Loving You Is Hurtful

Chapter 301: Her last accident, her last ending

Fu Haochen just sat on the sofa blankly.

He didn't know what he should do next, or what he could do.

Luo Enxi even signed the divorce agreement, and Fu Haochen picked it up again and watched it quietly.

This was something he always wanted to get before, and now it was placed in front of his eyes by Luo Enxi, within his reach.

When he first got married, Fu Haochen was thinking about how to leave Luo Enxi as soon as possible. He didn't want to stay in this hypocritical family for even a minute.

But it seemed that Luo Enxi could bear it silently no matter what he did, and then licked the wound by herself.

But Luo Enxi actually never disobeyed Ali's intentions.

Just like now, Luo Enxi put the divorce agreement he always wanted in front of him.

As long as he signs a word, the agreement will come into effect. The relationship between him and Luo Enxi will end here, and it will come to an end.

And judging from this agreement, he has nothing to lose at all. Luo Enxi didn't want anything, everything was left to him.

But why, his heart hurts so much.

Fu Haochen felt something flowing out of his eyes and wet the paper in front of him.

Fu Haochen wiped his eyes, and the water on Fu Haochen's hands quickly became cold, just like his current heart.

Looking at the wet hands, Fu Haochen suddenly remembered that Luo Enxi was actually a very strong person. She could hardly cry or cry because of little things.

But Luo Enxi in front of him seemed to be made of water.

Luo Enxi left all his tears to him.

Fu Haochen thought of Luo Enxi's tears, and then of Luo Enxi's beautiful smiling face, and then suddenly thought that he hadn't officially said to Luo Enxi that I love you.

Luo Enxi should have been waiting for this sentence for many years, right?

But I haven't waited until now, so now I am sad to leave?

But in his heart, he really has always loved her...

Fu Haochen was stunned for a while, suddenly raised his hand and wiped his eyes, then grabbed the car key and ran out.

No matter what, he will go out to find Luo Enxi.

Even if he doesn't know the whereabouts of Luo Enxi, even if he has no direction now, he will look for it.

Luo Enxi had been chasing his footsteps now, it was time for him to chase Luo Enxi back.

He still had a lot to say to Luo Enxi. He still has a lot to say to Luo Enxi.

Fu Haochen drove on the side of the road.

Everyone who walked on the road, Fu Haochen glanced over them one by one, looking forward to the person he wanted to meet.

Expectations again and again, disappointments again and again. Anticipating again and again, disappointed again and again.

But Fu Haochen's face didn't show a trace of fatigue, he just seemed to be looking for it with some charm.

At midnight, Fu Haochen's spirit was still excited, as if there was no trace of fatigue.

As he was turning around, Fu Haochen suddenly noticed that a building not far away was lit up with soaring flames.

He has been in the street just now, blocked by nearby buildings, so he has never seen the distant fire.

But now, this light reflected in Fu Haochen's eyes.

Fu Haochen stopped the car and watched quietly for a while. Fire trucks roared past his car.

Fu Haochen didn't pay attention for long, then silently looked away.

Where is the fire? As Fu Haochen thought, he thought of Luo Enxi again.

You have to find Luo Enxi quickly. Fu Haochen started the car again, his arm was already slightly numb.

How dangerous this situation is. If you don't quickly find Luo Enxi, what will happen to her in danger?

In such a purposeless search, Fu Haochen ushered in the first ray of morning light.

Fu Haochen narrowed his eyes slightly, and the street lights on the road slowly turned off.

The sun rose.

Fu Haochen rubbed his numb fingers, thinking about finding a gas station, refueling, and then looking for Luo Enxi.

On the way to the gas station, Fu Haochen's phone rang.

Fu Haochen, who hadn't slept all night, still looked a hundred times more energetic, but in fact, his body was already a little overwhelmed.

He temporarily stopped the car on the side of the road and picked up the phone in a daze. The screen was broken by him, but it was still usable for the time being, so Fu Haochen did not rush to change it, but went out to look for Luo Enxi first.

What is displayed on the screen is an unknown number. Fu Haochen thought for a while, but still picked it up.

If it's a company issue, he will temporarily dismiss it. If it's something else, look at it.

Fu Haochen answered, the voice on the other end of the phone was calm but tired, "Hello, is this Mr. Fu Haochen?"

"I am." Fu Haochen replied in a deep voice.

"I am the person in charge of Huayu Hotel, I am sorry to tell you something..."

Fu Haochen listened quietly, and soon the phone slipped out of his hand.

The phone fell on him, but Fu Haochen still didn't realize it, still putting his hand to his ear, maintaining the posture of holding the phone.

There were several feeds on the other end of the phone, but Fu Haochen didn't answer. The other party sighed and hung up the phone.

Fu Haochen froze in the car, unable to return to his senses for a long time.

What did he hear just now?

The person in charge told him that there was a big fire in the hotel yesterday, and Luo Enxi was in the hotel when the fire broke out, but Luo Enxi was not among the escaped personnel. The search and rescue work has been carried out, but it is almost certain that Luo Enxi was already there. Die.

Having not escaped from such a fire, and not on the list of rescued, Luo Enxi has almost no possibility of surviving.

God, who will tell him that all this is fake, all this is just a prank joke that is not funny at all?

Yes, it must be so. Because Luo Enxi was angry with him, he had to make up such a news to deceive him.

Before his brain could react, Fu Haochen had already started the car and drove towards the hotel.

But the closer to the hotel, the more despair in Fu Haochen's heart.

When he really parked the car next to the hotel, looking at the ruins in front of him, the last hope in Fu Haochen's heart was almost wiped out.

Fu Haochen got out of the car almost uncontrollably, and then rushed towards the ruins.

But Fu Haochen hadn't gotten close yet, and soon someone stopped Fu Haochen.

"Sir, sir, calm down!" the staff on the scene said.

The smoke and dust at the fire scene have not yet been completely dispersed. If you rush in like this, you will most likely be injured by the collapse.

But Fu Haochen seemed to be obsessed with perseverance, ignoring the staff's obstruction.

They kept him calm.

Let him not be impulsive.

But how calm he is, how calm he is!

It is very likely that Luo Enxi is still inside, and Luo Enxi will definitely not be in trouble like this, it will definitely be nothing!

"Let go of me!" Fu Haochen shouted, he couldn't accept this result, he had to go in himself. He didn't save Luo Enxi in time last time, this time he must catch up to save her!

Soon, Fu Haochen and the staff were pulled away by several people.

Fu Haochen struggled to turn his head and saw Bai Feng walking quickly.

"Haochen, what's the matter!" Bai Feng also rushed after hearing the wind. Huayu was his friend's property and suddenly caught fire. He originally planned to come over and see if he could help, but he saw it on the list of victims. Luo Enxi's name.

When I was shocked, I saw Fu Haochen. He hurriedly had people pull Fu Haochen and the firefighters away.

"En Xi, En Xi is still inside..." Fu Haochen firmly grasped Bai Feng's arm, and the fear in his eyes made Bai Feng feel strange and stinging in his heart.

He had never seen Fu Haochen so fragile and fearful.

The Fu Haochen he remembered was always so confident and full of spirits.

"Haochen, I don't advise you, but you should listen to me first." Bai Feng took a deep breath and calmed down and spoke to Fu Haochen.

This incident must have hit Fu Haochen particularly hard, so he can't mess around now. He wants to support Fu Haochen, and if he is also messed up, then Fu Haochen is likely to completely collapse.

Fu Haochen looked at Bai Feng with determination, but Bai Feng was not sure if Fu Haochen really knew what he was talking about.

But even if he is not sure, he still has to say, he has to say.

"Haochen, don't worry, I know you can't just give up En Xi like this. But you can't just go in like this." Bai Feng frowned.

After speaking, Bai Feng immediately ordered someone to find a gas mask and thermal insulation suit.

Fu Haochen definitely couldn't just give up on a result like this, so this time, he could only give up his life to accompany the gentleman.

Bai Feng decided that he would accompany Fu Haochen through this encounter.

Isn't it just a burned out fire scene? Bai Feng squeezed a fist. He knew that if he didn't go in, based on his understanding of Fu Haochen, Fu Haochen would definitely never forget this in his life.

Bai Feng's men quickly brought clothes.

Bai Feng stepped forward and said a few words. Although the staff at the fire scene were very embarrassed, due to Bai Feng's identity, he and Fu Haochen were still let in.

Luo Enxi's floor is not very high. Fortunately, the stairs on the following floors were not damaged.

Bai Feng took Fu Haochen and hurried to the one where Luo Enxi registered.

The door is already a bit irregular. This was indeed a big fire, but the source of the fire was quickly found, so it was extinguished relatively quickly.

But the loss to the hotel is indeed not small. Especially with the victims, this incident makes it difficult for the hotel to bear the consequences.

Seeing that Fu Haochen rushed forward almost without any consciousness, Bai Feng sighed and followed.

The room where Luo Enxi lived was also the hardest hit area, and the fire spread along the carpet, almost licking the entire floor.

Bai Feng looked at the miserable situation before him and couldn't help but shook his head gently.

If Luo Enxi really did not run out, then there is absolutely no possibility of surviving.

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