Loving You Is Hurtful

Chapter 334: Relatives are not lovers

"Have you ever loved me, even for a short while, even a little bit?" Gu Xijue looked straight into Luo Enxi's eyes, not wanting to miss any hidden emotions of Luo Enxi.

Luo Enxi looked straight at Gu Xijue just like that, and did not look away a little evasively as Gu Xijue imagined.

Later, Gu Xijue saw Luo Enxi shook his head, and heard Luo Enxi say in a cool voice that he has always liked: "I'm sorry, senior."

Gu Xijue's heart finally sank completely.

He smiled bitterly.

In fact, you should have known Luo Enxi's answer long ago, right?

Then why ask? Why can't you give up?

Not reconciled... he was reconciled.

But this can't resent Luo Enxi, because he didn't treat his feelings properly at the beginning, didn't really like Luo Enxi seriously, and used his most sincere love to impress her.

Maybe he already knew the answer in his heart. The reason for asking this is to let Luo Enxi tell herself about this, telling him that they are really impossible.

Only by hurting yourself in this way can you completely give up.

Gu Xijue buried his face in his hands.

I don't know why, at this moment, he actually wanted to cry like this.

This girl really never belonged to herself. Not before, not now, and it will not be in the future.

Gu Xijue frowned in pain, and said in a trembling voice: "Sorry En Xi, I will stay for a while by myself."

As Gu Xijue said, he returned to the room without looking back.

In front of Luo Enxi, he has always been her strongest backing. He did not want Luo Enxi to see such a fragile side of herself.

Luo Enxi did not stop Gu Xijue. She knew how sincere Gu Xijue liked herself. But it was precisely this way that Luo Enxi had to say such words cruelly.

Since he could not respond to his feelings and accompany him by his side, then he could not leave even a trace of hope for Gu Xijue.

Expecting her forever will only extend Gu Xijue's pain and make him never find his own love.

The door of Gu Xijue's room was closed, and Luo Enxi sat in the living room, slightly lost.

"Senior, sorry..."

I'm really sorry, I am not that person in your life. Can't accompany the best you in the world.

Love is like this, and beauty is in the eyes of lovers. Even if your lover is not so perfect, love can fill all the vacancies, and even the shortcomings of that person will become the cutest place in your eyes.

Luo Enxi had already started packing things that day. Having said that, she has no more reason to stay and trouble Gu Xijue.

When Gu Xijue came out of the room the next day, his eyes were still red, and he knew that he didn't sleep well last night.

When he came to the living room, Luo Enxi was reading the morning paper in the living room, with a small suitcase beside him.

Gu Xijue was stunned for a moment. Luo Enxi had already seen him and greeted Gu Xijue with a smile, "Senior, good morning. I have already made breakfast. Let's eat together."

Gu Xijue followed Luo Enxi to the table.

Gu Xijue picked up the fork and inserted the fried egg on the plate in front of him. The golden yellow egg yolk juice that was not fully formed immediately flowed out of the brown skin.

Gu Xijue stared blankly, suddenly raised his head and smiled at Luo Enxi.

This smile has been free and easy, and there has been a breeze.

Luo Enxi relaxed slightly. This should be what Gu Xijue should be like. He is the most perfect man in the world, and his sad expression is not suitable for him, he is suitable for such a heroic expression that is utterly dispelled by talking and laughing.

"The last breakfast?" Gu Xijue said with a smile, filling his mouth with a piece of fried egg that was just cut off.

The breakfast Luo Enxi cooked was still so delicious, but when he thought that this might be the last breakfast Luo Enxi cooked for him, Gu Xijue actually tasted bitterness from the omelette.

Crying, he almost wanted to throw away the fork and stood up to keep Luo Enxi behind.

Even begging is fine.

But Gu Xijue did nothing in the end. Leaving Luo Enxi compulsively is not in line with his outlook on love.

Luo Enxi also took a bite of the fried egg, and she smiled softly.

"Senior, I remember your favorite dishes. You are welcome to come and eat at any time." Luo Enxi said with a smile, her expression as if she was talking to her best friend.

"..." Gu Xijue was silent for a moment, and then said with a sigh, "Have you decided?"

"Well, I decided. I want to go back." Luo Enxi put down the fork and said seriously.

Gu Xijue stopped talking.

After going round and round, Luo Enxi returned to the place that should belong to her.

But Luo Enxi looks very happy, isn't it great? Gu Xijue forced herself to think like this.

"Senior, you will definitely find your true love." Luo Enxi said softly. Gu Xijue has always been surrounded by good girls, but because Gu Xijue has devoted all his attention to her for so many years, he can't find the scenery around him.

Now that he left, without anyone blinding his eyes, Gu Xijue must soon discover that there is no grass on the horizon.

Gu Xijue was silent for a long time, until he had a complete breakfast.

When putting down the napkin, Gu Xijue breathed a sigh of relief.

"I really lost to you." Gu Xijue said with a wry smile.

Even now, even if Luo Enxi has rejected him so fiercely, even if he has been injured like this, there is still no way to hate Luo Enxi.

"I know everything about your home." Gu Xijue looked at Luo Enxi and said with a serious expression, but the attachment in his eyes was obviously dissipated, and the whole person's aura became mild again. "Now Uncle Luo has passed away. , Your family is dead in name."

Luo Enxi's eyes dimmed when she heard these words. She didn't know why Gu Xijue wanted to mention this, but she still listened carefully. This is a habit she has developed over the years. Anyone could harm her, but Gu Xijue was the most unlikely one.

Luo Enxi's trusting gaze made Gu Xijue feel comfortable, so he continued: "If you don't mind, just treat me as your mother's family."

"I won't disturb your life anymore. But if Fu Haochen bullies you again in the future, you can always have a place to go."

Gu Xijue's tone was light, but in fact he was very nervous.

He was afraid that Luo Enxi would reject him.

Sure enough, he would still not be able to accept it without contacting Luo Enxi completely.

Since you can't be a lover, it's not bad to be a family member and a relative.

Those who are not lovers will definitely get along well, right? After all, they have gotten along like this for so many years.

After Gu Xijue finished speaking, she looked at Luo Enxi nervously.

Luo Enxi also looked at Gu Xijue, without speaking for a while.

Gu Xijue's heart became more and more nervous, wondering if he was a little too far-sighted? Does this make Luo Enxi feel offended?

Just as Gu Xijue was thinking about taking back this sentence, Luo Enxi suddenly laughed.

The corners of the lips rose slowly, until the last smile became crooked. This smile was so beautiful, Gu Xijue was a little dumbfounded for an instant.

Then Gu Xijue heard Luo Enxi say in her clear voice: "Thank you, senior."

"I'm very happy." Luo Enxi's eyes were not mixed with a trace of impurities, so she clearly showed her thoughts.

Gu Xijue's heart instantly fell to the ground.

He was really afraid that Luo Enxi would reject him, and then completely lost contact with Luo Enxi.

And now, he can continue to accompany Luo Enxi with a brand new identity.

Relatives? Gu Xijue constantly refused to chew the word. This magical word made him feel an unspeakable sense of novelty.

He used to treat Luo Enxi as a lover, but now it seems that the way the two people get along in Yamen is more like relatives?

After Luo Enxi nodded, her heart was also relaxed.

Luo Enxi would also feel very sorry if he really froze with Gu Xijue.

But it's all right now. Gu Xijue did not blame her for her unfeeling, but was able to accept her again in another identity, which made Luo Enxi especially moved.

"Thank you, senior, really thank you." Luo Enxi's voice suddenly choked up. Gu Xijue always treats her like a younger sister, so that she can still feel warmth in a marriage that has failed.

"I said, don't say anything like that anymore." Gu Xijue rubbed Luo Enxi's hair, her expression and mood became very natural. He has integrated into the role of "mother's family" faster than he expected.

"I won't say it anymore!" Luo Enxi wiped her eyes and pulled out a big smiling face. Gu Xijue even felt for a moment that the former Luo Enxi was back again.

After speaking to the heart, the relationship between Gu Xijue and Luo Enxi suddenly became close. It's like Gu Xijue said, two people are like brother and sister.

After breakfast, the two talked for a long time. The two people remembered the bits and pieces of so long together, everything, as if watching another movie, flashed in front of them again. Those memories are either tender or sad.

In the evening, Luo Enxi was finally ready to set off and move back to Fu's house.

For the first time, Gu Xijue felt that he was really going to marry his younger sister. The state of mind at that moment was so strange that Gu Xijue couldn't help but stop to taste this feeling.

Luo Enxi led Xiaoxiang, and Gu Xijue helped Luo Enxi pull the suitcase.

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