Loving You Is Hurtful

Chapter 39: He Xia Nuan gets worse

Mrs. Fu wholeheartedly hoped that her grandson could get along well with her grandson-in-law, but she always backfired. She thought of many ways and did a lot of things, but she just couldn't get her wish.

"En Xi, grandma has no other wishes in this life. The most uneasy is you and Haochen. I don't know how long I can live, alas." Old lady Fu sighed.

Luo Enxi felt very uncomfortable when she heard Grandma Fu say such things.

"Grandma, you are still very young, don't say these things." Luo Enxi interrupted Grandma Fu aloud.

In this world, there are too few people who treat her kindly. Grandma Fu always treats her as a granddaughter, but because she saved Grandma Fu before, Grandma Fu always remembered it.

If she remembers correctly, the first time she met Grandma Fu was in the summer vacation of the year she graduated from high school.

That day, she was doing a part-time job by handing out flyers on the street, and found that an old lady was robbed of her purse by the side of the road and she was pushed to the ground.

Luo Enxi didn't even think about it, and ran to help the old lady up, and then chased the thief wildly.

Because of his young age, he is upright, and he doesn't know whether the other party will bear gratitude at all.

But Grandma Fu remembered her and remembered the name Luo Enxi.

"En Xi, grandma can't misunderstand people. After living a long time, I know that you and Haochen have each other in their hearts. When Haochen was in college, the only girl's name ever said was yours."

Old lady Fu was surprised when she heard Luo Enxi's name from Fu Haochen for the first time.

Because she really didn't believe that her grandson, who was like a breeze and bright moon, would suddenly have a girl she liked. Therefore, she is naturally interested in who the girl is.

I sent someone to check the girl's information, and I sent people back to take a lot of photos. When she discovered that the girl Fu Haochen liked was the girl who rescued him before, she was full of surprises.

Naturally, she didn't stop Fu Haochen and Luo Enxi from being together, but she always wanted to find out from Fu Haochen where Luo Enxi and he had progressed.

But her grandson always keeps secrets, but every day is in a good mood and often laughs.

Originally thought Fu Haochen and Luo Enxi would develop very well, but one day, his grandson suddenly brought another woman to her.

Tell her that this woman named He Xia Nuan is pregnant with his child.

Mrs. Fu was really too surprised. He Xia Nuan and Luo Enxi were good friends, so in a short time, the girl her grandson liked changed.

She always wanted to ask exactly what happened, but Fu Haochen never said it.

"Grandma, don't worry. Since I decided to marry Fu Haochen, I will do my best to be a wife. Grandma, take care of me and don't worry about me and Fu Haochen."

Old lady Fu nodded slightly. Although she didn't say anything, how could she not worry.

"En Xi, no matter who it is, it is impossible to take your place. Haochen's wife can only be you," the old lady Fu said aloud. "Only Haochen would think that He Xia Nuan's child is him. Own, I sometimes even regret not telling Haochen the truth. If Haochen knew the truth, he might not think He Xia Nuan was innocent."

Luo Enxi thought for a while before speaking, "Grandma, don't worry about me and Fu Haochen." She really couldn't bear Grandma Fu's worry all the time.

"En Xi, I haven't seen that woman for a while, if Hao Chen hadn't mentioned it, I would have almost forgotten this person. It's time to go and see, En Xi, you help me to see her."

Luo Enxi was surprised that Grandma Fu suddenly asked her to see He Xia Nuan. In fact, she had never seen He Xia Nuan since she married Fu Haochen. Although she had not met with He Xia Nuan, Fu Haochen always Mention He Xia Nuan's name in front of her.

"Grandma, I'll go see her tomorrow." Luo Enxi never refused Grandma Fu's request.

"I'm a little sleepy. You can go back first. Just have Aunt Qin in the hospital to take care of you. You and Haochen will go and take care of yourself. You don't need to stay in the hospital to take care of me."

Grandma Fu repeatedly emphasized that she did not need to stay in the hospital, and Luo Enxi left the hospital.

It’s just that she didn’t expect to run into Fu Haochen and Luo Xirou in the hospital lobby. She didn’t want to go forward to avoid embarrassment, so she tried to hide behind the crowd, but Luo Xirou saw her at a glance, and she didn’t even have a chance to escape. No.

"En Xi." Luo Xirou's eyes were full of smiles, and she shouted Luo Enxi's name.

Hearing the words, Fu Haochen looked up and saw Luo Enxi. This woman wasn't in the ward with her grandma, why did she come downstairs? What are you doing?

Even if Luo Enxi wanted to pretend not to know Luo Xirou, it was impossible. She stepped forward and said calmly, "Have you not gone back? Sister."

"I'm waiting for Haochen downstairs, chatting with Haochen, and I'm about to go back, how about you? Would you like to go home with me." Luo Xirou is very enthusiastic, but it seems that outsiders really feel that they are sister The relationship between the two is very good.

"I have something to do, so I won't go back with you." Luo Enxi said, and he wanted to leave sideways.

But just as she passed by Fu Haochen, her wrist was grabbed by Fu Haochen.

"Fu Haochen, what are you doing?" Luo Enxi frowned and asked.

"I should ask you what you are doing, right? Grandma is still in the hospital. You, the grandson-in-law, are going to leave?" Fu Haochen smiled sarcastically in his eyes.

Luo Enxi knew that there would be no good when meeting Fu Haochen, and she tried to free her wrist from Fu Haochen's hand.

"Fu Haochen, my grandma asked me to leave the hospital. She needs to rest, and Aunt Qin is here to take care of her." If she didn't want to help grandma, how could she leave as soon as she left, but what's the point of staying here? There was too much time to meet with Fu Haochen in the hospital, and she didn't want to stay with Fu Haochen for too long.

Therefore, since there is a chance to leave, how could Luo Enxi not be sure.

"If you don't want to stay in the hospital, don't link me to grandma." Fu Haochen sneered, "What are you going to do? Huh?"

Luo Enxi really didn't know what Fu Haochen wanted to do. She didn't do anything to provoke Fu Haochen. Why did he refuse to let her go?

"Fu Haochen, what on earth do you want to do?" Luo Enxi really wanted to ask Fu Haochen, why must she be targeted at her? Did she just annoy him so much? If she is bored, isn't it enough for her to hide far away?

Luo Enxi's words sounded particularly harsh to Fu Haochen. With a strong shake, Luo Enxi's hand was free.

"Luo Enxi, don't be passionate about yourself. I am not interested in what you are going to do, and I don't want to know at all. Don't let me go!" Fu Haochen said coldly.

Going out again, Luo Enxi squeezed her hand firmly. She kept her eyes open and looked at Fu Haochen for a long time. Without saying anything, she turned and walked away.

As he walked forward, Luo Enxi still vaguely heard Luo Xirou talking to Fu Haochen.

"Haochen, En Xi has always been like this. She is my sister. You are on my side, don't be angry with her."

She is really a good sister, Luo Enxi couldn't help but sigh, how could she rob her husband if she wasn't a good sister.

Luo Enxi left the hospital and drove back to Fu's house. Too many things happened in the past two days. She really didn't have the energy to go back to the company to deal with things. She just wanted to go back to Fu's house and take a good rest.

When Xia Xiaoxi called, she just drove into the city.

"Xiao Xi, why call me this time?" Luo Enxi simply found a location, stopped the car, and answered Xia Xiaoxi's call.

Life is always wonderful. Back then, she, Xia Xiaoxi, and He Xia Nuan were good sisters. All the classmates and teachers knew that the relationship between the three of them was very good, and the three of them gave their team a name called Three Musketeers.

But Luo Enxi couldn't figure out why the three sisters who were so good back then suddenly changed. He Xia Nuan completely changed. I still remember when that incident happened, Xia Xiaoxi rushed to He Xia Nuan. She slapped her hard.

Xia Xiaoxi asked He Xia Nuan why he was sorry for Luo Enxi.

He Xia Nuan laughed, like a madman, "Because I never thought of treating Luo Enxi as a sister and pretending to have a good relationship with her, but because I wanted to know Fu Haochen. Luo Enxi, a stupid woman, would think of me. It’s silly to be a good sister with her."

Only after experiencing many things, can I understand who is the sister who will never leave her. He Xia Nuan betrayed her, but Xia Xiaoxi has been with her. After so many years, it has not changed.

"En Xi, I received a call from the monitor today, saying that we have graduated almost five years ago and we are going to have a party. They don't have your contact information, so they found me and asked me to make an appointment with you." Xia Xiaoxi said aloud .

The class reunion is too far away for Luo Enxi. From graduation to now, she has never been to the class reunion every year, and she has not even joined the class group. Unexpectedly, it has been so long, and some people even think of her in the class.

For so many years, she did not attend the party. In fact, a large part of the reason was because of Fu Haochen and He Xia Nuan. I don’t know why. The classmates began to say that she made He Xia Nuan a mentally troubled person, and she also robbed Fu Haochen. . With more rumors and rumors, she wanted to avoid it, unwilling to listen to it or putting herself in the whirlpool.

"Xiao Xi, let me think about it." Luo Enxi hadn't thought about this question, so it was not easy to answer Xia Xiaoxi right away.

Xia Xiaoxi replied, "En Xi, if you don't want to go, I won't go either. Anyway, it's the same every year, and I don't want to go. It's just that this year they specially invited the previous teachers, and they said that they can't miss any one. En Xi, if you think about it for a day or two, remember to reply to me so I can answer the monitor."

"Good." Luo Enxi replied.

"How are you recently? I only came back from a business trip yesterday. When will we get together and have a good chat. It's been a long time since I chatted with you." Xia Xiaoxi was very upset.

Luo Enxi smiled and said, "Well, or just today, where are you, I will find you."

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