Loving You Is Hurtful

Chapter 184: accident

Fu Haochen frowned immediately.

The atmosphere was just right, but was interrupted by this short-eyed call, which made Fu Haochen extremely upset.

He didn't want to worry about the constantly ringing phone, but stepped forward and pressed Luo Enxi's shoulder, wanting to continue the kiss.

Luo Enxi blushed in embarrassment. She turned her head slightly to avoid the kiss.

This made Fu Haochen even more unhappy.

So Fu Haochen quickly put a kiss on Luo Enxi’s lips, and then turned around and took Luo Enxi’s phone on the table. He wanted to see who did not give him face so much and insisted on giving Luo Enxi this time. Call.

Looking at the caller ID on the screen, Fu Haochen raised his eyebrows immediately.

It's Xia Xiaoxi.

This Xia Xiaoxi always came to do bad things about him. Fu Haochen was a little annoyed and wanted to hang up the phone, but out of the corner of his eye, he saw Luo Enxi looking at him eagerly, hoping that he could give her the phone.

Fu Haochen's anger disappeared, and then he handed the phone to Luo Enxi.

Anyway, Xia Xiaoxi is also Luo Enxi's friend. If he just hangs up the phone like this, Luo Enxi will definitely be unhappy, right?

Forget it, Fu Haochen told herself, after all, Xia Xiaoxi had always sincerely cared about Luo Enxi, so it didn't matter.

But when I was being warm, I was interrupted. It was really uncomfortable.

Fu Haochen gritted his teeth and watched Luo Enxi answer the phone, as if he couldn't wait to eat Xia Xiaoxi on the other side of the phone.

When Luo Enxi saw Fu Haochen's face, he naturally knew that Fu Haochen was in a bad mood.

Luo Enxi blushed slightly. Such Fu Haochen was not common to her.

In fact, she also cherishes this intimate time, but she can hear it when the phone rang. This is the special ringtone she set for Xia Xiaoxi.

So when the phone rang, Luo Enxi knew that the caller was Xia Xiaoxi.

For others, Luo Enxi might just let the phone ring, but Xia Xiaoxi didn't want to miss it.

Not only because Xia Xiaoxi is her best friend, but also because Xia Xiaoxi is now planning a "big event."

Thinking of Xia Xiaoxi's serious preparation, Luo Enxi couldn't help but smile from the bottom of his heart.

If Xia Xiaoxi needs her help in any way, she naturally can't delay.

So Luo Enxi quickly picked up the phone.

"Hey, Xiaoxi, what's the matter?" Luo Enxi asked with a smile in her voice.

Fu Haochen also calmed down at this time, wanting to hear what Xia Xiaoxi was doing to bother them, and then decide whether to show Xia Xiaoxi a good face when we meet next time.

However, to the surprise of Luo Enxi and Fu Haochen, the call was actually a male voice.

"En Xi, it's me."

Luo Enxi's phone sound was not small. In the quiet home, Fu Haochen beside Luo Enxi also heard the voice on the phone.

Luo Enxi and Fu Haochen looked at each other, their eyes filled with surprise.

It's Lin Yu.

Why did Lin Yu use Xia Xiaoxi's phone to contact her?

Luo Enxi immediately felt that something was wrong.

"Lin Yu? What's the matter?" Luo Enxi asked immediately, "Why do you use Xiaoxi's cell phone to call me? Where is Xiaoxi?"

Fu Haochen didn’t know, but Luo Enxi knew very well that Xia Xiaoxi was going to buy new clothes for her confession tonight. At this time, Xia Xiaoxi would never let Lin Yu accompany him. Maybe even to maintain mystery, Xia Xiaoxi didn’t. Will meet Lin Yu in advance.

But what is going on now?

Luo Enxi didn't know that it was precisely this kind of "secret work" that caused this tragedy.

"En Xi, Xiao Xi now has a knife wound and is in the city hospital." Lin Yu's voice was trembling clearly.

"What!" Luo Enxi, who had been sitting, immediately stood up from the chair, shocking Fu Haochen.

Fu Haochen immediately held Luo Enxi's shoulders to prevent her from getting too excited, and then took the phone in Luo Enxi's hand, "Lin Yu, it's me."

"Haochen, Xiao Xi is in the hospital now, I..." Lin Yu's voice was obviously scared.

Fu Haochen understood this mentality, just like the last time Luo Enxi was injured to save her, Fu Haochen's heart was also completely impossible to calm down.

"Don't worry." Fu Haochen said calmly, just like Lin Yu comforted him back then, "I'll be there right away."

After speaking, Fu Haochen hung up the phone and immediately went to get his coat.

Luo Enxi also followed immediately.

"What are you doing?" Fu Haochen looked at Luo Enxi, his eyes full of surprise.

"Go to the hospital! What else can I do?" Luo Enxi was surprised in her voice, saying that she had put on her thin coat.

There was still a bit of chill in the early summer night, Luo Enxi didn't dare to be careless, and carefully zipped up the coat.

Fu Haochen grabbed her arm at this moment.

"I can go." Fu Haochen said anxiously, "It's so late, so don't go out anymore."

"How is it possible! That is Xia Xiaoxi, my best friend!"

Luo Enxi looked at Fu Haochen, her eyes filled with disbelief.

How could she not go, how could she sit at home!

Just from Lin Yu's tone, I can tell that Xia Xiaoxi's situation is definitely not optimistic.

Luo Enxi's heart is now full of fear, she doesn't know why Xia Xiaoxi encountered such a thing.

God, God, Xia Xiaoxi is such a good girl, there must be nothing wrong!

Luo Enxi now can't wait to give birth to wings and fly directly to the hospital.

Looking at the anxiety on Luo Enxi's face, Fu Haochen felt a little complicated.

In fact, he can understand Luo Enxi's feelings, and think about it from Luo Enxi's standpoint. If it is Lin Yu who is in trouble now, Fu Haochen guesses that he will definitely be anxious.

So Fu Haochen sighed, and finally did not stop Luo Enxi again, but grabbed Luo Enxi’s hand, and led Luo Enxi to the garage at a faster speed that would not burden Luo Enxi’s body. go with.

Fu Haochen drove the car fast.

Luo Enxi was restless in the passenger seat, and her heart was about to bleed.

Of course Fu Haochen could see Luo Enxi's anxiety, so he stretched out a hand and grabbed Luo Enxi's hand.

Fu Haochen's hands were big and warm, and when he tightly held Luo Enxi's cold sweaty hands from fear, Luo Enxi felt a sense of security from the heart.

The anxiety in Luo Enxi's heart was smoothed a little bit, and finally no sweat on her forehead.

Luo Enxi quietly looked at Fu Haochen's profile, and found a trace of comfort in it.

When she was in a hurry, Fu Haochen was by her side.

This thought calmed Luo Enxi's heart completely.

Although I was still very worried, the feeling of scorching fire was no longer there.

Xiao Xi will be fine. Luo Enxi said to herself in her heart.

"I'm fine, thank you, Haochen." Luo Enxi pulled a faint smile at Fu Haochen, "Drive well."

Hearing this, Fu Haochen shook Luo Enxi's hand again, then let go, and once again increased the speed on the city road where there were not many cars at night.

Xia Xiaoxi, you must be fine.

Fu Haochen thought silently in her heart, although Xia Xiaoxi was very displeased by her search, but Xia Xiaoxi was a very simple girl, and he could see this at a glance.

Luo Enxi regarded Xia Xiaoxi as a friend, so why is Xia Xiaoxi treating Luo Enxi sincerely?

What's more, Xia Xiaoxi also played a huge role in promoting him and Luo Enxi together.

In this respect, Fu Haochen is still grateful to Xia Xiaoxi.

Without Xia Xiaoxi's questioning, he might not have seen his heart so quickly, or started cherishing Luo Enxi so quickly.

There may be many detours between them.

But both of them can't wait any longer, no matter how they don't cherish it, the consumables like feelings will be completely consumed.

What's more, Xia Xiaoxi is a person Lin Yu likes.

Although Lin Yu hadn't told him directly, Fu Haochen could clearly see it.

The way Lin Yu likes a person is to be kind to that person desperately.

However, Lin Yu always thought that Xia Xiaoxi had feelings for him to her brother, so she kept her distance, but she felt very difficult in her heart.

Originally, Fu Haochen planned to find an opportunity to persuade Lin Yu to confess earlier, but it was not Fu Haochen's character to take care of this kind of thing, so this matter was delayed until it happened.

Fu Haochen couldn't help but secretly blame himself.

I hope Xia Xiaoxi will get better.

Otherwise, Lin Yu, who didn't tell her feelings, might suffer for a lifetime.


Although Fu Haochen is a person who always has feelings for himself, he is still very accurate.

Now Lin Yu is standing outside the operating room, neither standing nor sitting, and the whole person is in unspeakable anxiety.

Xia Xiaoxi was in the operating room separated by a wall.

It is the separation of this wall, how many stories about the separation of man and nature have been produced.

Lin Yu was frightened by his thoughts, and shook his head quickly, throwing out the thoughts that could not help but float in his mind.

What are you thinking about Lin Yu! Lin Yu spit on herself fiercely in her heart, Xia Xiaoxifu is dead, and she will be fine.

It will be fine...

Lin Yu looked at the operating lamp on, and countless fragments flashed in his heart.

When he first met Xia Xiaoxi, he recognized Xia Xiaoxi as his sister. Since then, his life has changed from one person to two people.

Xia Xiaoxi was bulging, Xia Xiaoxi was smiling happily, Xia Xiaoxi whose mouth was filled with oil, and Xia Xiaoxi who woke up in the morning to meet Nikko's blindfolded eyes...

When Lin Yu suddenly returned to his senses, he realized that his life was already full of Xia Xiaoxi.

It turns out that the bond between them is so deep.

It turns out that I...like her so much.

But he hasn't even had a chance to tell Xia Xiaoxi this feeling.

Lin Yu tightly held the phone of Xia Xiaoxi, who had just called Luo Enxi.

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