Loving You Is Hurtful

Chapter 170: Chaos

After Mrs. Fu's order, Fu Haochen didn't dare to neglect. He knew very well that if he didn't do this matter well, Mrs. Fu would never remove the people watching him.

Fu Haochen listed a few houses under his name, and then told He Xia Nuan, if there is no one you like, which one you like, you can say at any time. With Fu Haochen's ability, this week’s time is enough. Buy it.

Fu Haochen really wanted to compensate He Xia Nuan. Even if he knew that He Xia Nuan’s lies caused so many conflicts between him and Luo Enxi that could not exist, but because of Xiaoli’s death, Fu Haochen still had no way to go. Resent He Xia Nuan.

Maybe He Xia Nuan moved out, and after that, this matter could be completely over.

Let all this go, Fu Haochen thought to himself, he really couldn't live on such a life.

After He Xia Nuan moved away, his life with Luo Enxi could be on the right track without being affected by anything.

Then their feelings can also calm down. Due to He Xia Nuan’s lies, Fu Haochen misunderstood Luo Enxi. In fact, in recent years, Fu Haochen was not only angry that Luo Enxi killed Xiaoli, but also very angry that Luo Enxi left without saying goodbye.

Otherwise, Fu Haochen would not treat Luo Enxi like a stranger after Luo Enxi returned.

Fu Haochen thought about why Luo Enxi didn't tell him this, and soon figured it out.

Maybe it's just because you don't trust, you will believe her if you don't trust yourself.

If he doesn't believe it then, Luo Enxi's situation will only become more difficult because of the unwarranted charge of "framing He Xia Nuan".

It turned out that Luo Enxi had been wronged so much in order to improve the relationship between them.

In fact, without mentioning improvement, Luo Enxi exhausted all his energy just by maintaining.

So when Luo Enxi woke up early the next morning and realized that what happened last night was not a dream, but He Xia Nuan was really going to move away, he couldn't restrain his happiness at all.

She didn't ask He Xia Nuan to compensate her, just hope that He Xia Nuan would stop disturbing her life.

Let them let each other go, this is the best solution Luo Enxi can think of.

So when Luo Enxi went to work the next day, the whole person seemed beaming. After letting the people around me see her, they couldn't help feeling very good.

Everyone only thought that Fu Haochen had made a new decision and would not want a divorce, which made Luo Enxi very happy.

As everyone knows, Luo Enxi is also happy to be able to live a new life immediately.

Lin Wan, who came to deliver the materials, looked at Luo Enxi's slightly curled lips, and couldn't help asking, "What good thing is so happy, Sister Enxi?"

Luo Enxi was slightly taken aback when asked, and then said: "Is it so obvious?"

"Yes." Luo Enxi's mood improved, and Lin Wan also improved his mood, "Sister Enxi, your lips are about to bend to the sky!"

"How can it be so exaggerated?" Luo Enxi was so teased by Lin Wan that he couldn't help laughing.

Luo Enxi thought for a while. Anyway, He Xia Nuan is about to move out, and her life will be on the right track immediately, and her abdomen has already begun to show up, and it must not last long.

And when she is on maternity leave, many things in the company need Lin Wan's help. No matter who sits in her position temporarily, Lin Wan, as her personal assistant, will definitely provide a lot to the newly appointed director. help.

After thinking about it all together, Luo Enxi simply decided to tell Lin Wan about this.

"But you are right, I do have good news." Luo Enxi smiled, her eyebrows crooked.

Lin Wan only thought that Luo Enxi and Fu Haochen would not get divorced. She was very happy. In fact, when she saw this news, Lin Wan was about to be frightened, so Luo Enxi suddenly said that there was really good news, and Lin Wan couldn’t help but Curious, "What good news, sister Enxi?"

Seeing Lin Wan staring at her expectant eyes, Luo Enxi couldn't help laughing, "Quietly tell you, I'm pregnant."

"Ah!" Luo Enxi said when she told her quietly, Lin Wan couldn't help bending down and getting closer, and now when she heard Luo Enxi said that she was pregnant, she was naturally surprised and happy and straightened back. At the waist, he almost flashed to himself.

"Really! Sister En Xi!" Lin Wan was extremely surprised.

She has been working with Luo Enxi for three years. Since she came to Luo Enxi, she has heard that Fu Haochen and Luo Enxi have a bad relationship, and that Luo Enxi has not had children for so many years. There will be criticism.

And every time he heard other employees talking about her own children, Lin Wan would see Luo Enxi's eyes with an expression of envy that could not be hidden.

So Lin Wan was quite anxious for Luo Enxi. But the relationship between Luo Enxi and Fu Haochen hasn't been getting better for so long, so Lin Wan can only be anxious.

And now, when Luo Enxi suddenly told her that she was pregnant, Lin Wan was naturally surprised.

"Great, sister Enxi! When did it happen!" Seeing Luo Enxi nodded, Lin Wan smiled happily.

"It's been four months, sorry, because of something a while ago, I haven't told you about it." Luo Enxi said.

"What is there to apologize for!" Lin Wan said immediately. Luo Enxi was able to tell her about this in person instead of letting her know the news from the news media reports. Lin Wan already felt that Luo Enxi was very Treat her as a friend.

"But Sister Enxi, how can you still do so much work when you are pregnant? You said that if there is anything I can do, let me do it, and I can learn anything that I can't!" Lin Wan said .

Lin Wan really cares about Luo Enxi, which makes Luo Enxi's heart a warm current. Luo Enxi smiled and said, "It's okay, I can still do it now. But then I will go on maternity leave. It's up to you to support the market!

When Luo Enxi said this, she suddenly felt that if she was on vacation, it would be nice to let Lin Wan take her position temporarily. After all, Lin Wan knew a lot and worked carefully. Luo Enxi believed that Lin Wan There is absolutely no problem replacing her for a while.

"It's all I should do, Sister Enxi!" Lin Wan smiled, "Then you have to come back as soon as you finished your vacation. The last time you changed directors caused everyone to be mentally overshadowed, and now I haven't seen you for a day. I was panicked!"

"Haha, you will make me happy!" Luo Enxi said.

After Luo Enxi signed the documents Lin Wan brought, Lin Wan went to various departments with the documents.

But after Lin Wan left, Luo Enxi's lips still couldn't hold back. She dreamed of a beautiful tomorrow in her heart.

But the reality is always like this, the greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment.

Luo Enxi fell countless times, but still couldn't help but want to fantasize.

This is so beautiful, Luo Enxi can't help but yearn for it.

But obviously, He Xia Nuan doesn't think this is a very desirable thing.

In fact, she thought all this was terrible.

She had never imagined that she had come to this step today.

But there is no way. This is already the case, He Xia Nuan can only accept it, and then think of another way.

Now Fu Haochen and He Xia Nuan have explained everything, so when he gets along with Luo Enxi, he naturally doesn't have to hide.

Therefore, during dinner, Fu Haochen started to pick Luo Enxi with an open mind, and the communication between the two people also increased.

He Xia Nuan almost broke a bit of silver teeth during a meal. This is clearly the treatment she deserves!

The expression in Fu Haochen's eyes looking at Luo Enxi no longer concealed, but was unabashedly gentle.

This makes He Xia Nuan even more uncomfortable in his eyes.

"Xia Nuan, have you chosen the house?" Fu Haochen said to He Xia Nuan during the meal.

Luo Enxi looked at the obviously unhappy look on He Xia Nuan's face, and couldn't help feeling that He Xia Nuan was really heartbroken.

If she encountered this situation and was so obviously rejected, she would be so shy that she would move out immediately, and would never stay to endure such a life again.

But He Xia Nuan not only stayed, but even had dinner with them.

Isn't this boring?

What's more, when He Xia Nuan was sitting here, Luo Enxi not only didn't have the feeling of venting, but felt a little unnaturally embarrassed.

It seems that He Xia Nuan is really passionate about Fu Haochen.

What Luo Enxi didn't know was that He Xia Nuan was actually a silent demonstration.

Even if she is uncomfortable, she still has to sit here. She will tell Luo Enxi in this way that she has not given up.

Don't think that you can defeat her in this way! At that time, Luo Enxi had lost the child. It's hard to say who the winner is!

But after eating a meal, He Xia Nuan discovered that she really couldn't stand the silent intimacy between Fu Haochen and Luo Enxi.

Forget it, hurry up, really can’t wait for a day...

The next day, Fu Haochen and Luo Enxi went to work together as usual.

When they left, the two no longer had to be so cautious, Fu Haochen even took Luo Enxi's hand directly.

So natural, not abrupt at all, as if it had been rehearsed thousands of times.

Before leaving the house, Fu Haochen told Aunt He that Luo Enxi wanted to eat the saint female fruit and asked Aunt He to prepare. Of course, Aunt He didn't dare to neglect and agreed.

He Xia Nuan's eyes darkened, so let's do it tonight.

This is a great opportunity, isn't it?

Since Luo Enxi wanted to eat, Fu Haochen would never stop eating, right?

Luo Enxi, you are unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous...

In the evening, pinching the point where Fu Haochen and Luo Enxi were about to get off work, He Xia Nuan held a small packet of powder and walked to the cherry tomatoes that Aunt He had just washed and placed on the coffee table in the living room.

He Xia Nuan gently opened the powder, and evenly sprinkled the white powder in the saint's fruit plate.

There are still obvious water marks on the freshly washed fruit. The powder will melt when it meets with water, and soon there will be no difference.

He Xia Nuan sneered, and Luo Enxi was already holding his stomach in pain.

He must be very desperate, feeling that his child is gradually silent.

Old lady Fu and Luo Enxi forced her to go to the moment when her own child was killed by her own hands. Did you think that she would have today?

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