Loving You Is Hurtful

Chapter 66: I will not give up

"Hey, Mr. Fu, hello. I am En Xi's sister... En, yes, it is me. We saw it yesterday." A cruel smile appeared on Luo Xirou's face, but her tone was already soft and weak. "Do you have time today? I wonder if we can meet... well, yes... well!"

Luo Enxi, let's take a look.

On the other side, Fu Yucheng originally woke up in the morning, instead of getting up directly, he stared at the ceiling and started to daze.

Because Luo Enxi rejected him...

As long as he remembered, Fu Yucheng felt uncomfortable again.

Had it not been for Luo Xirou's invitation call, he might not have gotten out of bed so quickly.

Fu Yucheng and Luo Xirou made an appointment on the phone about the time and place to meet, waited for him to wash up, and then drove over.

Luo Xirou was already there when Fu Yucheng arrived at the Swan Restaurant.

"I don't know Miss Luo, there was a traffic jam on the road just now." Gentleman Fu Yucheng apologized.

"Mr. Fu, you don't have to apologize, it's not the time we agreed." Luo Xirou smiled sweetly, "Also, you can just call me Xirou."

"Anyway, it is always wrong to let a lady wait." Fu Yucheng smiled at her, but did not accept the title Luo Xirou said.

Luo Xirou didn't mind. After ordering the food, she exchanged greetings with Fu Yucheng.

"After you picked Enxi home yesterday, did you talk okay?" Luo Xirou asked.

When Fu Yucheng heard Luo Xirou's question about this, he smiled bitterly, "Sorry, I seem to make Enxi unhappy." He paused, and then said sadly, "Enxi said that I will not be allowed to pick her up in the future. ."

"Ah, how could this happen!" Luo Xirou pretended to be surprised, and then put on a somewhat distressed tone, and said: "My sister is like this, it's easy to be shy, don't mind."

"How come, I was wrong." Fu Yucheng said sullenly, "En Xi said, she likes Fu Haochen."

Fu Yucheng said sadly, then as if suddenly remembering something, he asked: "Miss Luo, you are Enxi's sister, why don't you mind if I pursue Enxi at all?"

When Luo Xirou heard the words, she immediately changed into a pitiful and sorrowful look, "Mr. Fu, you are right. This is why I invited you today."

"What's the matter?" Fu Yucheng thought that Luo Xirou would also start to oppose his pursuit of Luo Enxi, and couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

"Mr. Fu, to tell you, Haochen and I truly love each other." Luo Xirou choked in her voice, as if she was about to cry.

"What's going on!" Fu Yucheng was shocked. He heard that Fu Haochen had been having scandals after his marriage, but he never thought that the target would be Luo Enxi's sister, and the two would still "really love each other."

"That's it," Luo Xirou sniffed, as if trying her best to endure the tears. "Hao Chen didn't like En Xi, but for some reason, he had to marry En Xi. After that, we all It's painful. Haochen likes me, but he must admit that En Xi is his wife."

Luo Xirou endured it again, but finally did not hold it back, tears still fell, making people look so pitiful.

"It's so..." Fu Yucheng, who had been abroad and didn't know the whole story at all, almost quickly believed the lie that Luo Xirou had already compiled and blurred certain relationship boundaries.

"Yes," Luo Xirou continued to whimper and cry, "Hao Chen can already divorce En Xi, but En Xi seems to be dependent on Hao Chen over the years, and has never divorced Hao Chen. "

"In this way, the three of us are very sad. We live in pain every day. I have a hard time, and neither will En Xi and Haochen."

"Mr. Fu, I can see that you really like Enxi, please help me. Entrust Enxi to you, I can rest assured, I know that you will take good care of her."

"You like En Xi, and Hao Chen is your younger brother. You can't bear to see them all suffer, right?"

"Please, only you can help us."

"I know it's wrong to say that, and it's not good to say that, but I can't help it, I love Haochen too much."

Luo Xirou said a lot of words at once, but in the end she finally got stuck, unable to say a word, she could only let her tears flow.

Fu Yucheng had never thought that the "truth" of the fact was like this. He was shocked and couldn't help but sigh with emotion. It seemed that Luo Xi was as soft as him, and he was a desperate person who could not ask for it.

"Don't cry, Miss Luo. I will help you." Fu Yucheng handed over a tissue, "What should I do?"

Seeing his promise, Luo Xirou was overjoyed, "Is what you said is true, Mr. Fu?" Luo Xirou said, there was joy in her eyes, with tears that had not been wiped away, so touching.

Fu Yucheng nodded, "Of course."

"Then please be nice to my sister, accompany her more and influence her. She relies on Haochen so much that she can't let go of Haochen for a long time. In fact, there is no feeling between them." Luo Enxi said expectantly, "If someone who treats her well appears, she will definitely figure it out!"

Fu Yucheng remembered the things Luo Enxi and Fu Haochen had together, and felt that Luo Xirou's words were very reasonable, and immediately nodded, "I know. I will be good to Enxi." He only hoped that Luo Enxi would be happy.

"Thank you so much! Thank you for your willingness to help us and help us all out of this pain." Luo Xirou cried with joy.

"Don't say that." Fu Yucheng said, "I'm also helping myself..."

The last sentence was said quietly, but Luo Xirou still heard it.

Luo Xirou lowered her head slightly, hiding a sneer in the dark.

A man in love will always easily believe in some others.

As long as Fu Yucheng is always by Luo Enxi's side, even if he doesn't do anything, he will be Luo Xirou's best help.

Luo Xirou was extremely satisfied, but still looked so weak, "Don't say that, I'll treat you to this meal, and you must not refuse."

Luo Xirou was satisfied, and Fu Yucheng seemed to suddenly untie her knot. None of them are happy! Then let him bring happiness to Luo Enxi. How could he back down because of a little rejection!

The two had their own thoughts and it could be said that they had a pleasant lunch.


In the afternoon, Fu Yucheng, who "figured it out," waited for Luo Enxi downstairs in the company with a rose on time.

Luo Xirou looked at Fu Yucheng, who was standing under the banyan tree at the entrance of the company, from upstairs, with a satisfied smile on her lips.

She rushed to Lin Hai and nodded. Lin Hai understood, took the camera and walked out.

Luo Enxi, don't even think about turning over this time.

Luo Xirou sat comfortably on the swivel chair behind the mahogany desk and sighed comfortably.

As sisters, Luo Enxi Ke, who just got off work, was not so comfortable anymore.

Luo Enxi finished the day's work. As soon as he thought of getting off work, Lin Wan ran in a little panic, took Luo Enxi's hand, and whispered: "Sister Enxi, it's not good!"

"What's wrong, so panicked." Luo Enxi had a bad premonition in her heart. Although she was also very irritable, she still calmed Lin Wan's emotions first.

Lin Wan saw that he was running upstairs in a hurry, panting desperately, trying to lower his voice and said, "Sister En Xi, Mr. Fu Yucheng is here again with a rose!"

With a thunderbolt on the blue sky, Luo Enxi could hardly stand up.

"What's the matter, I told him not to come again yesterday!" Luo Enxi ran to the window anxiously and looked down. Although it was blurred due to the height of the building, he could still recognize that it was Fu Yucheng and he was standing. Downstairs, in his arms is a handful of coquettish blue enchantress.

The windows of the Fu Group are floor-to-ceiling glass windows. The feeling of looking down from a high altitude makes Luo Enxi feel dizzy, and she sits back on the chair out of control.

"Sister Enxi, what should I do!" Lin Wan looked more anxious than Luo Enxi, like ants on a hot pan.

How to do? Luo Enxi didn't know what to do.

Besides going out to face Fu Yucheng, does she have a way out?

As long as she doesn't face it directly and picks out her own position, no matter where she hides, it will appear that she is evading, leaving people with a story.

So Luo Enxi could only go out.

Amidst the whole company's discussions, go out.

"You are here!" Fu Yucheng walked over, using the same language as the previous two days, with the same joyful tone, and handing the flowers to Luo Enxi's eyes.

Luo Enxi's mood was different, she went from surprise on the first day, pain on the second day, to anger today.

Luo Enxi turned into a rose, and immediately threw it to the ground.

A small exclamation broke out from the crowd.

"En Xi?" Fu Yucheng was a little surprised.

"I told you not to come again." Luo Enxi said coldly.

He raised his calf and walked straight across Fu Yucheng towards the garage.

As I walked, Fu Yucheng's shout suddenly came from behind: "Luo Enxi, I won't give up!"

So the next day, there was a new gossip from the company, saying that Luo Enxi "started chaos and finally abandoned."

Luo Enxi closed her eyes in pain.

In the next few days, no matter what Luo Enxi said or how he rejected Fu Yucheng's confession, Fu Yucheng persisted in holding roses to the company and waited for Luo Enxi to leave work every day.

After a few days, Fu Yucheng has even spread the reputation of "Infatuation".

In contrast, it is naturally Luo Enxi's "bad heart".

"Luo Enxi is too much. Even if he embarrassed Mr. Fu after getting married, he still seduce Mr. Fu's brother. Now people are infatuated with her, but she still looks like she's aloof and ignored."

"That's right, who will be shown to him, if you really become a bitch, you have to set up a chastity memorial."

"Hey, when can a man like Fu Yucheng like me like me."

"Good men have been ruined by Luo Enxi."

"That's right."

When Fu Haochen came back from a business trip, he had already heard this version.

The three became tigers, and there were thousands of rumors, and it was hard to tell the truth from the false.

When the company rumors reached their peak, Fu Haochen came back.

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