Loving You Is Hurtful

Chapter 150: Realm of Conscience

Starting from the new week, Luo Enxi resumed normal work.

Different from usual, now Fu Haochen started to work with Luo Enxi.

After being married for so long, it is rare for Fu Haochen and Luo Enxi to go to the company together. Because Fu Haochen and Chen Jingang really hate to see Luo Enxi, the two naturally have to minimize the time they meet.

But now it's different. Only after leaving the house is the two-person world of Fu Haochen and Luo Enxi, and the two naturally cherish every minute and every second.

But this matter looked at He Xia Nuan's eyes, but it was not a taste.

Fu Haochen and Luo Enxi both go to work now. Excluding bedtime, they spend more time in the company than at home.

This shows that Fu Haochen and Luo Enxi spend more time with her than with her.

When the three were together, Fu Haochen had to be with He Xia Nuan all the time due to their false boyfriend and girlfriend relationship.

But it's different in the company. He Xia Nuan even wondered whether Fu Haochen stayed with Luo Enxi all the time.

In fact, He Xia Nuan thinks too much. Recently, the company has come to one of the busier times of the year. Fu Haochen and Luo Enxi are very busy at work, and the two actually don't have much time to meet.

But this fact does not prevent He Xia Nuan from thinking wildly. She feels that if Fu Haochen and Luo Enxi are allowed to get along like this, the relationship between the two of them will definitely get deeper and deeper, and finally to the point where she can't control it, it's hard to say. .

Moreover, Fu Haochen and Luo Enxi have worked more and more overtime these days, and sometimes they simply don’t go home for dinner. This also resulted in Luo Enxi not having time to prepare meals, and He Xia Nuan had no chance to implement her plan. .

This will never work. The longer time dragged on, the more uneasy He Xia Nuan's heart became.

Finally on this day, at her repeated request, Fu Haochen and Luo Enxi went home for dinner in the evening.

In fact, Fu Haochen couldn't spare time at the beginning.

"Xia Nuan, the company is really busy these days. After this month, I will go back to accompany you, OK?" Fu Haochen tried to persuade He Xia Nuan.

In fact, this time, Fu Haochen is very grateful to the company for being so busy this time. Let him have the opportunity to enjoy a time of his own without facing He Xia Nuan.

Luo Enxi never pushes Fu Haochen too tightly, but He Xia Nuan is different. As long as Fu Haochen and He Xia Nuan are together, He Xia Nuan will have to wrap around Fu Haochen most of the time, which makes Fu Haochen very helpless. .

So being able to leave, Fu Haochen naturally wanted to stay in the company instead of going home.

Besides, the company is really busy recently, which also provides Fu Haochen with an excuse to go home late.

"No, Haochen, if you don't come back today, I will go to the company to deliver you food!" He Xia Nuan said.

"No need for Xia Nuan!" Fu Haochen hurriedly refused, how could He Xia Nuan come to the company to give him food at will! In case He Xia Nuan became addicted to the delivery, he would come every day to deliver it. This was definitely a terrible thing for Fu Haochen.

But how could Fu Haochen tell He Xia Nuan this? Fu Haochen said softly, "Xia Nuan, you have just been discharged from the hospital, and you are still very weak, so don't run around."

"Hmph, then you come back for dinner." He Xia Nuan said, "You said, is work important or me important!"

He Xia Nuan made an angry tone, and as expected, it worked immediately.

"I'm going back to eat Xia Nuan, I will get off work early tonight, and then I will go back to dine with you, okay? Stop making trouble." Fu Haochen could only follow He Xia Nuan's meaning.

"Well, then I'll wait for you!" He Xia Nuan said, and "tweeted" to the phone before hanging up.

Fu Haochen sighed slightly.

At least Luo Enxi would never ask such things as "Is work important or me important".

Luo Enxi regards Fu Haochen's career as his own, and has always been a wholehearted supporter of Fu Haochen's work.

Fu Haochen occasionally worked overtime, Luo Enxi would also make dinner and wait for him to come back to eat together.

But now it was not Luo Enxi, but He Xia Nuan. Fu Haochen knew that he could not reason with He Xia Nuan, so he had to agree first.

Fu Haochen sighed and started to step up his work, and at the same time called Luo Enxi and told her to go home early for dinner tonight.

As a result, Luo Enxi's original work plan was disrupted, so he had to make a new plan and adjust the time again.

Sometimes, a willful decision will really cause a lot of trouble for others.

But He Xia Nuan was a willful decision, but it was not a willful decision.

Because she called Fu Haochen back tonight to discuss a question with Fu Haochen face to face.

She also wants to work in Fu Haochen's company.

This is the best solution He Xia Nuan came up with.

After she arrived at Fu Haochen's company, there was only one position she could do, and that was Fu Haochen's secretary.

As long as you can become Fu Haochen's secretary, you must be with Fu Haochen every day. In this way, the time Fu Haochen and Luo Enxi spend together will be greatly reduced.

Not only that, once He Xia Nuan enters Fu Haochen's company, under her intentional or unintentional actions or expressions and her vigorous publicity, I believe the employees of the company will soon discover that her and Fu Haochen's relationship is unusual.

He Xia Nuan was right, Fu Haochen would never make repeated bets about her condition and tell her that he and Luo Enxi were married.

The less Fu Haochen said, the better it is for He Xia Nuan now. Maybe Fu Haochen really had to marry her if the boat went smoothly.

At that time, she added more fuel and jealousy, completely ruining Luo Enxi's reputation, and at that time, it would be a kind of pressure on the Fu family.

——Does the Fu family want a wife with such a bad reputation, or not?

He Xia Nuan felt that this was a way to get the best of both worlds and kill two birds with one stone, so she immediately decided that she wanted to bring this matter up to Fu Haochen.

He Xia Nuan felt that Fu Haochen had absolutely no way to refuse due to her condition.

If Fu Haochen refuses at that time, she will find another excuse to pretend to be sick, and Fu Haochen will naturally follow her.

He Xia Nuan had planned, she felt that everything was under her control.

Soon, Fu Haochen and Luo Enxi returned.

At this time, Aunt He has already prepared dinner.

He Xia Nuan took Fu Haochen and Luo Enxi to sit down at the table, and the three of them were eating in a harmonious atmosphere.

Halfway through the meal, Fu Haochen asked, "Xia Nuan, is it lonely to be at home alone?"

Fu Haochen actually only cared about He Xia Nuan, but He Xia Nuan immediately realized that there was something she could use in this sentence, so He Xia Nuan immediately followed Fu Haochen's words and said, "Yes, I am bored at home. Up."

The tone was full of complaints like a little girl, sad and sad, it made people unbearable to listen.

Before Fu Haochen could say anything, He Xia Nuan continued, "Haochen, let me go to work too."

Fu Haochen froze immediately.

How could He Xia Nuan suddenly make such a request?

"Okay, Hao Chen, it's boring to be at home alone. Let me work in the company too." He Xia Nuan said.

Luo Enxi also froze like Fu Haochen for an instant.

When he heard the first sentence of He Xia Nuan, Luo Enxi even thought that he had heard it wrong.

But after hearing the second sentence repeated by He Xia Nuan, Luo Enxi finally determined that he was not a hallucination.

This made Luo Enxi almost tremble.

The company is the last pure land between her and Fu Haochen.

Only in the company can Luo Enxi behave herself in every move, and can speak to Fu Haochen with her own identity and standpoint.

If He Xia Nuan also went to the company...

The consequences could be disastrous.

Luo Enxi just heard He Xia Nuan's suggestion, so he was so shocked that he didn't dare to pant hard, and even became cautious in breathing.

Fu Haochen... won't you agree?

However, according to Fu Haochen's attitude toward He Xia Nuan during this period of time, Luo Enxi's heart is very unfounded.

In case Fu Haochen agreed, Luo Enxi could not imagine where else in this world she could stand and breathe.

What should she do? For an instant, Luo Enxi was already panicking.

Fu Haochen also froze and didn't know how to answer.

In all fairness, he would never let He Xia Nuan go to the company.

If He Xia Nuan goes to the company, not only will it affect the last bit of personal space between him and Luo Enxi, but now everyone knows that Luo Enxi is his wife. What is going on with another He Xia Nuan? It will become the headline of tabloid news again.

These news affect each other, and Luo Enxi will definitely be hit hard, and Luo Enxi's status will also be questioned by the outside world. What's more, the higher the exposure rate of this incident, the more likely He Xia Nuan will know that Luo Enxi and him have been married.

Now Fu Haochen thinks that He Xia Nuan still doesn't know about his marriage to Luo Enxi. Now if He Xia Nuan is allowed to come to the company, it is very likely that someone will hear about it.

Moreover, Luo Enxi has just returned to her original post, and now she is on the cusp of discussion.

The employees in the company were amazed by the fact that the woman who was taken down by the president at that time, in the city, returned to the position of director again.

Now, hundreds of pairs of eyes are staring at Luo Enxi, if he suddenly broke into a He Xia Nuan now, it would definitely cause an uproar.

Therefore, Fu Haochen didn't think much about it, and replied, "No."

"Why!" He Xia Nuan showed a surprised expression. She didn't expect Fu Haochen to reject her directly.

In an instant, countless thoughts flashed through Fu Haochen's mind, some of which were quickly caught by him.

In fact, he can tell He Xia Nuan that he wants to work in the company. Of course, he can go through the proper interview procedures of the personnel department, and then screen them step by step. Finally, the remaining people stay in the company and start from the grassroots.

This is a good excuse, and it will definitely block He Xia Nuan from the company's door.

According to He Xia Nuan's conditions, he would not meet the criteria in the company's assessment standards. He Xia Nuan would be removed if he failed the second round of interviews.

But Fu Haochen was very clear that this reason could not be established.

As the president of the company, he can still decide which part of the company he wants to insert a person in, or find a secretary for himself.

If He Xia Nuan definitely wants to enter, and he does not hesitate to let Fu Haochen use his privileges to enter the company, Fu Haochen has absolutely nothing to do.

This reason cannot allow He Xia Nuan to dispel this idea.

Then, what should he do to let He Xia Nuan dispel this idea?

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