Lucky Pregnancy & Sweet Marriage: Hubby, Please Turn Off the Lights!

Chapter 359: Your tenderness, leave it to the real son

"In this case, then we will go back."

She got up and said politely, "Si Xuan, take good care of Lin Yi, don't let someone who is not influential... Heh, what kind of second marriage and abandoned wife approached Lin Yi. We, Lin Yi, are the best of the Rong family. The young owner."

Rong's second room left, but Rong Jinghui did not follow them.

He was still looking at Su Yanyun, and the heavy question in his eyes made Su Yanyun's heart heavy.

Mrs. Rong looked at the Jiang brothers and sisters, "Why, how long is Xi Shao going to stay here?"

Jiang Chengxi seemed to hesitate and couldn't help but glance at Jiang Yilin.

With a little tear in her eyes, Jiang Yilin suddenly knelt down to Madam Rong.

"Auntie Hua," she was as delicate as a willow, with tears on her delicate and lovely face, "Please agree, let me stay and take care of Linyi. Anyway, Linyi and I have also been Being together with all my heart... He is like this, I really can't leave... Please..."

Rong Xuelong sneered, huh, finally he was willing to tell his true intentions?

"Ms. Jiang, if you want to come over and post upside down, you have to ask Lin Yi's current wife's opinion." Rong Xuelong abducted Su Yanyun.

Su Yanyun understood, and then smiled faintly: "I don't think it is the Rong family or Lin Yi, there is no habit of going back to the grass. Ms. Jiang's gentle and considerate, let me leave it to myself."

"Yi he is my true son," Jiang Yilin cried so much that I felt pity, "Sister Yanyun, please don't break us up. He once said that I will not marry in this life. You are already pregnant with my brother. Baby, why do you want to take Yi? The two most important men in my life, are you going to occupy them?"

"Telled that the baby in my stomach has nothing to do with your Jiang family!" Su Yanyun couldn't help but want to swear, "Ms. Jiang has such a good acting skill, not being an entertainer is a loss to the entertainment industry!"

Jiang Yilin was choked by Su Yanyun, but she didn't reply for a while, but her eyes were red, like a small animal that was just wronged, arousing love.

"Sister..." She choked, "Obviously...obviously the baby in your stomach belongs to my brother...this matter, the Song family and our family know...why, why you just refused to let Yi... What did he do wrong..."

She cried until she lay on the ground.

Jiang Chengxi frowned deeply and looked at his sister's desire to live and die. He seemed extremely sad and unbearable. He turned his head and couldn't bear to look directly.

"Miss Jiang, please don't cry anymore." Mrs. Rong said politely, but her tone was cold. "The visit time is over. Come here, let Xi Shao and Miss Jiang go out."

"Mrs. Rong, we can go, I want to take Su Yanyun." Jiang Chengxi's eyes are determined to be determined.

"You dream!" Rong Xuelong said angrily.

"Sister Xuelong," He Xiaoqin said again, "When will you still cover Su Yanyun? Why, you just don't allow me to tell the truth?"

This is an excellent opportunity for Jiang Chengxi to take Su Yanyun away.

Anyway, Jiang Chengxi's purpose for taking Su Yanyun away was the same as her, but to make Rong Linyi's side free.

Since his elder brother refuses to be that wicked person, it is not bad to kill with a knife.

Therefore, even if she offends everyone, she must seize this last chance!

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