Lucky Unluckiest

1 Chapter One

hey everyone. This is my first book and I started writing this book when I was thirteen but how I matured is shown through the pages. it gets better after chap 19. keep up with it until then lol. And you reading my words means the world to me, thank you very much!




To all the loving souls with broken hearts.

\"When you lose someone who is your entire universe, it hits you. All the chances you didn't take. All the things you didn't say because the truth is that you think you have forever, but you don't. You never do.\"




I can mark Valentine's day as one of the most dreadful days of my life, a constant reminder that maybe I am not worth it. On that day my first crush dumped me; she dumped me on the day of love. Of course once a better offer came, she took the opportunity to get with the most popular guy, Adam. He asked her out and she took it, but I saw they didn't last long. Adam was a player so he moved on to a next girl when he got tired of her.

But I guess that was a learning experience, I've been long moved on. That happened about three years ago. High school drama and what not. I am on better things and focusing on more important matters. At this moment I am in college, putting all my effort in becoming a doctor and studying hard as it is the only thing I focus on.

My main goal is to become a doctor. My grandma told me that it has been my mother's dream that she'd have a doctor in the family before she passed away. Since I got to know her wish, that's what I am trying to pursue, wanting to make her proud. My father remarried a few years after my mother passed away and they left me and moved to London. I remember them, I think I was seven or eight when they left me at my granny's and Ever since I've stayed with her.

At that time I was angry that my father abandoned me, but I have grown close to my grandmother. She truly is, or what I considered a mom. She died when I was 16 which marked another worst day of my life. I loved her so much and just the thought of her not being here anymore just tears me up. She was always there was for me. The only one by my side.

College life has been a little rough considering I hardly have anyone. No family, no one to guide me, no friends but I have Liam and that's more than enough.

It's difficult to make friends when most of the time you are busy studying but after every wrong in my life I've closed myself off to the world. It made it difficult for me to trust people, you can say I have abandonment issues. I've tried a few times in my past to keep friendships but they left eventually, each going their own way. I don't blame them. I went my separate way as well.

This has happened to me so much that I don't even mind that much anymore. People leaving me and never returning. That's Life. I am used to it. I stopped expecting.

Anyways, moving on, it's the second year in college and I don't have friends. Actually I am not even interested in making friends. I am absolutely fine being with Liam but I do have buddies who ask for pictures of my assignments from time to time and, honestly, I am absolutely fine with it .

I just need to endure it for three more years. Three more years is what I always tell myself.

Yet, somehow, everyday feels like hell.


Today is my first day at the college I'm attending.

Being honest I was looking forward to this day for a long time. I just can't wait to start a new life and be surrounded by new people. Anxiety sure is hitting me but so is excitement.

My family and I've just shifted here from London. We had lived in London for 19 years. My mom is a doctor, giving me the idea to pursue the medicinal career, and my father is a businessman.

My life has always been full of enthusiasm and excitements. Every sunrise gives my strength to do something new because I believe that life has endless chances to re-do something, overcoming your fears or starting something new. Of course, I am a human too, I also sometimes feel like giving up and fed up with life but I like to focus on the bright side.

My life is amazing because I don't believe in giving up. But one thing sure tears me apart. The one thing that kills me inside is when I think of my brother, my one and only brother. He died at the age of fifteen. I was fourteen and I lost my life-link, my pillar-support, my other half. It was probably the worst day of my life.

I loved him a lot.

I love him so much that words cannot express.

He was like my best friend. He knew everything about me. And in return I knew everything about him, like who his first crush was, and how they dated for a little while but broke it off because of her horrible personality. So, I became his wing-man, telling him what girls were fit for him, and which weren't. I used to tell my brother what kind of things girls like and helped him in all sort of things. But it's not like the favor was never returned, my brother helped me through everything too.

I remember how we used to fight over silly things, but always behaved in public.

Well, it's been 5 years since he died, but I still miss him. A lot. It still feels like he was with me a little while ago. Not a day goes by that I don't end up missing him, almost always ending up in tears.

Changing the subject, I can't wait to start my medical course in college. Now, I feel as if every day will bring something new and I can't wait to feel them. I love trying new things, knowing new things, it just amaze me that our world is a very beautiful place to live in. Sadly not everyone is aware of that.

I left all my friends in London, so I'm guessing I'll be all alone here. New country, new faces, new friends, new environment; I can't wait to start my year with new people. I can't wait to make friends. I'm just hoping everything will be fine.

I'm feeling great about this new journey. Everyday's going to be a new adventure and I'll be looking forward to every ups and downs.

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