Loving You Is Hurtful

Chapter 44: Completely tear the face

Luo Xirou has been hiding behind Fu Haochen, holding Fu Haochen's arms in her hands, and she has a pitiful look on her face, but the look in Luo Enxi's eyes is full of mockery and full of pride.

Luo Enxi somewhat understood why Luo Xirou went to the rooftop to look for her. It turned out that she had known that Fu Haochen would come here, so she deliberately acted this way to make Fu Haochen run into it, so that Fu Haochen thought she was jealous. Pushing Luo Xirou down is really good at calculating, although she has been guarding Luo Xirou, she still caught the trap.

"Haochen, En Xi didn't mean it, she just missed her hand when she was in a bad mood, it's okay, I was not injured." Luo Xirou said softly, relying on Fu Haochen to stand firm like a weak willow.

Hearing this, Fu Haochen hated Luo Enxi even more. He patted Luo Xirou on the back with his free hand, and comforted her, "Don't be afraid, I am here."

But such a simple sentence seemed to have inserted countless knives into Luo Enxi's heart. Long, long ago, when she was still a teenage girl, Fu Haochen once said the same thing to her. But in a blink of an eye, all his tenderness has been given to other women.

"Luo Enxi, what else do you have to say? You and Xirou are twin sisters. Why can one be kind and the other be so cruel? They are both born to the same parents. Why are there so many differences? I wonder if you are Xirou's sister." Fu Haochen said coldly.

It’s really wanting to add to the crime. Even Fu Haochen said that he is not his own person. He clearly knows what kind of person Fu Haochen is, but why the heart still hurts. The heart-wrenching pain almost makes people breathe. But come. Everything from the past came to my heart together, and my heart ached every time I recalled one thing.

"Luo Xirou, my good sister. It's already here. You are still pretending to pretend that our sisters are deep in love. Are you not tired? You have time to act, and I really don't have time to accompany you. In fact, you don't need it at all. Acting again, because you have already achieved your goal." Luo Enxi approached Luo Xirou, smiling so much that even tears were about to run out, but she was still suppressing her emotions and not letting herself shed tears.

Luo Xirou held Fu Haochen tightly and kept shouting, "En Xi, you misunderstood me. How could it be? We are good sisters, sisters who grew up together. How can you think of me like this? "

It was really disgusting. Luo Enxi stared at Luo Xirou and sneered, "Luo Xirou, I did not admit that you are my good sister. If you are the so-called good sister, there really is nothing good in this world. Sister, which elder sister will have a car accident with her husband? Which elder sister will try her best to steal her job? There is no other person besides you."

Luo Xirou kept shaking her head, "No, En Xi, you misunderstood me. It's really not what you think. I know you are very emotional now, but you believe me, I really didn't want to take you away. I just love Haochen too much. I want to be with Haochen for a lifetime. There is only one thing. I admit that I am sorry for you, but I can't help it."

"It's ridiculous, don't make excuses for your shamelessness. Luo Xirou, you are robbing my husband, you are the mistress. If it wasn't for mom's face, how could I have been holding you back? Nothing happened."

Fu Haochen angrily scolded, "Luo Enxi, enough! You shut up!"

Luo Enxi laughed when she heard the words. She clenched her fists and almost collapsed, "Not enough! Being a junior, don't you allow others to say it!"

"Luo Enxi, what about you? What are you? You have harmed Xia Nuan to the point where you are now, what are you? Not only did you take everything that belonged to Xia Nuan, you also killed two people in your heart. It's not in your Luo Enxi's eyes that fate is nothing at all?" Fu Haochen roared.

No matter what, Fu Haochen could always find a reason to help Luo Xirou. She admitted that she had lost. How could she have won Luo Xirou. With Fu Haochen, everything she had would be taken away.

"Fu Haochen, my grandma gave me the position of director of the planning department. Why would you remove me from my position? Grandma said you can't deprive me of what belongs to me anyway." Luo Enxi looked at Fu Haochen with cold eyes.

The look in Luo Enxi's eyes made Fu Haochen stunned for a moment, but thinking of what Luo Enxi did, he only had a dislike for Luo Enxi.

"Do you think grandma will always protect you? This time you are removed from your post, grandma agreed. Luo Enxi, no one can protect you, you think you can do things that hurt Xia Nuan unconsciously, but It's really stupid." Fu Haochen sneered, "Luo Enxi, do you feel like a clown? You've been acting a one-man show."

It turned out that Grandma Fu agreed, and that's right. One is a grandson and the other is an outsider. How could she disagree? What's more, she went against Grandma Fu's intention to do things to stimulate He Xia Nuan, Grandma Fu must be disappointed.

Luo Enxi lowered her eyes slightly, the domineering spirit was completely gone.

"Fu Haochen, what do you want?" Luo Enxi said calmly, her emotions were all hidden, "What do you want? How can you let me go?"

Fu Haochen glanced at Luo Xirou, and then said to Luo Enxi: "Since Xirou said to let you go, I don’t care about today’s affairs. But Luo Enxi, you will remember it for me, if you dare Do things that hurt Xia Nuan and Xirou, I will not let you off easily."

"I don't need your carelessness, let's talk about it, Luo Xirou, what do you want? Actually, if you don't say it, I know what you want. I just want the position of Mrs. Fu, but I don't have long eyes. People who have been occupying this position, do you hate me very much? Wish I die, this position is yours?" After speaking, Luo Enxi let out a bleak laugh.

She was really aggrieved, her husband and Xiaosan stood on the same line, embarrassing her everywhere. Luo Enxi really didn't know when she started her life so failed.

Fu Haochen's eyes changed directly, he only felt that the death word in Luo Enxi's mouth was too harsh.

When Luo Xirou heard this, she hurriedly said: "En Xi, it's not like that. I didn't think about it. I never thought about it. I just love Haochen too much and just want to be with him, but I never Want to destroy your life in the past. You have to believe me, since childhood, I have never done anything sorry for you. Falling in love with Haochen is something I can’t resist, so I’m sorry.”

It's really high-sounding, it's ironic to say that you can't give up because you love too much. A woman can say that being a mistress is so good, even looking for a good reason. Should she applaud, Luo Enxi thought so and did the same.

She clapped and said with a smile: "Luo Xirou, you are looking for a great excuse. I will be moved by your love. You love Fu Haochen, and you can be so arrogant if you love a married man. Do you have any scruples? Luo Xirou, if you hadn't had a mother to protect you, I would have done it a long time ago."

Luo Xirou’s eyes were full of horror, and she hid in Fu Haochen’s arms. She grieved and said, “Haochen, I really don’t have to apologize to En Xi. En Xi misunderstood me.” That aggrieved force made people feel as if they were down Can cry out in one second.

"Luo Enxi, just shut up. Don't always think of yourself as Mrs. Fu. You know how you got this position. You know better than anyone. You got it by despicable means. You think you are very Are you awesome? Still think you are better than others? You don't feel ashamed, I feel ashamed." Fu Haochen said coldly, he really didn't understand Luo Enxi less and less.

In the impression, Luo Enxi looked like only promise, and I really never found that Luo Enxi was like this. But I want to come, how can a woman with so many means be as pure as a rabbit, she is a big bad wolf.

"Fu Haochen, are you enough? Do you think I am willing to marry you? Do you think I have no regrets after marrying you? If I could, I would have lived my own life long ago." Luo Enxi said in a deep voice. Said.

"You mean you wanted to divorce me a long time ago, didn't you?" Fu Haochen let go of Luo Xirou, stepped closer to Luo Enxi, and said word by word, "Tell me what you just said again, Luo En Xi, did you want to get a divorce long ago?"

Luo Enxi raised her head and looked directly at Fu Haochen, "Yes, I've already thought about it, Fu Haochen, I've long wanted to stay away from such painful days as life is worse than death. If it weren't for grandma, how could I have been enduring it? "

It was a good one to endure, this woman dared to have the idea of ​​divorce. Fu Haochen was anxious, but thinking about it carefully, didn't he always want to divorce Luo Enxi? Why did she have agreed to a divorce, but he felt uncomfortable. Why? Yes, because he hadn't tortured Luo Enxi enough, how could he let her leave so easily, he must be satisfied with seeing her not as good as death.

"Luo Enxi, you are dreaming." After speaking, Fu Haochen turned and pulled Luo Xirou downstairs.

Luo Enxi stood there in a daze. She didn't understand why Fu Haochen refused to let her go. Is it so fun to consume each other like this? If you obviously hate her and hate her, wouldn't it be nice to let her go earlier?

Full of frustration, Luo Enxi felt powerless. Luo Enxi's eyes turned red when he looked at the two people who were walking along.

Tears pattered and she told herself it was blown away by the wind. She didn't cry. How could she cry? Absolutely not.

But thinking about it carefully, it is really unwise for her and Luo Xirou to tear their faces at this time. Luo Xirou is now her immediate boss, and she will definitely retaliate against Luo Xirou so much.

Ugh. Luo Enxi sighed deeply.

But she couldn't help it anymore, she should have torn her face a long time ago. Over the years, she has to pretend to have a good relationship every day, and it feels disgusting to think about it.

Forget it, so be it, start from the beginning.

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