Lucky Unluckiest

22 Chapter Twenty Two


Sundays, Sundays are the most depressing days for me. Nothing to do all day yet stressing out because I wasted the whole day. And here I am, lying on my bed thinking if it's worth getting up and start a day.

Yesterday was the most splendid day of my life. I never wanted the night to end specially when I took her in my embrace. She felt so warm. It all felt like a dream, a distant dream, a dream that could never come true. And I never wanted to wake up but sadly it did. And I wish I could go back dreaming forever that dream.

But sadly, one day or another I have a reality to come back to. I wonder if she's okay, after what she told me about her brother. I really felt her pain yesterday, loosing someone you are so emotionally attached to and love so deeply. I never want anyone else to feel that cause it literally tears my soul apart every time I recall my past. I wish to console her, encourage her and help her mend her broken heart but how can I do it if my heart itself is so broken. That's why I never wanted to be close to someone and feel their pain.

Liam was more than enough for me and now her. I am trying my best to stay away from her but every time without knocking or asking for permission, she just barges into the rooms of my heart that I try so hard to keep them locked up.

I picked up my phone and called Liam.

\" missed me?\" He answered his phone

I rolled my eyes hard.

\"any plans?\" i asked.

\"Nahh, wanna go to a date with me babe?\" I could literally feel his smirk.

\"Sure, I'll meet you in an hour at your place.\"

\"okay.\" he replied and I hanged up.

I seriously need something to get Sophia out of my mind. Never did I think anyone, anyone could be so hard to get off mind.

I got up from my bed and crawled to the bathroom.

Got ready and left for liam's place.

From the way, I bought 3 bags of chips with me cause I am planning to spend the day at liam's. Because sometimes, it gets lonely at my place. No one roaming here and there, no one being angry at me for getting home late, no one cooking delicious stuff for me. No one here hugging me and telling me how much I mean to them, how much they love me. So I kinda like it at liam's. His mother, his father, they are together. Home feels like home there.

I knocked the door and waited for someone to open it.

\"Hey ms.-\" I thought it was Liam's mother who opened the door but to my surprise it was his father. Someone I don't get along with, someone nobody gets along with.

\"Hello-\" my greetings were cut by liam's greetings for me.

\"Let's go\" He picked up his keys.

\"Whhaatt? I wanna go up.\" I pouted and eyed to his room upstairs.

Liam was confused for a second then he reacted, \"Ahh, movie?\" I nodded.

\"Fine then, come inside.\" We made our way inside and then upstairs to his room.

I tried my best to ignore his father's eyes cause I don't know why I am kinda scared of him.

I jumped on his bed while he searched for a good movie to watch together. While he was busy searching, I checked his study table and saw 2 bags of chips there. I grabbed them both and settled on the bed, taking out the chips I bought.

\"Found it!\" He exclaimed.

\"Surprise me.\" I said and he jumped on the bed sitting beside me.

And this is my leisure. no stress, no assignments, no college, no soph-

wait what?


I woke up when I felt a kiss on my forehead.

My mum.

She smiled one of her most equisite smile which is an art. A pure piece of art.

I smiled back at her.

\"Wake up baby.\"  She said messing up my hair which reminded me of nothing but Logan. Logan.

I nodded and she left the room.

I quickly got up, got freshen up and went downstairs for breakfast.

My father was already settled and my mother was setting plates. I kissed my dad on the forehead and sat beside him.

My mum settled down as soon as she set the last plate on the table.

I had pancakes and a glass of apple juice and it was all going so well until yesterday flashed to my mind.

Oh God, really?

After having my breakfast, I went to my room and was walking here and there. I want to talk to him but I don't wanna be a weirdo. I want to see him but he'll think that I am creepy. I want to meet him and again, spend today with him but I cannot do that!

Why is this life so difficult?!

I took out my phone and sat on the corner of my bed.

I took out his number which I got it from Liam that day and stared at the screen for like 2 minutes. Should I call  or shouldn't I?

I think I should! Because I really want to hear his voice and life is too short for not doing things your way. But what if he thinks I am a creepy homo sapien who wants to see him. Yes, I do want to see him but... maybe I should just call him cause that's what I really want! But that's so awkward for me. Maybe I'll just message him with a simple hello.


I lied down as I put my phone away deciding not to call him nor text him.

It's difficult for me to decide. I need something else to distract me. And I want Logan too. Maybe I should call my friends and go out with them, but nothing can be compared to the last night with Logan. And I am too lazy to leave the house now unless it's with Logan,haha.

Why is this life so hard?

I searched my room to find something to distract myself and not to think about Logan but the search wasn't a success so I took out my laptop and turned it on. I checked my phone for any message but put it away since I realized that it never rang.

Since I had the whole day to myself and had nothing to do, I put on a series on my laptop and hoped that it will keep my mind off some things and keep my mind of Logan.

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