Loving You Is Hurtful

Chapter 244: To your end

The shareholders who Sam struggled to retain before, really quickly withdrew their capital.

Sam was arrested by the police under the noses of the shareholders. After a little inquiries, the shareholders naturally knew what Sam was arrested for.

Sam did such a thing without telling them, of course several shareholders were shocked. The shareholders who were hesitant by Sam's words soon decided to divest.

Sam's incident is definitely not a trivial matter. Even if it can't be said that the death sentence will be as serious as that, but it is definitely unavoidable.

The Four Emperors have come to the field where they are today. What is the point of their persistence?

It is better to divest as soon as possible while the current losses are still relatively small.

Even if they have already lost money, it is still within their acceptance range.

All the shareholders withdrew their capital quickly caused an uproar within the Four Emperors.

If Sam was taken away by the police just to make the employees feel terrified, then the divestment was enough to make them unable to sit still.

If the shareholders withdraw their capital, the Four Emperors are about to fall. What should they do now? Wouldn't they all be unemployed?

Wang Yi watched as the panicked and angry employees put down the work they were doing and went to Jason's office in groups to ask for an explanation. He couldn't help but sighed.

This is the end of the Four Emperors.

The company led by Sam can no longer move forward.

Soon, several others knew that Sam had sent someone to assassinate Fu Haochen, the director, and they all gathered in Wang Yi's office one after another.

Wang Yi and several other directors looked at each other, and their eyes were full of bitter silence.

Wang Yi went to report Sam. It was only after several directors discussed it that Wang Yi, as the representative, told the police all this.

They know that after this incident is exposed, they are likely to face a scene like the present, and the entire company is as anxious as it has been attacked.

But they did not intend to bear it any longer.

Sam sometimes really makes some very out-of-the-box decisions, coupled with Jason who has always been in the company, which can be described as troublesome, their employees have a very bad life.

Several of them are all sensible people, and the Four Emperors will experience such a catastrophe one day, it's just a matter of time.

Now it is just a little bit ahead of this day, and no one complains.

"Next, what are you going to do?" The silence in the room made people even start to feel uncomfortable. In the end, it was the publicity director who broke the silence.

As soon as a word came out, everyone in the room seemed to be awakened, with some confusion in their eyes.

"...I haven't figured it out yet." Wang Yi replied, and he sighed again. To be honest, some of his actions were outside the scope of his plan, but he didn't regret it.

"What's wrong, do you have plans?" Wang Yi asked.

"Yeah." The publicity director nodded with some disappointment, "I plan to see Fu Shi. I heard that Fu Shi's treatment of employees is pretty good."

The room fell silent again.

The propaganda director sighed again, "At least, Fu Haochen still looks like a good leader."

"That's right." Several other people nodded in agreement. Fu Haochen's reputation in the industry has always been good, and his courtesy to employees is as strong as his reputation in the industry for his shrewd mind.

"It's just that if you go to Fu Shi like this, you probably won't get any desired position." Wang Yi said.

"How dare you talk about this now?" The publicity director smiled, "It's not bad to get a job."

As he said, the people in the room fell silent again.

The publicity director is right. They didn't report it, so they watched Sam go and make trouble. To be more serious, they could be regarded as sinners and accomplices.

Under these circumstances, how can you still ask for a good position?

The propaganda director looked at the low people and couldn't help but said, "Don't be so low. Anyway, we all have the ability to eat. We will definitely not worry about eating!"

The director of the propaganda department has always been a more cheerful person. When he said this, the eyes of the people present were all slightly bright.

"Xiao Xu was right." Wang Yi said. The director of publicity is smaller than others. Everyone is used to calling him, “We don’t have to worry about these things. The step we are today can only show that our lives are not good, and we can’t blame others. Our power should be from the beginning. Starting to work, it must be much faster than when we used to work hard."

The others nodded. After experiencing this incident, several of them felt sorry for each other.

The true feelings of suffering and suffering are really incomparable to other people.


A business empire will fall very quickly.

Fu Haochen never procrastinated even more. When he wanted to start tossing the Four Emperors, all the progress became extremely fast.

The Four Emperors soon declared bankruptcy and were listed for sale.

The whole company of the Four Emperors was panicked, and everyone was thinking about their own way out.

For the employees of the Four Emperors, it seemed that it was just a day and night, and the whole world had changed.

But before they think about what they will do in the future, the latest news has shaken them all on the spot.

Fu's Enterprise wants to acquire the Four Emperors.

It is not only the acquisition of this company, but also the acquisition of the company and the people.

This allowed the employees of the Four Emperors who were still confused about their future to see the light for a while.

The propaganda directors of the Four Emperors do not need to apply for Fu's job any more, they have simply become Fu's employees.

This crisis seemed to the Four Emperors like a storm that completely swept them, and every employee really felt this storm.

But really speaking, it seems that nothing has changed.

It's just a change in the company's name. This storm seems to have completely ended before it started.

It's not calm on the surface, but it's all over.

Fu Haochen still had injuries on his arm, but he still attended the press conference with his arm hanging.

"The Four Emperors suffered such misfortune this time, and we are extremely regretful, but in any case, the Four Emperors are still an old company, which has a very deep foundation, especially in terms of employment."

At the press conference, Fu Haochen talked freely. His slightly pale lips because of the pain was also carefully blocked by the makeup artist with lipstick. Fu Haochen, standing in front of the media, seemed to have no flaws, and he was the well-known industry elite. .

And Fu Haochen is indeed.

"I don't know what kind of adjustments or other actions you will have after acquiring the Four Emperors?" A reporter asked Fu Haochen straightforwardly during the questioning session.

At this time, the employees of the Four Emperors Company were surrounded by small teams, not only to comfort each other, but also to receive the new news together.

The question raised by the reporter hit the nail on the head, and Fu Haochen's answer will directly affect their future development and whereabouts.

"Your question is exactly what I want to talk about right away." Fu Haochen smiled lightly, and then said, "Fu's action after the acquisition of the Four Emperors is nothing."

There was silence for five seconds, and then there was an uproar in the audience.

"What do you mean by no action, can you explain it to us in detail?" A reporter immediately followed up with a question.

The employees of the Four Emperors also mentioned their throats at this moment, and did not move? What does this mean, leave them alone? Then why buy the four emperors?

"It means it literally." Even after dropping the blockbuster, Fu Haochen was still so calm. "I just said that the four emperors have a lot of background, so we initially felt that the four emperors company did not need to mobilize anything, even the staff completely used the original team."

The audience was quiet, as if waiting for Fu Haochen to continue speaking.

Fu Haochen’s plan did not disappoint the reporters. He cleared his throat and continued, “We acquired the Four Emperors, but the Four Emperors still operate according to the original personnel, except that some positions in the president and general manager may change. New personnel will not be transferred at all other positions."

There was also silence in the Four Emperors Building for a few seconds, and then a whole cheers of surprise erupted.

This can be said to be the best meeting gift given to them by the new leader Fu Haochen.

Fu Haochen at the press conference continued to speak.

"Four emperors, or should be called Fu's Enterprise now." Fu Haochen's face is full of Fenghua Zhengmao's confidence, "It will continue to operate as a branch of Fu's Enterprise. Hope it can bring me Surprise."

"Are you so confident? But as far as we know, the Four Emperors Company is now at the end of the battle." A reporter immediately asked.

"First of all, I need to correct what you call this company." Fu Haochen smiled and looked at the reporter who asked the question, and then continued, "Perhaps I just used the wrong words. Will let you ask such questions."

Fu Haochen paused for a while, looked around at the reporters present, and finally looked at the camera, and said calmly: "I shouldn't use the word'hope'. In fact, what I really want to say is that I will let this new branch, Become a dazzling stroke in the glory of Fu's enterprise."

Luo Enxi stood on the sidelines and looked at Fu Haochen on the court, and couldn't help but curl his lips slightly.

This is Fu Haochen who she is most familiar with.

Confident, arrogant, and irresistible.

Every bit of light radiating from his body deeply attracted Luo Enxi. Luo Enxi remembered that he had been looking for Fu Haochen like this, and fell in love step by step.

Luo Enxi thinks that Fu Haochen at work is the most attractive, but it's just because Fu Haochen at work most resembles her favorite Fu Haochen at the beginning.

Such dazzling makes Luo Enxi couldn't help but want to be a moth fighting the fire.

In fact, she did.

So many years of doing it.

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