Loving You Is Hurtful

Chapter 8: Duplicity woman

Without hearing Luo Enxi's reply, Mrs. Fu inevitably became a little anxious, "Enxi? Are you still listening?"

Luo Enxi's eyelashes trembled, and finally recovered, "Grandma, I'm still here, and I... Hao Chen..."

"En Xi, tell grandma, did that stinky boy Haochen bully you again?" Old Madam Fu asked nervously.

"No...no, grandma... Haochen is very good to me." Luo Enxi bit her lip, and couldn't help it.

The fingers clasped on the desk hurt, only to realize that the long nails were split in two because of too much force.

"En Xi, don't lie to grandma... If that stinky kid is not good to you and bullies you, you must tell grandma, and grandma will help you teach him!" Madam Fu added worryingly.

"Well, grandma, he is very nice to me, he didn't bully me, don't worry." Luo Enxi said calmly.

Grandma Fu is the person who cares about her most and treats her best. She doesn't want Grandma Fu to worry about her...

Even less hopeful, Grandma Fu quarreled with Fu Haochen because of her, after all, they were the closest relatives.

"Then grandma don't worry, grandma can wait for you and Haochen to give birth to a great-grandson, so that grandma can hug you." Mrs. Fu smiled.

"En." Lorne Xi silently listened, with mixed feelings in his heart.

Every time, after the incident, Fu Haochen would order her to take contraceptives the next day, and she had no possibility of getting pregnant.

"En Xi, let's go back to the old house for dinner with Haochen in the evening. Grandma hasn't seen you for a long time and missed you." Mrs. Fu couldn't refuse.

"But... Grandma, I..." Luo Enxi shook her head, trying to find excuses to shirk.

"It's nothing, didn't you just say that the relationship between you and Haochen has become better? Could it be that you were lying to my old lady?" The next moment, Mrs. Fu's voice became harsh.

"I..." Luo Enxi was speechless.

"Since this is the case, then it's settled." Mrs. Fu hung up the phone without waiting for Luo Enxi to answer.

Luo Enxi put the microphone back on the landline, and she let out a long sigh, resting her cheek on her arm, lying on the desk tiredly.

When Fu Haochen came in, he saw Luo Enxi lying there, with a small face like a carved jade in his arms.

The woman closed her eyes, her eye sockets were slightly red, and there were crystal tears hanging on her long eyelashes.

The hair that had been tightly wrapped around the back of his head was now slightly disheveled, with a few broken hairs falling behind his ears.

Fu Haochen raised his long legs and approached step by step, clearly hearing the woman's breathing.

When he walked to the desk a few steps, Fu Haochen's eyes narrowed, and he noticed that the button on the woman's shirt, which happened to be the one on the chest, had unexpectedly collapsed.

The black vest exposed inside, tightly wrapping the roundness of the chest.

Fu Haochen stood beside her, her whole body tightly tightened, her apple slid up and down.

At this moment, the eyes under Luo Enxi's eyelids moved. The next moment, she frowned and suddenly opened her eyes.

Immediately meeting the figure standing in front of her, Luo Enxi was taken aback, her pupils shrank suddenly, and she subconsciously stepped back, like a hedgehog with all body guards up.

"Fu Haochen, you... why did you come in?" The voice was shaking.

With a loud bang, Fu Haochen placed the briefcase belonging to Luo Enxi in his hand on the desk gravitationally. In his black eyes, the **** that had originally been tainted disappeared completely at this moment.

When Luo Enxi is awake, he will always be disgusted——

"Heh! You are really cheap as a woman. You deliberately left your briefcase there to seduce me. Are you still pretending?"

Fu Haochen put one hand on the edge of the desk, and one long arm pressed the office chair where Luo Enxi was sitting, forming an enclosing circle, wrapping Luo Enxi in it.

Luo Enxi's gaze stayed on the briefcase for a second, and then immediately calmed down. She stared at Fu Haochen, "Since Mr. Fu has returned the bag, if it is all right, please go out!"

The whole body was filled with the masculine atmosphere that belonged to him alone, making every nerve of her tightly taut, unable to relax, and the heart in her chest almost jumped out.

"Heh!" Fu Haochen laughed low, his eyes fell on the button that broke apart on the woman's chest, and the beautiful scenery exposed in the gap between the buttons, "Luo Enxi, are you sure you let me go? , Eh? Duplicate woman!"

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