Loving You Is Hurtful

Chapter 204: Luo Enxi in Fu Yucheng's Eyes

After the meeting, Luo Enxi sent all the shareholders out of the meeting room, still feeling a little absent in his mind.

She had just been completely immersed in the content she wanted to tell, and it could be said that she had performed supernormally. She felt that she did better than she thought.

But no one made any comment on this, so Luo Enxi still has no bottom in her heart.

But judging from the faces of the shareholders when they left, there should be no problem, right? In the question session just now, the shareholders did not specifically target her, and Luo Enxi also took down all the amendments proposed by the shareholders just now.

I have to say that such a meeting is really necessary. Many of the opinions put forward by shareholders are very constructive and will be very helpful to their revision work this week.

I wonder how I did this time? Luo Enxi felt a little nervous. When she was reminiscing about what she had just done, Mrs. Fu patted her on the shoulder from behind.

"Grandma." Luo Enxi recovered and turned around to support the old lady Fu.

Old lady Fu looked at Luo Enxi with a smile, her eyes full of appreciation.

Luo Enxi asked anxiously, "Grandma, how did I behave just now?"

The worried expression in her eyes stung Old Lady Fu's eyes. Old Lady Fu looked at Luo Enxi, thinking that this expression really didn't suit her.

Luo Enxi should be a confident and bright girl, but her experience over the years has turned her into such a cautious character, which made Old Lady Fu a little sad.

I hope that in the following life and work, Luo Enxi can regain his previous confidence.

"You performed well, En Xi." Old lady Fu said with a smile, and took Luo Enxi's hand and patted, "The guys must have been fascinated by your wonderful speech."

The old lady Fu said all the truth, although she also wanted to praise Luo Enxi, but she had to say that Luo Enxi's performance was really wonderful.

It was a perfect report, and people couldn't fault it.

"Really!" Luo Enxi's eyes flashed when he heard the words of the old lady Fu, "Grandma, are you true!"

Seeing Luo Enxi as happy as a primary school student being praised, Mrs. Fu couldn't help smiling.

"You have always been excellent, Enxi." Old lady Fu said lovingly at Luo Enxi, "You have to be more confident and believe in yourself, whether in work or in life."

"Well, I see, grandma." Luo Enxi's face was a little red, she knew that Mrs. Fu was turning around and reminding herself that she was not as confident as before.

She was really not confident enough these time, Luo Enxi reflected on herself in her heart, she should be more confident and be the best herself.

This experience has taught Luo Enxi a lot. She has learned a lot of skills and gained confidence.

Every experience in life is very educational and should be valued.

Mrs. Fu looked at Luo Enxi with satisfaction, and then nodded and said, “This time you successfully passed the review by the shareholders. There should be no problem with this cooperation plan.”

"That's really... great!" Luo Enxi suppressed the surprise in her heart, so that she would not be too gaffe.

The efforts of so many people in the company have finally been recognized. With the rewards, how can Luo Enxi be unhappy?

"Well, you successfully completed the task this time, leave it to Haochen for the rest of the matter." Mrs. Fu said.

One week later, there was a meeting with Smith Company, and then Fu Haochen had to go out in person.

"Well, I will take good care of Haochen and let Haochen get better as soon as possible." Luo Enxi nodded.

It is certainly not accidental that Fu Haochen fell at such an important point. Only by ensuring Fu Haochen's safety can this cooperation proceed smoothly.

Get well soon. Luo Enxi thought in her heart that the company can't do without you.

Old lady Fu was very satisfied with Luo Enxi's attitude, but still said, "You still have to pay more attention to your body. Now Haochen's body is important, but you must also pay attention."

"I see, grandma." Luo Enxi smiled and accepted the kindness of Mrs. Fu.

"Okay, go back with me." Mrs. Fu took Luo Enxi's hand and walked towards the elevator, "You have been busy all day and night. Go to my place to rest and have dinner together."

"Grandma." Luo Enxi helped the old lady Fu walk forward, but refused to say, "I will not go today, I have to go back to the hospital to accompany Haochen."

"How old are you, what else to accompany, come back with me and rest first." Old lady Fu said.

"Grandma..." Luo Enxi was speechless and could only say, "Last time I was injured, Hao Chen had been with me."

Old Mrs. Fu gave Luo Enxi a somewhat satisfied look, and then continued: "It's okay, you go to my place first, bring Haochen some food in the evening, and let Yucheng send you there."

Luo Enxi heard that this was not bad, so he agreed.

She also wanted to cook something for Fu Haochen herself. She always felt that Fu Haochen would be unhappy if she only ate hospital food.

If possible, it is best to eat your own meal.

Luo Enxi thought, and followed the old lady Fu into the car.

Mrs. Fu was also in a good mood today, and she laughed all the way.

The car arrived home very quickly. Just after getting off the car, Luo Enxi saw that Fu Yucheng had packed his things and was about to leave.

"Where to go?" Luo Enxi was still thinking, and the old lady Fu asked Fu Yucheng.

"Grandma, you are back." Fu Yucheng saw that Mrs. Fu was back, greeted him, and soon saw Luo Enxi.

"En Xi is also here." Seeing Luo Enxi made Fu Yucheng feel very good, and he smiled at Luo Enxi.

Although he was smiling, the worry on Fu Yucheng's face could still be clearly seen.

"I just came back from outside when I heard that Hao Chen had an accident, and I am planning to go see him now," Fu Yucheng said.

He is not like Mrs. Fu and Lin Yu. He is extremely familiar with Fu Haochen. Fu Yucheng can't recognize that the accident is Fu Haochen just by relying on a picture of a car on the Internet. He was not at home yesterday, and it was only after coming back today that he heard that Fu Haochen had an accident.

When Mrs. Fu was not there, Fu Yucheng decided to visit Fu Haochen first.

In any case, Fu Haochen is also his brother. Besides, Fu Haochen should be very helpless except for such a big thing, right?

After he has passed, see if he can help, he still needs to help.

But now, why does Luo Enxi appear here, shouldn't he be in the hospital?

Fu Yucheng thought, and asked, "En Xi, why are you here?"

"En Xi came back to bring some food for Haochen." Old lady Fu replied, and then said, "Don't go there. Wait for dinner later, and you can send En Xi there."

"Oh so." Fu Yucheng replied, "That's good."

"Yeah. Come in first." Mrs. Fu took Luo Enxi into the house.

When Luo Enxi entered the house, Aunt Qin was already busy preparing dinner.

"Aunt Qin, let me help you." Luo Enxi washed her hands and couldn't help moving forward. She wants to cook a dinner for Fu Haochen by herself.

"En Xi, you should go to rest after being tired for so long today." The old lady Fu said behind Luo Enxi.

"It's okay, grandma." Luo Enxi turned around and smiled at the old lady Fu, and then said, "I think Hao Chen might want to eat the food I cooked."

Fu Yucheng listened, with a slight envy in his heart.

Luo Enxi is really good.

It was so good that he couldn't help being jealous of Fu Haochen.

Now Fu Yucheng is already thinking, why didn't he return to China earlier?

If you can return to China to go to university, you should be able to meet Luo Enxi, right?

So maybe now, Luo Enxi will be his wife.

However, in life, there are no ifs. Although Fu Yucheng regrets, he can only think about it.

In fact, it was not the first time he had this kind of thought, but every time he thought about it, it made him extremely sad.

Fu Yucheng inserted a fork into the strawberry on the tray of the coffee table, but his eyes followed Luo Enxi closely.

This state is not like his Young Master Fu.

This is Jason's evaluation of him.

Jason is still the son of the elder brother who walks around the bars, but he is beginning to take care of it.

He suddenly wanted to find the right person, and stayed there forever.

What can make the prodigal take heart? Jason looked at Fu Yucheng and couldn't help but be surprised.

Fu Yucheng didn't want to play tricks with Jason. Jason knew that Luo Enxi he liked was her brother-in-law, but he still told him that he should pursue it hard.

Fu Yucheng couldn't laugh or cry.

If it was someone else, he might really give it a try.

But Luo Enxi is his younger brother-in-law, and he really doesn't want to destroy this family relationship.

If Luo Enxi was not happy, he would give it a go, just like he did before.

But now, Fu Yucheng is not a fool. He can see that Fu Haochen and Luo Enxi get along very well now.

In this case, if he went to destroy it, he felt sorry for the holy love for Luo Enxi in his heart.

Luo Enxi and Fu Yucheng met for a short time, but Luo Enxi has become a white lotus in Fu Yucheng's heart.

From a distance, he can't play with it, he can't even bear to disturb Luo Enxi's tranquility.

Jason also persuaded Fu Yucheng that there is no grass on the horizon.

Fu Yucheng naturally understood it. The flowers of the city spring are very lovely. But is there any way, he just loves Luo Enxi this lotus.

Maybe in the future, he can really find the flower that belongs to him. But now, he wanted to look at Luo Enxi quietly like this, looking at her very happy, and also very satisfied.

Fu Yucheng felt that he was too virgin, but he couldn't help it.

Since seeing Luo Enxi, his gaze has never looked away.

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