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: Afterword


  I don't have the courage to say this is a complete ending, so I'm sorry to use up this testimonial as a title.

I wanted to insist on finishing the story I wanted to write. Even though I decided to finish the book as soon as possible, I was trying to simplify a complete story, but the mapping of the last chapter can also be seen. There are many follow-up plots, mainly Emotional changes need enough emotional foreshadowing to turn.

  I saw a comment yesterday, saying that I don’t know the meaning of continuing to read it... In fact, apart from giving everyone a complete story, I can’t find the meaning of writing it myself.

Then I suddenly realized that people need to spend money to read books—for me, this book has undoubtedly failed after the subscription collapse, and for the 200 readers who are still subscribed, everyone still pays to read the stories I wrote. is the greatest support.

  Forcibly writing in such a state is to cheat money. It is better to face your failure calmly than let everyone leave with exhausted enthusiasm and disappointment.

  Sorry, I failed you.

  I also want to say sorry to the book friends who left disappointed after being full of expectations, if it is possible to see it.

  —Of course, I can also choose to conceive seriously and carefully craft the follow-up, but... forced by life, I really can’t hold on.

Feel sorry.

  I will rest for a few days to calm myself down, then summarize the gains and losses, and prepare a new book. I have conceived many books early on, and now I am just deciding which one to write. The initial decision is still the type of urban life, and it should be released in mid-November.

  —Yu Xue Zi Bing Chen.

  (end of this chapter)

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