"Mina, why don't you get out of bed?"

"Today is your first day of travel, and it's rude to keep Dr. Ohki waiting!"


The girly pink curtains were pulled open by Thea, and in an instant, the sunlight illuminated the room.

The room is small, but it is crammed, Pokémon stuffed toys everywhere, and even the walls are plastered with posters of elves such as Menas.

It can be seen how much the owner of this room loves that magical creature.

The girl, who was still asleep, quickly opened her eyes, and when she saw the clock hanging on the wall, it was not too early, and let out a penetrating scream.


"Mom, why did you just wake Mina up now, Mina is going to be late!" Mina dressed in a panic.

Today is the day to go to Dr. Ohki's Institute and receive the Initial Elves.

However, she was late on such an important day, and she didn't know if the elves had been selected by others.

As soon as the words came out, a bulging fist knocked Mina, who was dressing, on the bed.

Thea squinted her eyes and said viciously: "Is that how you talk to your mother? What do you call me not to wake you up earlier? Obviously you yourself played too late last night!

Mina stuck her head out of her collar and looked pitifully at her mother in front of her.

"Mina doesn't want to do this either, but last night I was so excited to think that she would soon have her own elf..." Instead

of listening to her explanation, Thea opened the closet next to her and began to prepare her luggage.

"I advise you to hurry up, knowing that Xiao Mao and they just went to Dr. Ohki and waited."

Hearing this, Mina was even more flustered: "What? Are they all so early? That... Isn't Mina lagging behind? No way! The world's number one Pokémon trainer is Mina's!

Thea pouted: "Until now, the guy who can't distinguish the relationship between attribute restraint also dares to say such things."

"I really don't know who gave you confidence, was it the last paper with only five points?"

The mother's words, like two sharp knives, pierced Mina's heart fiercely.

"Mom! Shouldn't you be giving Mina affirmation and support at this time? Mina said aggrievedly while wearing pants.

"Oh... Then you come on..." That

perfunctory attitude can be seen as long as you are not blind.

From getting dressed to washing up, Mina took less than two minutes.

"Mina is out!" Saying hello to her mother casually, Mina ran towards Dr. Ohki's research institute.

The fresh air, with the fragrance of grass and trees, there are still people working in the farmland next to the road.

"Hey! Isn't this Xiaona? What's going on, why are you in such a hurry? "

Uncle Mina Kimura is going to Dr. Ohki to get the elves and become a trainer!" Mina didn't stop, just hurriedly left a word and ran away.

"In this way, then Mina needs to come on!" Kimura wiped the sweat from his forehead with a sweat towel and cheered her up with a smile.

When she was about to arrive at Dr. Ohki's research institute, Mina happened to meet Hanako's group who was walking back.

Seeing Mina in a hurry, Hanako was a little surprised.

"Mina? Haven't you set off yet? Mina

braked sharply and almost hit Hanako directly.


Aunt Hanako, why are you here?" What about Ash?

Hanako took out a tissue and wiped Mina's sweat: "Ash has already set off just now, so why did you come at this time?"

Mina was a little frustrated: "Because I was so excited last night, Mina

overslept..." Hearing her explanation, Hanako covered her mouth and chuckled: "Like Ash, he also overslept today, but he was a little earlier than you."

Mina clenched her fists, a little anxious: "Aunt Hanako, has Ash already set off?" That... So what was his first elf? "

It's a Pikachu, it's cute."

As soon as she heard that it was Pikachu, a cute yellow creature automatically appeared in Mina's mind.

Then came the heartache, Pikachu, such a cute elf was actually taken away by Ash's stupid guy!

I don't know if Dr. Ohki still has Pokémon there, if not, what can I do?

Thinking about it, Mina quickly bypassed Hanako and continued on her way.

"Goodbye Aunt Hanako, Mina goes first!"

Looking at Mina's distant back, Hanako sighed with some emotion: "It's good to be young..."

At this time, Dr. Ohki's research institute.

Dr. Ohki was operating on an instrument, and when he saw the data on the computer, Dr. Ohki was a little confused, but more excited.

"It's really strange, your genes don't match any known Pokémon, it seems that I have discovered a new breed."

Unlike Dr. Ohki's excitement, Luo Xiaohei was a little confused.

Anyone who opens their eyes and finds themselves locked in a glass jar full of technology will be dumbfounded.

'I... Got I taken by aliens? "


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