Lucky Unluckiest

26 Chapter Twenty Six


\"She's making me go crazy. I don't know what to do and what to expect.\" I thought as we walked together to her place. I looked at her and kept wondering that she is an amazing person with the most beautiful smile and a perfect personality but why me? She's becoming someone who will be hard to forget.

\"Hey, do you want to go somewhere else?\" She said out of nowhere and looked at me, anxiously waiting for my answer and not leaving my hand even though I let it go.

Looking at my confused face, she continued, \"Let's go to the bridge we went to the last time.\"

\"sure, why not, if it's okay with you.\" I held her hand again and turned around.

\"Of course it is!\" Her enthusiasm is what keeps me going.

Reaching the bridge she ran like a child just like the last time but this time I joined her as we held the railings and took a deep, deep breath.

She laughed. So did I.

\"It's so refreshing here isn't?\" She smiled.

I nodded as I exhaled as much air as I could trying to enjoy nature as much as she does.

\"Ahhhh\" She stretched her back and her arms and looked like the most relieved person the on planet at the moment the she looked at me like she just remembered something.

\"wait, tomorrow is December 8th, right?\" she looked at me with a bright smile but it turned my world upside down just by hearing what she said.

It was the day my mother passed away. The most beloved person of mine. Someone I'd give away my life for.

\"I have no class tomo-\"

Seeing my reaction her face expression changed as well.

\"What happened?\" she asked a little concerned.

The more she came near me the more I couldn't hold myself. She is the last person I'd want to cry in front of. Maybe she understood the fact that I was in a state where I'd burst into tears any moment from now she took a step back and watched me trying to hold back my tears. I failed.

I couldn't hold back my tear because the pain i felt in my heart was unbearable. It was suffocating me.


He was crying and what concerned me was that I didn't know the reason behind it.

I was so scared to go to him, to console him.

A part of me wanted to just hug him and tell him everything's going to be okay no matter what is it and a part of me was scared of him, what he might do out of anger, sadness that is rushing through him. I couldn't bear his crying face and I could literally feel every emotion flowing down his cheek.

And the part of me that wanted to hug him, console him couldn't bear it so without thinking about the consequences I ran to him and without saying a word I hugged him. I hugged him and I felt his warmth, his scent, it all felt so familiar and comforting yet I wanted him to feel better and without saying a word he hugged me back, hard. His head was on my head and I felt his heartbeat and I liked it, it made me more comfortable. And so we stayed like that until he felt better.

I asked him if he wanted to drink something and he nodded so I rushed to the nearest store I could find and bought two beverages and ran back to him. I saw him sitting cross legged near the bridge.

\"Are you alright?\" I asked as I sat down beside him. He nodded and avoided the eye contact.

\"You know its good to let it all out sometimes.\" I said, handing him the soda I bought, trying to make him feel a bit better since I have no idea what happened.

He sighed and nodded as he took it from my hands.

\"You feel light once you do.\" I paused for a second and looked at him, \"I did.\" I was successful grabbing his attention this time.

\"Remember the last time we came here? I felt so light after letting it all out to you. Thank you for listening to me.\" I was sincere.

He kept looking at me deciding if he trusts me enough to let me know the reason why he cried.

\"I'm sorry.\" His voice was still trembling a little as he sighed.

\"I'm sorry you saw me crying. I'm sorry you had to deal with my problem. I'm sorry for being problematic to you. I am sorry you had to deal with me.\" Those words coming out of this mouth made me wonder who the hell made him feel this way. Why is he apologizing for crying? Who made his life so miserable that he is apologizing me for what broke his heart to the point that he cried so much. I don't understand him.

\"Logan.\" I said, looking for something to say but the words I wanted to say were locked somewhere I didn't had the keys to.

I didn't know what to say to him.

\"Logan it is alright.\" I paused for a second and took a deep breath before saying what I really felt. \"Crying is alright. To cry is perfectly normal Logan. What are you being sorry for? Everyone breaks down at a point or a two. It is normal Logan. It is okay to cry your heart out when you feel like it. I don't know what made you cry but I hope it gets better with time. I hope you feel better with time. I hope whatever makes you sad, you overcome it. I hope for your happiness Logan. I hope you-\"

I felt two hands pulling me into a hug. My heart skipped a beat.

He kissed my forehead as he placed his head above mine.

\"Thank you.\" He warmly said giving me Goosebumps all over my body without him knowing,

He made me fall for him.

\"It was my mom.\" He softly spoke, still hugging me.

I hugged him back patient to hear what he had to say.

\"She was the only person that loved me to the point where nobody dared to. She was the only person I loved. I just miss her so much.\" He said, his voice breaking down a little.

I couldn't hold it back anymore so I kissed his forehead like he did mine and hugged him back.

\"I know how you feel.\"

\"I know what it feels to lose someone you love so much.\"

\"Thank you.\" He whispered.

\"For what?\"

\"I found something good without even looking for it.\"

And the butterflies danced in happiness inside my stomach which I couldn't control.

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