Loving You Is Hurtful

Chapter 191: Secrets and conspiracies

"Why are you!" He Xia Nuan saw the scar on the corner of the person's eye, and almost instantly remembered who this person was, and his voice immediately became sharp.

"What's wrong, was it surprising to see me again?" Song Kai smiled.

"Didn't you go to City B!" He Xia Nuan looked at Song Kai in shock. She didn't expect to see Song Kai again.

"Don't be so unfeeling, miss, don't you ask me to go in and sit?" Song Kai said politely, but he was not polite at all, and quickly stepped into the room.

He Xia Nuan was not in a hurry to stop, and when he recovered, Song Kai had already closed the door.

"Why did you suddenly come to me again? Didn't we know everything about that year?" He Xia Nuan calmed herself down, and she began to wonder if Song Kai suddenly appeared in front of her, and whether there was any conspiracy.

"Yes, and the price of the year made me very satisfied." Song Kai smiled, as if remembering a particularly pleasant memory.

He Xia Nuan frowned slightly, what happened now?

"Are you short of money again?" He Xia Nuan said.

"Miss He is worrying a lot, besides, even if I really lack money, it is impossible to come to you for it." Song Kai said, squinting slightly.

"Then you come to me, what do you mean!" He Xia Nuan couldn't stretch herself.

The appearance of Song Kai reminded her of many past events, and He Xia Nuan was a little afraid that these past events would be known by others.

"I just came to see you and see if you have forgotten me." Song Kai smiled, "Now it seems that Miss He remembers everything clearly, so I can rest assured."

Song Kai's words shocked He Xia Nuan's heart, as expected, there was still something wrong!

"What do you want to say, don't make detours with me, just say it!" He Xia Nuan became a little impatient.

Song Kai's sudden appearance caused an uproar for everything she had planned.

Song Kai knew one of her secrets, but He Xia Nuan absolutely didn't want anyone else to know this secret.

"It's nothing, Miss He, you are worrying too much." Song Kai said lightly, "I just hope that when I have difficulties in the future, I can have one more'friend' who can help me."

He Xia Nuan immediately erected some hairs.

"Are you threatening me!" He Xia Nuan said.

"Of course, I don't mind talking about that." Song Kai said indifferently.

"No way!"

He Xia Nuan heard Song Kai say this, and immediately panicked for another moment. Although she concealed it quickly, Song Kai still caught the moment.

"So, we still have to help each other." Song Kai narrowed his eyes and said in conclusion.

"That's what I said, but if you go out and talk about it, who will believe you?" He Xia Nuan said immediately after rationalizing his thoughts.

She wanted to find more ways for herself, and she couldn't just be taken by Song Kai.

"Since I dare to say this sentence, there is naturally evidence." Song Kai looked at He Xia Nuan and smiled.

He has always been a very strict person. Although he is unruly, he will leave a way for himself in everything, so the police have not been able to catch him for so many years.

A panic flashed in He Xia Nuan's eyes, and this panic still failed to escape Song Kai's eyes.

He Xia Nuan bit her lip unwillingly, but in her heart she was really afraid that Song Kai would tell the matter thoroughly. Although she didn't know what the evidence Song Kai said was true or false, she would rather believe it. Nothing, He Xia Nuan could not allow any mistakes in this matter.

If this thing really shakes out, she must go to jail.

So even if He Xia Nuan was unwilling, she had to bow her head, "What do you want me to do."

"It's nothing right now." Song Kai said, "Didn't I say that, make a'friend'. If you have any difficulties in the future, you must support each other."

As Song Kai said, he smiled at He Xia Nuan, then opened the door and walked out without stopping any longer.

Knowing that the door was completely closed, He Xia Nuan completely fell to the ground like a collapse.

Her cold sweat has wetted her clothes.

Song Kai's arrival was too sudden, she didn't have any mental preparation.

He Xia Nuan was panicking now, just like when Aunt He found out that she secretly administered Luo Enxi medicine, He Xia Nuan didn't expect Song Kai to come back again.

He even knew where he lived!

At that moment, He Xia Nuan almost panicked and wanted to move out immediately, but she knew that this was definitely not possible when she just stood up.

He Xia Nuan took a few deep breaths, desperately to calm herself down.

She began to sort out the matter.

Now that Song Kai dared to threaten her with this matter, it means that no one else has known about this matter yet.

This recognition made He Xia Nuan slightly relieved.

It also allowed her to think more calmly.

Song Kai suddenly came to see her today, for what?

He Xia Nuan discovered that in the conversation just now, until the end, Song Kai did not mention what he wanted to do.

This is called not afraid of thieves stealing, just afraid of thieves thinking. He Xia Nuan is very scared now, because she doesn't even know what Song Kai wants.

But when things came to the present, she couldn't always chase out and ask, so she had to do this first.

He Xia Nuan thought, and resentment suddenly grew in her heart.

Her plan was about to succeed.

But suddenly there was another factor of uncertainty like Song Kai.

I don't know what effect Song Kai will have on her plan this time. The feeling that this kind of thing is not in my control is really bad. He Xia Nuan hates this feeling very much.

But she really has no choice. Song Kai is an X. She has no way to convert Song Kai into a known quantity.

It is undoubtedly very painful to always bring X to solve problems.

But because X is an unknown quantity, it can be temporarily put down and not studied.

He Xia Nuan thought calmly, since she didn't know what Song Kai's purpose was, she couldn't let Song Kai disrupt her plan.

However, her plan may have to be advanced.

He Xia Nuan squinted her eyes, because the more dragged, the more disturbed He Xia Nuan's heart became.

This time, Luo Enxi's child must die, and He Xia Nuan will never allow herself to fail again.

Luo Enxi, both are Luo Enxi. Wanting Luo Enxi to come, He Xia Nuan's eyes ignited raging anger again.

If it weren't for Luo Enxi, he wouldn't have been doing this step by step, and even put on Song Kai's difficult factor.

For this feeling of muddy water, He Xia Nuan blamed Luo Enxi completely, but she forgot that she had chosen to follow this path.

Luo Enxi, Luo Enxi. He Xia Nuan gritted his teeth, I must show you good looks!

He Xia Nuan thought in her heart, already picked up the phone in her hand and dialed out.

The contact displayed on the phone is "Luo Beichen".

The phone was quickly answered.

"Beichen, are you free today?" He Xia Nuan said softly, and Luo Beichen's heart was almost broken.

"I'm free! Of course I'm free!" Luo Beichen returned immediately.

In fact, it will be Su Meilan’s birthday in a few days, and Luo Xirou originally invited him to pick up a birthday present for Su Meilan today.

As long as He Xia Nuan has something to do, then whether he is free or not, he is free.

As long as He Xia Nuan finds him, Luo Beichen will immediately forget everything else.

"That's great." He Xia Nuan said in a happy voice, "Then can we have dinner together tonight?"

"Yes, of course. Where is it?" When Luo Beichen heard that He Xia Nuan took the initiative to ask him to eat, of course he was not happy, so he immediately agreed.

Luo Beichen has always liked He Xia Nuan, but He Xia Nuan has always been cold to him, which makes Luo Beichen very sad.

He didn't understand how he was better than Fu Haochen.

But recently, He Xia Nuan's contact with him has obviously increased. Luo Beichen felt that this was He Xia Nuan's change of heart.

Here comes my own opportunity.

Luo Beichen thought so, of course he had to take good care of it.

"Just the one we ate last time, I like it very much," He Xia Nuan said.

In fact, she just wanted to find Luo Beichen to help her with things, and it didn't matter where she ate.

"Okay, okay." Luo Beichen replied happily.

He chose the restaurant last time. Does this mean that He Xia Nuan also appreciates her taste?

Luo Beichen felt that he was a little floating.

The two people hung up, and He Xia Nuan began to prepare to go out.

In fact, since moving out of Fu Haochen's house, He Xia Nuan has been in frequent contact with Luo Beichen.

Luo Beichen is an essential part of He Xia Nuan's new plan.

Luo Beichen is Luo Enxi's elder brother anyway, so no matter what Luo Beichen does, Luo Enxi will not be too suspicious.

In this case, it is very beneficial to He Xia Nuan's plan.

So He Xia Nuan began to frequent Yoluo Beichen. At the beginning, he complained to Luo Beichen and told Luo Beichen how much he liked Fu Haochen, but Luo Enxi ruined everything.

"Originally, Haochen and I were getting married, but, but En Xi suddenly came back and forced to separate Haochen and me. I was really, really sad..."

He Xia Nuan said, tears fell.

Of course Luo Beichen knew about this. He also knew that He Xia Nuan had been hospitalized in mental illness for many years because of this incident. Now that He Xia Nuan said it personally, and the crying pear flower brought rain, Luo Beichen certainly couldn't bear it, and his dislike for Luo Enxi was even higher.

What He Xia Nuan wanted was this kind of result. She wanted Luo Beichen to hate Luo Enxi so that she would do what she said.

Later, He Xia Nuan began to show favor to Luo Beichen intentionally or unintentionally. Luo Beichen was itchy in his heart, and he was naturally more concerned about He Xia Nuan, almost obedient. He Xia Nuan said one, Luo Beichen never said it. two.

He Xia Nuan has always been satisfied with these developments.

She looked at herself in the mirror and put on bright lipstick.

And now, it’s time to close the net for everything that I did.

How big fish will you catch? He Xia Nuan is looking forward to it.

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