Loving You Is Hurtful

Chapter 315: Son my son

"En Xi." Xia Xiaoxi took Luo Enxi's hand, and then said, "Everything will be fine."

In Xia Xiaoxi's opinion, Luo Enxi has returned safely now, what else is impossible?

"Yeah. It definitely will." Seeing Xia Xiaoxi's firm gaze, Luo Enxi somehow really kindled such hope.

Luo Enxi and Xia Xiaoxi have talked a lot about what they have seen each other over the years. The two have been apart for many years, and they can't finish what they want to say to each other for three days and three nights.

The tea was cold and then changed, and then it was cold again, and finally in the evening, Lin Yu returned with Xiaoxiang.

Lin Yu was holding a big bag in his left hand, holding Xiao Xiang in his right hand, and Xiao Xiang was eating a big cotton candy, eating all over his face.

Luo Enxi watched Xiaoxiang running towards him, her eyes brightened with excitement, and her lips curled up.

"Xiaoxiang, did you have fun with your uncle today?" Luo Enxi asked softly.

"Well, happy!" Xiaoxiang answered truthfully.

"Thank you uncle soon," Luo Enxi said.

"Thank you, Uncle." Xiaoxiang blinked his big eyes, and looked very well-behaved.

"You're welcome, Xiaoxiang." Lin Yu bent down and rubbed the hair of the alley, first seriously responded to Xiaoxiang's thanks, and then said to Luo Enxi, "Thank you, it's such a surprise."

Luo Enxi smiled and bent her eyes, and did not answer Lin Yu's words, but continued to say to Xiaoxiang, "Xiaoxiang must remember Uncle Lin and Aunt Xia, they are mother's best friends."

"Okay, mom!" Xiao Xiang's voice was crisp, Xia Xiaoxi heard it and couldn't wait to hug it and kiss her.

"Then today, we will go back first." Lin Yu said, holding Xia Xiaoxi's hand.

Luo Enxi hadn't said anything yet, Xiaoxiang had already spoken first.

"Uncle and aunt, will you come to visit Xiaoxiang again?" Xiaoxiang asked innocently.

"Of course!" Xia Xiaoxi smiled and stroked Xiaoxiang's hair, "Auntie also has a little brother at home, next time Auntie will bring him, you guys can play together, okay?"

"Wow, is that okay!" Xiao Xiang's eyes lit up obviously.

Luo Enxi sent away Xia Xiaoxi and Lin Yu. Xiaoxiang was still young. After playing for so long today, I was a little tired. After Lin Yu and Xia Xiaoxi left, Xiaoxiang went to bed shortly after having dinner.

Gu Xijue came back very late today. When the wind and dust came in, Luo Enxi asked the servant to warm up the dinner.

"I'm back? Hurry up and wash your hands, come and eat." Luo Enxi said softly.

Gu Xijue's tie off his tie stagnated. For a moment, he really felt that he and Luo Enxi were really like a happy couple. He was the late husband, and Luo Enxi was the one who always Waiting for his wife at home.

But Gu Xijue quickly shook his head, and drove these unrealistic fantasies from the initial stage.

Although he was indeed yearning for such a life, it would be too irrational to let these fantasies confuse him now.

For so many years, Gu Xijue has always relied on reason to restrain himself.

Gu Xijue quickly washed his hands and went to the table, and said apologetically: "Sorry, I'm back late."

"It doesn't matter, is it tricky?" Luo Enxi picked up her chopsticks.

"It's nothing big." Gu Xijue said clearly, "Actually, you don't have to wait for me. Your stomach is not good. Didn't you say that you should raise your stomach? Why are you still eating so late?"

"I'm okay." Luo Enxi smiled. She knew her own physical condition very well, and she also wanted to have dinner with Gu Xijue very much.

After marrying Fu Haochen, for a long time, Luo Enxi ate dinner by herself. The days were too dark, Luo Enxi didn't want to think of it, so she always wanted someone to be with him.

Gu Xijue knew Luo Enxi's true thoughts, so he stopped talking, but started to eat dinner.

Halfway through the meal, Luo Enxi spoke to Gu Xijue about today.

"The two of them have been here?" When Gu Xijue heard Luo Enxi talk about Xia Xiaoxi and Lin Yu, his beautiful eyebrows frowned slightly, "What did you say?"

Gu Xijue was slightly scared in his heart, isn't he trying to persuade Luo Enxi to stay?

"Nothing. They just know that I'm still alive, so happy." Luo Enxi thought of Xia Xiaoxi's red eyes, feeling a warm current flowing in her heart.

"But I decided on one thing, and I want to tell you a little bit." Luo Enxi never eats a lot at night because of his stomach, and quickly put down his chopsticks.

Gu Xijue ate all the things on the plate a few times, and then drank the last sip of red wine in his glass gracefully, wiped his mouth, and his expression of listening carefully was very charming.

"I am going to take Xiaoxiang to recognize Fu Haochen." Luo Enxi said seriously.

When Gu Xijue heard Luo Enxi's words, his face turned a little gloomy for an instant.

"You have decided... do you want to return to him?" When Gu Xijue said this, her heart hurt severely.

"I don't have such plans." Luo Enxi was still very serious and told the truth. Five years were enough time for her to build enough trust in Gu Xijue. She was used to telling Gu Xijue everything, "I just want to tell Xiaoxiang. Who is his father."

Luo Enxi pursed her lips before continuing: "I just don't hope that Xiaoxiang will feel like a child without a father in the future."

Gu Xijue pondered for a moment. Although he felt a little dissatisfied, he had to admit that what Luo Enxi said was right.

The napkin was held tightly in Gu Xijue's hand and then let go.

"Did you... have you decided?" Gu Xijue endured, did not hold back, still asked.

"Well, I decided." Luo Enxi said. She knew that Gu Xijue would not oppose her, just like Gu Xijue had never opposed her decision for so many years.

"All right," Gu Xijue said. Even though he has lived together for many years, he is still an outsider in this matter, and Gu Xijue knows this very well. Now Luo Enxi can tell him that he respects him very much.

What reason does he object to?

Now he can only hope silently that Luo Enxi will not rekindle the old relationship with Fu Haochen.

Gu Xijue went busy the next day. Xiaoxiang went to bed very early last night, so he looked very energetic today.

In the morning, Luo Enxi called Xiao Xiang to her side, dressed Xiao Xiang beautifully, and said, "We are going to meet someone today, Xiao Xiang."

"Who do you see?" Xiao Xiang asked, putting on the little overalls obediently.

"When you arrive at Xiaoxiang, you'll know it." Luo Enxi smiled. Xiaoxiang's cuteness seemed to give her a lot of strength and calmed down her worried heart.

For Xiaoxiang, she must also take this step.

What's more, this visit was also for Gu Xijue. She didn't want Fu Haochen to embarrass Xi Jue again because of her.

"The place we are going has delicious cakes. When we arrive, my mother will buy cakes for Xiaoxiang, okay?" Luo Enxi said, holding Xiaoxiang's little hand.

"Okay!" When Xiao Xiang heard something delicious, he immediately became happy.

Luo Enxi took Xiaoxiang into the car Gu Xijue had prepared for her.

She wants to take Xiaoxiang to the cafe next to the Fu's corporate headquarters. If she remembers correctly, there is a particularly delicious tiramisu in the cafe.

After waiting, he called Fu Haochen down, and then said everything clearly.

After Fu Haochen received Luo Enxi's call, he was almost surprised and couldn't help himself.

He quickly put down the documents in his hand and hurried to the cafe.

In fact, these days, he can't calm down to deal with the affairs of these companies, and he is almost full of Luo Enxi.

As soon as he walked in, Fu Haochen saw that Xiaoxiang was eating the cake seriously, and Luo Enxi wiped the cream on the corners of Xiaoxiang's lips with a tissue.

This picture almost satisfies all of Fu Haochen's beautiful fantasies. He doesn't even want to disturb, so he tries his best to relax his movements.

But Luo Enxi had already seen Fu Haochen, and the smile on her face disappeared almost instantly.

For this conversation, Luo Enxi specially chose such a single room.

"Please sit down." Luo Enxi gestured to the opposite position.

Fu Haochen wanted to hug Xiaoxiang in the past, but when he heard Luo Enxi's words, he had to give up this idea for the time being.

"En Xi, how are you doing these days?"

The two people sat facing each other, feeling a little speechless for a while. Fu Haochen had just gone to the UK to have a meeting, and wanted to use the general public's awkward opening remarks like "The weather is really good today" again.

But in the end he held it back and turned to a more ordinary greeting.

"I'm fine." Luo Enxi said, and then he was silent for a while, then said as if finally made up his mind, "I asked you to come over today to tell Xiaoxiang something."

Fu Haochen was puzzled for a while, he frowned slightly and looked at Luo Enxi.

Luo Enxi did not directly answer Fu Haochen, but took Xiaoxiang's hand and said to Xiaoxiang, "Xiaoxiang, mother tells you something."

Xiaoxiang also gently held Luo Enxi's hand, listening very well.

"This person is Dad."

Luo Enxi said with a sigh, her eyes didn't look at Fu Haochen, but as if she was looking far, far away.

Fu Haochen and Xiao Xiang were stunned for a moment.

Xiaoxiang muttered curiously: "Dad?"

"Yes! Dad, Dad!" Fu Haochen was almost back when Xiaoxiang called out this phrase unconsciously, "I am your father, Xiaoxiang! I am your father!"

At this moment, Fu Haochen only felt that he had been entangled for so many days, and he had solved the knot in an instant.

Although Xiao Xiang was not really serious about calling him "Dad", Fu Haochen was cured in an instant.

He can recognize his son!

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