Loving You Is Hurtful

Chapter 262: Shining in the dark

After Luo Beichen left, he did not come back again on the same day.

Luo Enxi waited for Luo Beichen in the warehouse. She thought that Luo Beichen would come back again after seeing He Xia Nuan.

But obviously, she still underestimated Luo Beichen's lower limit.

Luo Enxi thought Luo Beichen was too kind. She thought that Luo Beichen's searchlight would only last for a while, but it was obvious that Luo Beichen didn't think so.

Luo Beichen has never returned since he answered the phone and went out.

Luo Enxi had been under the strong light, and soon entered a state close to coma.

But it was too bright. Even though Luo Enxi was very tired, she still couldn't fall asleep. He could only close her eyes tightly and endure the exhaustion of her body.

Why didn't he faint at this time... Luo Enxi thought uncomfortably.

Why are you still alive... Luo Enxi couldn't help thinking.

So painful, so humble to live.

Why do people achieve this level?

Why is she still living in this world?

The lower abdomen has been aching, Luo Enxi is very clear that this is the child's extreme protest.

Her current physical condition really has a great impact on the child.

But she didn't have the slightest way to save it, she was helpless.

She has tried her best, but still can't save herself from the fire and water.

She has been waiting, waiting for someone to rescue her.

But that person has never come from.

Luo Enxi suddenly remembered the fable of the Thousand and One Nights in a daze.

A devil was imprisoned in a bottle. The days of being imprisoned in the bottle were dark and difficult, so he secretly made a promise that if anyone saves him in this century, he will let him enjoy the glory and wealth for life.

However, one hundred years later, no one touched the bottle at all.

At the beginning of the second century, he thought to himself that if anyone rescued him in this century, he would repay him heavily and develop underground treasures for him. But still no one approached this bottle. The third century has begun. Although it is a bit impatient to wait, the devil still thinks that if anyone saves him in this century, he will bless him deeply and fulfill his three wishes.

However, three full centuries passed, and no one came to rescue him.

The devil was frustrated, and he swears that if anyone comes to save him at this time, he must kill him.

Luo Enxi felt that she was like this devil imprisoned in a bottle now.

She waited for too long, too long, until she had completely lost all hope.

She was completely discouraged, and her whole heart was filled with infinite hatred towards this world and Fu Haochen.

She has done nothing wrong, but she has to suffer such a thing, how can she not hate in her heart!

She gave so much, so much! What is the final result! Die in a place where there is no one?

Even the child in his belly became Luo Enxi's hatred.

She hopes that the child can be born smoothly and grow up healthy and happy, but now, she is about to lose her child.

Luo Enxi already felt the abdominal pain intolerable, but she didn't even have the strength to groan.

She was tortured, but no one could save her.

She couldn't protect her child, and this deep sense of powerlessness finally completely transformed into hatred.

Since there is no way to protect, why should this child exist, and why should he go through such pain with him?

Luo Enxi knew that she had no right to decide the life or death of her child.

But now, she doesn't even have the right to decide her own life or death.

Luo Enxi wanted to laugh, but couldn't even move the corner of her lips.

This feeling as if she would die at any time, not only did not make Luo Enxi feel scared, but made her feel a kind of relief.

She was unwilling in her heart, but she was already desperate.

Slowly, under the strong light, Luo Enxi didn't have the strength to resist the strong light anymore.

She didn't even know if she was blind.

She had never had such an extreme sense of world weariness, but now, Luo Enxi even hated every inch of grass and trees in this world.

Although she didn't eat or drink, her body could still get a short rest in a coma, but now, even the right to sleep has been deprived.

In this situation, Luo Enxi's body quickly weakened.

Luo Enxi struggled all night in the torture of this strong light. But she doesn't know how long time has passed, here time seems to be fleeting, and life seems like years.

In the early morning of the next day, the warehouse door where Luo Enxi was located was opened again.

But Luo Enxi had already lost this kind of judgment, did anyone come, and who did it come?

The moment He Xia Nuan entered the door, he immediately saw the bright searchlight in the room, and closed his eyes very uncomfortably.

The moment Luo Beichen caught Luo Enxi, he had already told He Xia Nuan, but He Xia Nuan could not immediately come to enjoy this good show and do what he always wanted to do.

Because of Song Kai.

Since Song Kai has been entangled with He Xia Nuan, she has been living in He Xia Nuan's house. But Song Kai’s special rules are that he usually doesn’t communicate with He Xia Nuan very much. They either watch TV in the living room or use the computer He Xia Nuan just bought for him to surf the Internet in the house. Since living in, he has never been out once .

Although He Xia Nuan didn't want to live with Song Kai very much, it was even more dangerous if Song Kai lived outside. Thinking of Song Kai's threat, even He Xia Nuan could only endure it if he was angry.

Song Kai never goes out, which is convenient for He Xia Nuan, so that she will not be easily exposed. So He Xia Nuan simply Song Kai casually.

But what happened just before Luo Beichen caught Luo Enxi.

The gunshot wound on Song Kai's body became inflamed.

Song Kai is a fugitive, so it is naturally impossible to go to a big hospital for treatment. After separation last time, He Xia Nuan did not know how Song Kai treated the wound, but now it seems that he must have dealt with it hastily. It may be in a small private clinic, a clinic that does not require any documents.

That's why the current wound becomes inflamed.

He Xia Nuan was worried that Song Kai said He Xia Nuan would be exposed if he died, so he had to take care of Song Kai with all his heart.

He Xia Nuan took Song Kai to find a private clinic again. After treating the wound again, the salt water was dropped for two days. Song Kai's fever subsided and finally recovered.

Song Kai's vigilance was very high. After he got out of danger, he immediately asked to go back.

Staying outside for a minute increased the possibility of exposure, so after confirming that Song Kai was okay, He Xia Nuan immediately took Song Kai back home.

After Song Kai's injury stabilized, He Xia Nuan had time to come to meet Luo Enxi for a while.

Fortunately, he did not miss this time, He Xia Nuan breathed a sigh of relief. If he couldn't come to see Luo Enxi's tragic situation in person, He Xia Nuan felt that he would be full of regrets all his life.

But as soon as he entered the door, He Xia Nuan was hurt by the strong light in the house.

After squinting to see the conditions inside the house, He Xia Nuan couldn't help but wonder, Luo Beichen was really good at playing.

It seems that Luo Enxi should have been sitting under this light for a long time, I don't know how it feels now?

Luo Enxi, who has been tortured, is so beautiful. He Xia Nuan curled her lips slightly.

After ensuring that Luo Enxi did not see herself, He Xia Nuan quickly stepped forward, covering Luo Enxi's mouth and nose with a small towel in her hand.

Luo Enxi was already in a daze, suddenly felt that she smelled a familiar smell, and then finally passed out as she wished.

He Xia Nuan watched Luo Enxi's head hang weakly, and then carefully put away the towel he brought with a small amount of ether.

She couldn't let Luo Enxi know that she had been there, so in the future, Luo Enxi would not seek revenge on her because of this incident.

And the kidnapping of Luo Enxi would naturally not become an obstacle between her and Fu Haochen.

After He Xia Nuan had done all this, it was time for Luo Enxi to look carefully at Luo Enxi.

Upon closer inspection, no matter how prepared Xia Nuan was, she couldn't help but open her eyes slightly.

The **** fingers showed that he had been treated cruelly, his face was severely swollen, and the corners of his lips were full of blood.

It seems that the Luo family brothers and sisters really have countless deep hatred against Luo Enxi.

He Xia Nuan couldn't help being happy, it couldn't be better. The Luo family brothers and sisters can punish Luo Enxi for her and make Luo Enxi suffer all the time without having to do it himself.

In any case, if she did it herself, it would be more or less dangerous. Now Fu Haochen’s attitude towards Luo Enxi, He Xia Nuan is not sure, she is afraid that rashly hurting Luo Enxi will completely break the relationship between Fu Haochen and her, so He Xia Nuan dare not take this risk, so she has to rely on Luo Beichen’s hand.

He Xia Nuan is best at this trick by borrowing a knife to kill.

He Xia Nuan sat around Luo Enxi twice, admiring Luo Enxi's now embarrassed appearance.

Since falling in love with Fu Haochen, He Xia Nuan has been waiting for this day.

I thought that the fire that happened many years ago would burn Luo Enxi to death, but I didn't expect that Luo Enxi's life was so big that she would survive.

It took He Xia Nuan a lot of work, and slowly approached Fu Haochen again.

Now Luo Enxi's half-dead look is exactly what He Xia Nuan wants to see.

Luo Enxi, I told you already. He Xia Nuan squatted gently in front of Luo Enxi with her back to the light, and looked at her embarrassed face.

Against me, you have no chance of winning.

Wouldn't it be enough to leave early? I have to make myself like this.

He Xia Nuan sighed slightly, and then stopped sighing, but stood up and put on disposable gloves.

Because he was afraid of being discovered, the amount of ether was not very large. He Xia Nuan was afraid that Luo Enxi would soon wake up, so he could not appreciate Luo Enxi's tragic situation too much.

Although regretful in her heart, He Xia Nuan didn't have more time to waste.

She has more important things to do.

Marrying Fu Haochen is her ultimate goal.

Luo Enxi is nothing more than a stumbling block. He Xia Nuan thought blankly, Luo Enxi was not worthy of her wasting more time and taking more risks.

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