enxi to her.

Luo Enxi was capable of taking up this position. At that time, Fu Haochen just wanted to hurt Luo Enxi in a variety of ways and bring her pain. This was why Luo Enxi was replaced and replaced by her sister Luo. Xirou.

Now, Fu Haochen has decided to live a good life with Luo Enxi, and the things he did before and the mistakes he made will naturally be corrected.

It's just that Fu Haochen never told Luo Enxi about these things. Naturally, Luo Enxi would not know what Fu Haochen wanted.

Luo Enxi sighed.

Now that this is the end of the matter, let's do it for now. Luo Enxi decided to settle down if she came, and since Fu Haochen rescheduled her position in this way, she would continue to do it well.

After all, Luo Enxi really likes this job.

As for the future, let's talk about it later.

So Luo Enxi said softly to the phone, "Well, it will."

Since Fu Haochen has given her the position, it should be said that Fu Haochen has agreed to continue to work.

That's not bad. Luo Enxi thought, couldn't help but curl her lips.

She really didn't want to stay at home anymore and couldn't do anything.

Moreover, he had to face He Xia Nuan every day, which was the greatest torment for Luo Enxi.

Well now, she can return to her favorite position. I have to say that this is the best news she has heard in these years.

"That's great!" Lin Wan's voice on the other end of the phone was also excited, "Sister Enxi, we all miss you!"

Luo Enxi was slightly stunned when he heard Lin Wan's words.

After that, Luo Enxi felt a heat surge in her heart, circled around, warming her frozen heart.

This is her friends, who will always believe in her and follow her.

What could be more affectionate than being company and trusting each other.

"Well, I will go back!" Luo Enxi was also a little excited.

"We are waiting for you, Sister En Xi!" Lin Wan was very happy.

Luo Enxi knew that after putting down the phone, Lin Wan would immediately tell the news to others.

But what Luo Enxi did not expect was that all her former employees were surrounded by Lin Wan, watching Lin Wan call Luo Enxi, eyes full of expectation and anxiety.

When news of Luo Enxi's return to power came out, all her former employees gathered together soon.

Then Lin Wan, as the representative, called Luo Enxi and asked Luo Enxi to confirm that she would return to work.

When the news was confirmed, Lin Wan hung up and nodded to the people around him, and some even cheered.

They did not expect this day.

Luo Enxi can come back again.

Working with Luo Enxi is extremely comfortable.

After Luo Enxi left, Luo Xirou who came here was completely unfamiliar with the business. In addition to making things difficult for Luo Enxi’s former employees, they all had a particularly bad time. They remembered following Luo Enxi more than once. Good time at work.

And now, Luo Enxi is coming back. Everyone can't suppress their excitement. Some people even decided to have a drink together tonight to celebrate.

If Luo Enxi knew all this, she would be very happy.

But now, Luo Enxi's mood has become clearer.

Luo Enxi found that his mood would be better when he put other things in his heart and stopped thinking about emotions.

Luo Enxi smiled, looking forward to her job after returning to her post.

When he was in a good mood, Luo Enxi wanted to find something for herself to do.

Finally, Luo Enxi decided that she would go out to buy groceries and prepare dinner herself tonight.

I didn't do it for many days, and I didn't know if it would be hand-made, Luo Enxi went out with a smile.

Even if Luo Enxi felt that Fu Haochen's removal from her position was an unjustified matter, but now Luo Enxi thought that she should also thank Fu Haochen.

After all, if Fu Haochen did not agree to let her resume her position, she would never have the opportunity to return to her position again.

Luo Enxi decided to put all his worries behind for the time being, and live the current life well.


Fu Haochen came home from get off work.

After entering the door, Fu Haochen noticed that the atmosphere was a little different.

The house is too quiet.

If Luo Enxi often stays in the house at home and He Xia Nuan has no one to speak or make any noise, then He Xia Nuan did not wait for him in the living room after he went home today, and was the first time he opened the door. Time rushed forward, which made Fu Haochen feel very unusual.

He Xia Nuan came out to greet him almost every day when he came home. This incident once made Fu Haochen a little embarrassed, but He Xia Nuan said that this is what she should do as a girlfriend-wait for her boyfriend to return from work. Home, and then greet him for the first time.

Fu Haochen couldn't help He Xia Nuan, so he followed her.

Over time, Fu Haochen got used to it.

But today, He Xia Nuan did not appear, which made Fu Haochen frowned slightly, and a bad premonition rose in his heart.

Aunt He took leave to go home today. There should be only He Xia Nuan and Luo Enxi at home. Isn't it the two of them having a conflict?

Fu Haochen was shocked and walked quickly into the house.

If Luo Enxi had told He Xia Nuan all the things, then He Xia Nuan should not be able to bear the stimulation.

Fu Haochen hurriedly walked through the corridor in three steps and two steps into the living room.

As soon as he entered the living room, Fu Haochen saw another mess.

But this time it was not the debris from the broken object, but something similar to a piece of paper, which seemed to be torn off and scattered on the ground.

Fu Haochen bent down and picked up a piece of paper that hadn't been torn very badly, and after only one glance, he understood everything in his heart.

——The piece of paper is a photo.

When he took Luo Enxi on vacation, he belonged to a group photo of the two of them.

He asked someone to send these photos to be washed, but he did not expect that when the photo studio sent the photos, the photos would be seen by He Xia Nuan.

Although a corner is missing in the photo in Fu Haochen's hand, it can still be seen that the protagonists in the photo are him and Luo Enxi.

Fu Haochen remembered this scene. He and Luo Enxi had just finished putting off the lanterns that day. Luo Enxi looked at the various lanterns floating on the river and smiled very beautifully.

Fu Haochen was moved for a while, so he asked another tourist to help them take this photo.

In the photo, Luo Enxi looked at the lantern intently, and he looked at Luo Enxi intently.

Even though the part of Luo Enxi in the photo is now torn off, Fu Haochen can still imagine how gentle and beautiful Luo Enxi smiles.

As if the most beautiful starlight in July eclipsed everything around him, leaving her in his entire world.

It seems that He Xia Nuan was stimulated after seeing these photos, and then tore off their photos.

Fu Haochen didn't guess wrong.

In the afternoon Luo Enxi went to buy groceries, and He Xia Nuan was at home alone.

After a while, someone knocked on the door and said that he had sent a photo of Mr. Fu to wash.

He Xia Nuan was a little strange, and after taking it over, he opened it, and then He Xia Nuan saw the photos taken by Luo Enxi and Fu Haochen when they were traveling.

Obviously, the two people in the photo are very affectionate.

However, what Fu Haochen couldn't guess was that even though He Xia Nuan tightly grasped the photo the moment he saw the photo, he did not immediately go crazy like Fu Haochen imagined.

He Xia Nuan thought calmly instead.

She was shocked because it was obvious from the photo that Fu Haochen really liked Luo Enxi, even more than she thought.

This made He Xia Nuan feel very angry, and at the same time, he also felt that things became tricky.

The deeper Fu Haochen's affection for Luo Enxi, the more difficult it is for her to completely drive Luo Enxi away from Fu Haochen.

Moreover, He Xia Nuan could obviously feel that Fu Haochen was coaxing her in many cases, caring about her condition, and did not dare to let her know too much.

He Xia Nuan used to think this was very good, but it facilitated her actions, but now, He Xia Nuan was slightly startled.

She miscalculated Luo Enxi's position in Fu Haochen's heart, and if this continues, it will cause her even greater trouble.

It seems that she must hurry up.

To get rid of Luo Enxi, the first of course is to get rid of her child.

He Xia Nuan narrowed his eyes slightly.

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