Lucky Unluckiest

11 Chapter Eleven


What's got into her?

Why did she go the washroom instead of walking in the class with me?

Does she know how much courage it takes to compliment someone especially for someone who hasn't complimented someone ever?

I've never complimented anyone in my entire life! And her reply was just ...thank you?' That's it?


I walked in the classroom and went in the second last row. Put down my books, sighed heavily and decided never to compliment anyone. Anyone.

After I settled down Sophia walked in the class.

I was a little upset about what happened few minutes ago but still I tried to wave her but she didn't even notice. Great, Isn't? I m never waving at anyone anymore.

Our teacher walked in and started discussing about the project that we were working on.

\"So Sophia, how is the project going?\" She asked Sophia.

\"It's going...great Miss.\" She replied.

\"Are your group members treating you good?\" She asked her.

Okay so Miss Melanie never care about anyone usually. What's got into her?

\"They all are good... in fact they all are great.\" She replied.

And the time flew by and the bell rung.

I gathered my stuff and walked out if the class. I remember Liam saying he'll be coming with me but there's no sign of him.

I called him but he didn't pick up his phone.

I guess I'll have to walk home alone.

I saw someone walking before me and I think its Sophia.

Should I go to her? Should I?


Why would I go to there? Come on.

I shook my head and passed through her. Now she was behind me.

Suddenly I heard someone yelling Sophia's name.

I turned around and it was Emma. One of our group member.

When I turned my head around to see who is it just then I saw Liam walking behind them.

He was walking so slowly and was looking upset.

\"Liam! \"I waved my hand.

Sophia looked at me and immediately moved her eyes elsewhere like I was medusa and she'd turn into a statue if she looked in my eyes.

Liam looked up and a smile appeared on his face as he made his way to me.

\"Where were you?\" I asked him.

\"I secured 60% in my test.\" He said frowning.

\"Oh. Don't worry there's an upcoming test on Monday. Better be prepared.\"

I tried to calm him down.

\"You don't understand Logan. My dad is going to kill me once he sees my result.\" He sighed.


\"Don't know why he's doing that to me Logan. Why is he making me follow the path he made for me? He has lived his life, Why is he not letting me live mine!?\" He complained with his sad eyes. I couldn't say anything because I think they both are right in their own ways. Maybe his father is doing so because he doesn't want Liam to make mistakes he made in the past and it's nothing wrong to choose your ways, to live his own life. How is he supposed to learn without making mistakes?

When we were on our way Liam asked me to buy him something edible so we decided to go to a restaurant.

\"Next time, you're treating me.\" I told him.

\"Sure thing!\" He winked.

Then we ate there.

\"Are you coming to my place?\" I asked him as we made our way out of the restaurant.

\"To be honest dude I was thinking the same thing. Should I come or shouldn't I?\" He replied looking confused.

\"Well its totally up to you man.\" I replied.

\"Fine then I'll come.\" He teeth smiled.

\"Fine\" I teeth smiled back sarcastically.

And we made our way home.


On my way home I saw Logan walking ahead of me but he didn't bother to look behind so I pretended I didn't see him either.

Maybe I should go to him tomorrow.

I kind of feel awkward that he complimented me but I only replied with a simple thank you but what could I do? My body stopped working that time. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even notice that I reached home. I knocked the door and waited.

Oh yeah, they won't be home.

I sighed.

Luckily I had the keys so I unlocked the door and went in. I threw my bag on the couch and went to the kitchen.

I wonder what she cooked.

I opened the lid of the bowl and saw pasta.

Thank God. I thought it'll be some vegetables.

I went upstairs to my room, wore comfortable clothes and rushed in the kitchen as if someone else will eat my pasta.

I took out the plate, the fork and took out the pasta into the plate.

I went to the lounge and comforted myself on the sofa. I turned on the television and enjoyed myself watching Netflix.

Not long after that I heard the car parked outside.

They're probably my parents.

I got up and made my way to the kitchen putting my dish in the sink and while going upstairs I heard my mother saying as she hung the keys in the key holder.

\"Where are you going? You are going to do dishes.\"

I pouted and told her I'll be in a minute.

I went upstairs to my room and went to washroom and washed my hands. I made my way downstairs with my phone in my hand and I was hoping mom did the dishes but when I went to my kitchen the sink was full.

Okay so my mother added more plates .I pulled my sleeves up and put on some good music on my phone and started doing the dishes.

After doing dishes I took my phone and went to the lounge. I watched TV and didn't realize it was already 8pm.

Oh no! I need to study for my test.

I quickly turned off the television and made my way upstairs. I went to my room and started to settle my books on the study table. I opened my text book and suddenly what happened today replayed in my mind like a movie and my cheeks burned red and I couldn't concentrate.

Sophia! you should be studying!

I scolded myself and softly slapped my both cheeks.

I studied for an hour or two then I got sleepy and went to take a shower. I planned to study more but after showering I followed my usual routine as I brushed my teeth and put on my night pajamas and went to bed.

Lying comfortably on my bed I suddenly remembered that I have to put my books back in my back so I lazily got off my bed and cleaned the table. After putting my stuff back in my bag, I crawled back to my bed and whispered, 'I am never leaving you again.' I smiled and went to sleep.

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