Loving You Is Hurtful

Chapter 240: The offensive of weak tears

He Xia Nuan and Luo Beichen sat in the living room.

After He Xia Nuan chose this house, Fu Haochen was naturally responsive, and even the furniture was equipped with what He Xia Nuan liked best.

The living room is a little gorgeously decorated by He Xia Nuan. The soft sofa and the exquisite coffee table make the whole living room full of luxury.

He Xia Nuan's character is reflected in all aspects of her life and heart. Her love for Fu Haochen also requires such a gorgeousness, she is the only one in Fu Haochen's affection, and nothing more will work.

How could such He Xia Nuan accommodate Luo Enxi?

"How could it be like this..." Luo Beichen stared at the wound on He Xia Nuan's neck, feeling very distressed.

"I was really terrified at the time..." He Xia Nuan had already wiped away her tears, and only a soft sob was left. She sat very close to Luo Beichen, so close that she could even feel each other's breathing. .

Luo Beichen especially cherishes He Xia Nuan's closeness to him. He couldn't help feeling a little surprised. Is He Xia Nuan finally moved by his true feelings?

"Why are you in the hospital?" Luo Beichen asked with a slight frown.

He already knew that Fu Haochen had encountered the shooting, but there was nothing in his mind other than the gloomy thought of "Why did Fu Haochen not die?" Now that He Xia Nuan appeared in the hospital again, Luo Beichen had to think about it. , Did He Xia Nuan go to see Fu Haochen?

If this is the case, then Fu Haochen was the one who indirectly caused He Xia Nuan's injury. Luo Beichen clenched his fists slightly, and Fu Haochen became even more unforgivable.

But He Xia Nuan asked Luo Beichen this time and wanted to use him, so how could he talk about these things that might make him unhappy? He Xia Nuan immediately vetoed it softly and weakly, "No, my hand was burned, so I went to the hospital to get medicine. I didn't worry about the small clinics around, so the city hospital I went to, who knew it happened... …"

This is half true. He Xia Nuan is indeed good at dressing up, but he actually went to the city hospital to have an excuse to see Fu Haochen.

But Luo Beichen has always believed in He Xia Nuan, and it is even more impossible to doubt He Xia Nuan's words at this moment. He Xia Nuan said that when his hand was burned, Luo Beichen’s attention to Fu Haochen had been transferred to He Xia Nuan. On the body.

"Why are you so careless?" Luo Beichen held He Xia Nuan's hand with a distressed expression on his face.

"The injuries on my hands and neck are hurting, and no one can care about me..."

Pretending to be pitiful is He Xia Nuan’s nirvana. This move is even more of a killer for Luo Beichen. Luo Beichen’s heart was already weak at the time, and he wanted to take out his heart and put it in He Xia Nuan’s hands. in.

"How come Xia Nuan, isn't there still me? I've always been by your side." Luo Beichen said, rubbing He Xia Nuan's still bandaged hand against his face.

"Fortunately, there are you, Bei Chen." He Xia Nuan said in a grateful voice, "Otherwise I don't know what to do, I'm so scared..."

"Don't be afraid, it's okay." Luo Beichen comforted He Xia Nuan, and at the same time couldn't help but continue to inquire about the details of the day, "You happened to be passing by, so did that person catch you? Or does he know that you and Fu Haochen are Yeah, so you threaten him?"

Luo Beichen seemed to have a very common question, but to He Xia Nuan's ears, it was inexplicably frightened.

It felt like Luo Beichen had already known that Song Kai knew her.

But this is obviously impossible. So He Xia Nuan quickly stabilized her mind, and continued: "I don't know what is going on, I don't know if he recognizes me, but..."

He Xia Nuan said, but stopped, as if he was hesitant to speak.

Just now on the way Luo Beichen came over, during this time, He Xia Nuan was not just idle and did nothing.

She also seriously thought about what she should say when Luo Beichen came to make herself look more pitiful, and by the way, Luo Beichen’s hatred towards Luo Enxi would be even worse, and she could urge Luo Beichen by the way. Chen seized the time to do it, she really didn't want to wait any longer.

Soon, He Xia Nuan thought of a vicious statement.

Luo Beichen saw He Xia Nuan want to say something but couldn't help asking: "What's wrong, Xia Nuan?"

He Xia Nuan bit her lip, her eyes filled with anxiety, as if she was hesitating to say this.

Luo Beichen really took the bait and immediately asked He Xia Nuan, "What's wrong with Xia Nuan, don't you believe me?"

"Of course not!" He Xia Nuan immediately vetoed it in a flustered manner, and his eyes fluttered around for a while, and when he saw Luo Beichen's concerned eyes, it was like making up his mind to speak, "It's En Xi..."

"Luo Enxi? What happened to her?" When Luo Beichen heard Luo Enxi's name, his two eyebrows were tangled together, as if he was extremely disgusted with hearing the name.

He Xia Nuan lowered her head, her voice was soft, but her tone was obviously full of disappointment, "The person that the man wanted to catch was En Xi's, but when she saw that she just passed by, she was curious and wanted to see what happened. I, and then, caught me and threw me beside that person, so that person turned to arrest me..."

The year I drank it, my voice became lower and lower, until the end I almost couldn't hear it.

"What!" Luo Beichen was really angry, "Luo Enxi, a shameless bitch, actually did such a thing! She actually wants to harm you!"

Luo Beichen's face flushed with anger. In his opinion, Luo Enxi could already be regarded as killing someone with a knife.

He always knew that Luo Enxi was a vicious-hearted woman, but he didn't expect Luo Enxi to sit down to this level.

Could it be that Luo Enxi's loss of Xia Nuan to Fu Haochen doesn't count, and he wants to kill her?

How could I have known a disgusting person like Luo Enxi for so many years!

Luo Beichen scolded several words angrily before continuing to ask He Xia Nuan, "Why didn't you tell me directly?"

Luo Beichen thought of He Xia Nuan's hesitant expression just now, and couldn't help but feel a little puzzled. After receiving such a big grievance, shouldn't he just cry out? Why do you want to talk like that, as if you are worried about something?

Did Luo Enxi threaten He Xia Nuan for something? Luo Beichen's eyebrows were screwed together tightly.

If this is the case, he must make Luo Enxi unhappy.

"Bei Chen, don't be angry." He Xia Nuan heard Luo Beichen's question, and quickly said, "En Xi is your sister. I am afraid that if I say such a thing, you will not believe it. I……"

He Xia Nuan said while biting her lip, eyes filled with tears, she looked lovely.

Luo Beichen looked at He Xia Nuan’s expression and immediately panicked, “How could it be Xia Nuan, I don’t have a sister like Luo Enxi! I won’t admit her! You are my most important person. How could I not believe you? The person you believe most is you!"

Luo Beichen's tone was a little hurried, his expression was very serious, and he eagerly wanted to tell He Xia Nuan that he trusted her.

He Xia Nuan’s little emotion, which can even be said to be inferiority complex, made Luo Beichen particularly distressed. Apart from the distress, he felt that He Xia Nuan was really a very good girl. When she was so wronged, even Can also take into account the relationship between himself and Luo Enxi.

How can Luo Beichen not love people like this?

He Xia Nuan took three lies one step at a time, coupled with the seemingly natural acting skills, first deceived the friendship between Luo Enxi and Xia Xiaoxi, then deceived Fu Haochen's company, and again, deceived Luo Beichen's love.

Luo Enxi may not be able to live his life into a huge lie like He Xia Nuan's life.

After a long time, He Xia Nuan even began to enjoy the feeling of playing with people in the palm of his hand.

Seeing Luo Beichen who was anxious to express his heart, He Xia Nuan felt a little funny in her heart, but she couldn't help but feel a sense of pride.

Seeing her charm is still great, how else would Luo Beichen be so fascinated?

"It's really great that you are willing to believe me!" He Xia Nuan looked at Luo Beichen with gratitude in his eyes, "I dare not say to others, I'm afraid they won't believe me... But it's okay now. Trust me with you, that's enough!"

He Xia Nuan said this. After all, everything she said was fake. If Luo Beichen mentioned it to others, it would be easy to expose. She wanted to use such words to make everything she said today become her and Luo Beichen. The "secret" between the two people, in this way, this matter will always be true in Luo Beichen, and will never be revealed.

"I will always believe in you, and I will always believe in you. What other people say is their business. They are misled by Luo Enxi's vixen, so naturally they will be hostile to you, and it is natural not to believe in you." Luo Beichen's heart felt sorry for He Xia Nuan, and he couldn't help but stretch out his hand and hug He Xia Nuan.

"It doesn't matter." Luo Beichen said, "I will definitely get justice for you, Xia Nuan. That **** Luo Enxi dares to harm you like this, and see how I punish her this time."

There was a bloodthirsty light in Luo Beichen's eyes. He was only trying to catch Luo Enxi, threaten Luo Enxi, and give her a slap in the face.

But now, Luo Beichen has changed his mind.

Luo Enxi could not stay. Luo Beichen thought gloomily, if Luo Enxi was left alone, then Luo Enxi would always find ways to harm He Xia Nuan.

This was something Luo Beichen could not bear.

Then there is no way, Luo Enxi.

You go to die.

He Xia Nuan shrank in Luo Beichen's arms and silently curled her lips.

Luo Beichen's answer, she was really satisfied.

That's it, just do it. He Xia Nuan thought in her heart, kidnapping Luo Enxi, torturing her, or simply killing her.

Let her die and never show up in her sight again.

In this way, the person standing next to Fu Haochen will eventually be himself.

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