Loving You Is Hurtful

Chapter 276: Indelible hatred

Gu Xijue was an activist, and said he was going to see Luo Enxi, and the car was soon parked in the parking lot of the hospital.

The ward number has already been cleared, so there is no need to ask more.

Gu Xijue went straight upstairs.

After Fu Haochen and Fu Yucheng were invited out politely by the doctor, the door of Luo Enxi's ward was replaced by a guard.

The two bodyguards of the Fu family stood at the door, one on the left and the other on the right. If it weren't for Fu Haochen's consent, it is really very likely that none of them would let them in.

But Gu Xijue didn't mean to shrink at all, and walked forward.

The bodyguard at the door saw Gu Xijue step by step, followed by two bodyguards behind him. He was not angry, and naturally he immediately became vigilant.

Not surprisingly, Gu Xijue was stopped at the door of Luo Enxi's ward.

"Please step back, no one can enter here without Mr. Fu's consent." One of the bodyguards said blankly.

Gu Xijue smiled and said, "I just took a look at the patient. There is no malice."

It is also Gu Xijue's rule to salute first and then fight.

The bodyguard glanced at Gu Xijue and did not speak any more, but the hand blocking Gu Xijue did not move at all.

When Gu Xijue's expression turned dark, he was about to wave him away.

But a voice rang faster than Gu Xijue's movements.

"Let him in."

The sound is indistinct, but it can be understood by several people present. It was the voice from the ward.

It was Luo Enxi's voice.

The two bodyguards at the door were stunned, but they hadn't decided whether to let someone in.

The two sides stood in a stalemate for a while, and Luo Enxi said again, "Let him in."

The two bodyguards looked at each other before removing their hands and opening the ward door for Gu Xijue.

Gu Xijue smiled slightly and nodded to express his gratitude, and stepped into the ward.

The two bodyguards who came with them did not follow, but stood on the side of the door, quietly waiting for their master.

The two bodyguards of Fu Haochen at the door looked at each other again, with helpless eyes.

Luo Enxi has spoken, they can't help but listen?

Their duty here is to protect Luo Enxi's safety, not to imprison her.

But soon, one of the two bodyguards took out his mobile phone and asked Fu Haochen to report the incident.

"Mr. Fu, Gu Xijue came just now. Madam made a speech and put him in." The bodyguard reported truthfully.

"What? What is he doing?" Fu Haochen was still in Mrs. Fu's ward at this time. He frowned when he heard this.

How could Gu Xijue suddenly come at this time? His relationship with Luo Enxi is fragile, will Gu Xijue take advantage of it...

Fu Haochen frowned, and after he hung up the phone, he was going to Luo Enxi's ward.

"Who's here?" Old lady Fu asked Fu Haochen.

"Gu Xijue." When Fu Haochen spoke, the furrow between his brows had not been loosened.

Mrs. Fu also frowned. She knew Luo Enxi's senior. Moreover, he also knew that Gu Xijue had always had a good impression of Luo Enxi.

After Fu Haochen finished speaking, he was ready to go outside, but to his surprise, Fu Yucheng actually stopped him.

"What are you doing?" Fu Haochen sank and said.

How could Fu Yucheng stop him at this time?

Fu Yucheng stared at Fu Haochen for a while, then looked away. His expression was not very good, but he still said, "En Xi doesn't want to see you now."

Fu Haochen almost immediately became angry after hearing this. Luo Enxi didn't want to see him, but wanted to see Gu Xijue? Luo Enxi doesn't want to see him, so he will let Gu Xijue go to Luo Enxi?

What is the reason for this?

Fu Haochen did not speak any more, but waved Fu Yucheng's hand away and walked out.

Fu Yucheng was not very determined to stop Fu Haochen, so when Fu Haochen went out, Fu Yucheng didn't stop him again.

Luo Enxi wanted to see Gu Xijue, his heart was also very upset!

But thinking of Luo Enxi's manner of driving Fu Haochen out just now, Fu Yucheng didn't want to let Fu Haochen appear in front of Luo Enxi again, making Luo Enxi upset.

But now, Fu Haochen had another excuse to drive away Gu Xijue, but he didn't.

Fu Yucheng thought, sitting in a chair on one side irritably, and sighed.

He didn't want to be just such a "big brother" identity.

Old Mrs. Fu looked at the two brothers, her anxiety in her heart became more serious, but she couldn't help with anything now, so she could only sigh and be anxious.

Alas, the young people nowadays really don't let her worry.

Luo Enxi listened to the footsteps of Gu Xijue walking closer to her into the ward.

Although she couldn't see it, she also knew that Gu Xijue had lightened his steps at this time, fearing to disturb her.

Gu Xijue frowned and looked at Luo Enxi. He was taken aback when he first entered the door. Although it was said that Luo Enxi was seriously injured, he did not imagine that it would be so severely injured.

The white cloth on his eyes made Gu Xijue look worried.

"En Xi, your eyes..." Gu Xijue asked Luo Enxi's eyes first. Luo Enxi could hear that, Gu Xijue's tone was full of worry.

"I'm fine, senior. My eyes are exposed to strong light and need to rest for a while." Luo Enxi replied lightly.

She couldn't see it, but she could feel more Gu Xijue should have sat down on the chair beside her.

Luo Enxi actually didn't want to see anyone now, but she didn't want to watch the conflict between Gu Xijue and Fu Haochen.

No matter what she had suffered, these bad memories had nothing to do with Gu Xijue. She shouldn't even get Gu Xijue involved in this ridiculous struggle between her and Fu Haochen.

"How could you be kidnapped?" Gu Xijue asked again, he couldn't help raising his hand and pinning Luo Enxi's fallen hair behind his ears.

"It's Luo Beichen." Luo Enxi replied simply, "He was a bit biased towards me, so he kidnapped me to vent my anger."

Gu Xijue knew it was Luo Beichen, but he couldn't believe it.

In any case, even if it is the same father and half mother, they are related by blood, and they can be such a ruthless hand.

"...You have suffered." Gu Xijue didn't know what to comfort him, so he could only say simply.

Luo Enxi grinned and did not reply.

Gu Xijue's eyebrows frowned again, it was not her illusion. Today's Luo Enxi is a bit wrong.

Faced with such a thing, she was a little too calm.

"En Xi, where are you uncomfortable?" Gu Xijue asked tentatively.

Luo Enxi shook her head, directed at Gu Xijue's direction, and said softly: "I'm fine, senior."

But you really don’t seem to be okay...

Gu Xijue couldn't rest assured, although Luo Enxi in his impression was not emotionally changeable and had great ups and downs, but he was also a person with both happiness and anger written on his face and unable to hide his thoughts.

But now, Luo Enxi gave him the feeling that his heart was ashamed.

The heart is ashamed.

Gu Xijue's eyes widened slightly.

Luo Enxi now gave him such a feeling. It seemed that everything from the outside world could no longer affect her.

How could this be... Gu Xijue frowned. Where did the little girl who was always hopeful asking him to be senior?

Gu Xijue has never brought a child, so naturally I don’t know how painful the loss of a child will be. Coupled with the photos He Xia Nuan deliberately released this time and the news that she was with Fu Haochen, Luo Enxi was naturally destroyed. Sexual blow.

The photos of He Xia Nuan made Luo Enxi have to remember those old things again.

He Xia Nuan already has a child, why can he still make a stab?

Even if it was Mrs. Fu's intention, Luo Enxi now regretted it.

Fu Haochen should be very happy back then? You can become a husband immediately, and you can become a father immediately.

But unfortunately, people are not as good as heaven, and between the two of them, she is more than one.

It was her outsider who made Fu Haochen endure the pain that he couldn't love for so many years.

Fu Haochen hates her, so naturally it should be. Why is she so confident that Fu Haochen will definitely forgive her as time goes by?

Deceive yourself and others.

Everything is her one-man show, it is her selfishness that made Fu Haochen tolerate an unhappy marriage for so many years.

In the final analysis, she was wrong.

At the moment when she assisted Mrs. Fu and forced Fu Haochen to marry her, she would forever lose the right to blame Fu Haochen.

Looking at Luo Enxi's expressionless face, Gu Xijue was anxious, Luo Enxi who had been silent for a long time suddenly spoke again.

"Senior, maybe you are right." Luo Enxi suddenly said lightly. Her voice was very soft, but she was suddenly transparent.

"Well, what?" Gu Xijue replied with worry.

"Maybe you are right..." Luo Enxi said, her voice had become mumbling, extremely soft, but in the quiet ward, it was exceptionally loud, "You are right, I don't I should return home..."

If she obeyed Gu Xijue's opinion and stayed in the United States forever, and returned to see Fu Haochen if she didn't insist, then none of the following things would happen.

She was the same Luo Enxi, even if she lost her beautiful hair, she still didn't know how to feel sad, she still believed that there was great beauty in life and true love in the world.

From then on, she and Fu Haochen would become two parallel lines, no more intersection, no relationship.

I don't know why, these things that Luo Enxi used to be so heartbroken as long as they think of it, in the present view, they are unexpectedly beautiful and unattainable.

If you don't come back, will everything be better?

Fu Haochen just walked to the door of Luo Enxi's ward and opened the door, and he heard this sentence.

Luo Enxi was telling Gu Xijue that if he hadn't returned to China at that time, it would be fine.

Fu Haochen froze.

Fu Haochen was at the door of the ward.

Luo Enxi couldn't see it now, and Gu Xijue sat with his back to the ward door again, and neither of them noticed Fu Haochen for a while.

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