Lucky Unluckiest

19 Chapter Nineteen


The Next day.

I promised myself to follow the rules I made for myself last night.

• Keep my distance from Sophia.

• She must not know about my past.

• Make her realize she's better off without me.

• Don't meddle in anyone's business.

• Keep my things to myself and Liam.

• Graduate as soon as possible and move away from here.

It's for her own good that she stays away from me as I don't want anyone to suffer because of me. It's Saturday. No college. No Sophia. I let out a sigh of relieve lying on my bed comfortably. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep for a little longer. When I opened my eyes it was already 10 am. Time flies. I made my way to the kitchen to prepare coffee when I got a call from Liam.

\"Hey, what's up?\" Liam said.

\"Nothing just woke up.\" I replied.

\"Any plans?\"

\"Yeah, to lie on my bed all day.\"

\"Well... kk. Bye. I'll see you on Monday and don't go without me I'll pick you up for college, okay?\"

\"Alright Liam, bye.\"


With the mug in my hand I went to bedroom and sat on the couch and turned on the television. Lost in watching a couple movies I looked at the time and it was already 2pm. Oh God, why is Saturday going to fast?

Laying on the couch in my pajamas wasting my day I got a call and I picked it up. \"Hi Logan?\" A familiar voice said.

I got up from my couch and tried to recognize the voice of the caller and yes it was no other than Sophia. \"Yes?\" I couldn't think straight.

\"Ar...Are you free?\" I could feel the hesitation in her voice.

\"Yes I am.\"

\"Umm... I was won..wondering if you could show me-e around. I mean it's totally okay if you can't. Umm.. I was a little down and I don't have anyone here I know who knows this place so I wanted to...\"

I could feel that she was shivering and hesitating while talking.

\"At what time Sophia? I cut her.

\"5pm would be fine.\" She replied as soon as I finished my question.

She gave me her address and told me to call her when I reach there.

Is this some kind of date? Wait... DID I JUST ACCEPT? I just made some rules and I am already breaking them.

Breaking rules for a day only won't hurt much or will it?

Just one day. I looked myself in the mirror and man! I look like a mess. With a disgusted face I went to take shower.

Oh God! What should I do? I am in the shower soaked in the thoughts, regret and excitement to see her. I don't know why I agreed to that even though I promised myself to distance myself from her and yet I can't wait to see her pretty face. I really do want to smash my head in the wall till I get unconscious.

Okay so it's going to be a normal day out with a friend. I am just going to show her around and get home early. Should I call Liam? Nah, not a good idea.

I came out with a towel wrapped around my waist and looked in the mirror. I tried to smile at myself to see how I looked. Then I teeth smiled. Which one is better? Confused, I did it again. I think the best would be which comes out genuinely.


I asked Logan if he could take me out and to my surprise he agreed.

I went to my closet and took out my favorite pair of blue jeans, a blue sweatshirt with white shoes and went for shower.

I don't really want to stay at home today because the memories keep haunting me here, today and is making my eyes water.

I came out of shower, dried my hair and changed my clothes. My parents aren't home, they both are out for work and I, alone feel terrible here. I looked at the clock and it was 4:30 pm. I've got half an hour, so I turned on the television and watched random shows. I was waiting impatiently for Logan's call and watching my phone's screen after every 5 minute.

At about 5:05 I got his message.

\"I am here.\"

I looked down from the window and he really was there.

I turned off the television, took some money and ran down. I took the keys from the key holder and made my way outside. \"Hey.\" I waved at him

He passed me a smile.

\"Where do you want to go?\" He asked.

\"I don't know, let's just walk and show me around.\" I told him, looking straight into his beautiful dark blue eyes. They look even prettier in the sunlight, even Logan looks good. I like his height; I mean the way he is looking down at me with his perfect pair of eyes and his broad shoulders and the way he was looking so curiously for my answer.

He nodded. \"Come on then.\" He said.

\"Hmm.\" I nodded back at him.

We started walking, at first it was a little uncomfortable walking so quietly but I was lost in my thoughts when he suddenly stopped.

\"Let's start with my favorite restaurant.\" He smiled at me and looked at the sign board.


I followed his gaze and it said, \"Starlight.\"

He looked at me and waited for my response. I nodded and smiled back at him. And so we made our way inside.

It was almost full. We looked for a table and suddenly he grabbed my hand, started walking and said, \"Here's one.\"

The table was near the window with a pleasant view of a garden outside.

He gave me the menu and I chose my meal and he called the waiter.

\" aren't you going to choose?\" I asked him.

\" I'll order what's special today.\" As soon as he said that the waiter arrived.

\"Umm... umm, I'd like to order what you're ordering.\" I whispered loud enough for him to hear.

He chuckled at me and nodded.

He ordered and we waited for the waiter to bring our food.

While waiting he told me about the amusement park near his place where he went with Liam and loved it. He scratched his scar near his eyebrow and continued telling me about places to visit.

\"Or do you want to go to the zoo?\" He asked.

\" By the way, why do you feel so down? \"He asked me again.

Should I or shouldn't I?

Better not.

\"I don't know but I just do. I didn't want to stay at home. \"I replied avoiding eye contact with him. I could feel him nodding and removing his eyes from me to the view outside the garden.

Soon after I saw a waiter approaching us with two plates in his hand. He placed the order in front of us and Logan and I made an eye contact with a grin. We finished our meal quietly and God, it was so delicious.

\"So what place do you prefer?\" He asked me.

\"I'd prefer the amusement park.\"

\"Let's go then. \"He smiled and it was so pure, so pure and sweet to make many girls fall for him.

We took a cab because his house was a bit far from here. He paid for the cab. \"Where do you live?\"

\"Just a few blocks away from here.\"

I nodded. \"Let's go.\"

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