Loving You Is Hurtful

Chapter 180: When you encounter love, take the initiative

Luo Enxi looked at Xia Xiaoxi's tangled look and couldn't help but laugh.

"It's okay if you confess," Luo Enxi said, "Isn't it all right when I propose to let Lin Yu come?"

"Wow! You think farther than me!" Xia Xiaoxi heard Luo Enxi's words and immediately yelled, her face flushed with blood dripping.

She really didn’t think about it, or she could only imagine that she would wear a white wedding dress one day, and the person standing next to her was in a formal dress, holding a bouquet for her. Lin Yu.

Lin Yu is indeed the person Xia Xiaoxi wants to spend her life together.

But now, whether Lin Yu will agree to be his boyfriend is still undecided, Xia Xiaoxi dare not think much.

Unexpectedly, Luo Enxi thought farther than her.

"Isn't this something that naturally comes to mind after two people are together?" Luo Enxi laughed. "Dating for the purpose of not getting married is a hooliganism, which is said on the Internet."

"Just you know a lot!" Xia Xiaoxi turned into anger, the high heat on her face lingering, "Then why didn't you go and confess to Fu Haochen first!"

Luo Enxi was stunned for a moment, and then his thoughts drifted back to high school for an instant, back to that young age.

At that time, she had never experienced feelings, and Fu Haochen was the first person she liked.

She was so green that she was like a fruit that hadn't matured yet. When Fu Haochen saw it, she would blush slightly, let alone take the initiative to confess.

But in the days to come, Luo Enxi always thought, if she was more active then, would she and Fu Haochen not miss it for so many years?

For so many years.

It's been too long, too long, so long that Luo Enxi now dare not even examine her own heart.

She couldn't even see exactly what kind of feelings she had for Fu Haochen.

Is it true or in love, or is it just regret and persistence that have never been obtained?

Even if the relationship eases, their feelings are still precious and fragile.

They can't even trust each other now.

If she had already told Fu Haochen when she found out what she wanted, would they have been together forever and wouldn't have so many twists and turns?

But if after all, there is no regret medicine in the world, Luo Enxi can only think about it.

But now Xia Xiaoxi is different, her emotional road has not yet begun, and there are still many opportunities to grasp.

Xia Xiaoxi is Luo Enxi’s best friend. Luo Enxi can’t bear to watch her take so many detours like herself, so she hopes that she can listen to her opinions, put down some body shapes, and be more active, maybe Get some different effects.

"I couldn't recognize my feelings at the time." Luo Enxi smiled with emotion like falling into memories, and then said, "I'm not sure if I really like Haochen and want to be his girlfriend. ."

"And I still lack courage." Luo Enxi said, sighing, "but you are different from me, Xiao Xi, you are pretty sure you like Lin Yu, don't you?"

"Of course!" Xia Xiaoxi said immediately, "I won't be as stupid as you."

A fool like you, led by Fu Haochen, walked so many wronged roads and suffered so many wrongs, but in the end stood alone in Iguazu.

"You have also seen how Haochen and I came here for so many years." Luo Enxi looked at Xia Xiaoxi seriously, "You definitely don't want yourself and Lin Yu to do the same, do you?"

"Of course!" Xia Xiaoxi said, and then imagined getting along with Lin Yu in the way Luo Enxi and Fu Haochen get along, and she was startled in a cold sweat.

"En Xi, are you cursing me..." Xia Xiaoxi always said something, and she shivered after she said it.

Luo Enxi couldn't laugh or cry, but she felt bitter in her heart.

It turns out that the relationship between herself and Fu Haochen has been so bad in recent years that Xia Xiaoxi was afraid to be like this just thinking about it?

She hasn't felt it herself.

Luo Enxi has been thinking about improving the relationship with Fu Haochen all these years, looking forward to it every day, and working hard.

Her goal was so clear that she ignored some other things, some pain, and some injuries.

Luo Enxi remembered a sentence once written by an author in the book: Enduring is the least necessary thing. As long as you make sure that you are moving forward, all endurance is unnecessary. Just keep going forward.

Her goal in the past was to improve her relationship with Fu Haochen, but now she found that whether the relationship could be improved, Fu Haochen had the final say.

As long as Fu Haochen wants to ease the relationship with her, then Fu Haochen will quickly draw their relationship closer.

But if Fu Haochen is unwilling, then if she goes further, Fu Haochen will take ten steps back.

A snail climbs another rope, the snail climbs ten centimeters a day, and the rope stretches one meter a day.

So, can the snail climb to the end of this rope?

Their relationship has always been Fu Haochen's absolute dominance.

And she is just a participant in this relationship. Sometimes, when Fu Haochen is happy, he will give her a "Friendly Participation Award".

Luo Enxi sighed softly.

At this moment, Xia Xiaoxi suddenly slapped her thigh and said loudly, "I have decided!"

Luo Enxi was taken aback by her, "What are you doing, keep your voice down."

Everyone in the cafe is watching their direction.

Xia Xiaoxi also immediately noticed her gaffe. She stuck out her tongue and lowered her voice, but the eagerness in her eyes did not drop at all. She said with some excitement: "I have thought about it. I will prepare for it. Confess to Lin Yu!"

Xia Xiaoxi had just listened to Luo Enxi's words and really thought about it.

When Luo Enxi thought about her and Fu Haochen again, Xia Xiaoxi was also thinking about Lin Yu.

Lin Yu has always been very good to her, and there is no He Xia Nuan between them.

But who knows when these little ones will appear!

Thinking this way, Xia Xiaoxi couldn't help but shudder.

She knew very well that she definitely did not have the perseverance of Luo Enxi, and could still be so determined by Fu Haochen's cold treatment for so many years.

If it were her, she would have given up long ago. Xia Xiaoxi thought.

Therefore, she can't give such a thing a chance! She wants to eliminate this possibility!

She likes Lin Yu, why can't she be with Lin Yu?

Decided! Prepare tomorrow, and confess the day after tomorrow!

Xia Xiaoxi has always been a person who will do whatever he thinks of. Now that he has decided, he immediately put his mind on how to do it.

When Luo Enxi heard Xia Xiaoxi's decision, he was also happy for her.

Luo Enxi felt that Xia Xiaoxi should have done this long ago.

Don't waste time unnecessarily on emotions and end up unhappy at that time.

"En Xi, you must come by then!" Xia Xiaoxi suddenly grabbed Luo Enxi's hand and looked at her pitifully.

"Me?" Luo Enxi was startled, "What shall I do?"

"I will definitely be very nervous! Only if you cheer for me!" Xia Xiaoxi said of course, "En Xi, just come, or I will be embarrassed!"

"But..." Luo Enxi still hesitated. If she went there, would she disturb Xia Xiaoxi and Lin Yu?

"It's nothing!" Xia Xiaoxi said firmly, "If he disagrees then, you will beat him up with me! You are a pregnant woman, so he will not dare to do anything to you!"

Luo Enxi let out a "pouch" laugh.

Xia Xiaoxi's statement has reached her.

In fact, from Luo Enxi's point of view, Xia Xiaoxi was too worried.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Lin Yu likes Xia Xiaoxi, there is nothing to question.

But maybe it's because the brothers and sisters have been doing it for a long time, so there is a choice that is difficult to judge, or difficult to make another step.

But Luo Enxi believed that as long as Xia Xiaoxi took the initiative, Lin Yu would definitely not refuse her favor.

Together, these two people will be happy. Luo Enxi thought with satisfaction and envy.

"Well, I'll accompany you." Luo Enxi said.

Luo Enxi could understand Xia Xiaoxi's nervousness. After all, this was the first time Xia Xiaoxi confessed to someone in her life in more than 20 years.

"En Xi, you are so kind!" The expression on Xia Xiaoxi's face was full of happiness. If it weren't for the table, almost everyone wanted to rush to hug Luo Enxi.

Luo Enxi looked at Xia Xiaoxi's red smile and the obvious smile in her eyes, and couldn't help but laugh.

She seemed to have seen Xia Xiaoxi's happy future.

How enviable it is to live a life happily with my first love.

Can she and Fu Haochen do the same?

Luo Enxi couldn't help thinking about the warmth of the two recently.

But after thinking about it, Luo Enxi didn't dare to think deeply.

She was scared. If the relationship between the two is not what she imagined, if she misunderstands Fu Haochen's kindness to her, then it will be really impossible to end.

Luo Enxi didn't know how many more blows her heart could endure.

So Luo Enxi told herself, don't expect it.

Without hope, naturally you will not feel disappointed.

As for Fu Haochen, recently he also obviously felt a slight blockage in the development of his relationship with Luo Enxi.

This made Fu Haochen a little surprised, and at the same time a little unhappy in his heart.

Luo Enxi has always been chasing his footsteps, but now he wants to get close to Luo Enxi, but is hindered?

Under the discomfort and surprise, Fu Haochen felt another trace of fear in his heart.

The scene where Luo Enxi filed for divorce at the time, Fu Haochen still vividly remembers.

At this moment, Fu Haochen was a little uncertain about Luo Enxi's feelings for him.

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