Back in the monkey monster's cave, Xiaoxia first went to check her backpack.

She found that everything in her backpack was available, and as soon as she left, these unlikable monkey monsters made a mess of her things.

Not only hers, but the rest of the people's backpacks are intact, which is extremely abnormal if it is placed in the monkey monster cave.

The first is the character of the monkey monsters, which can be referred to the monkeys of Mount Emei and the yuppies with cheap hands.

The second is that they have become accustomed to grabbing other people's things, and it has become instinctive to rummage through backpacks to find food.

Being able to suppress the instinct not to move the backpacks of several people already shows that the monkey monsters take Mina's words to heart.

After Mina and the others left, the monkey monsters in this area did not harass the humans again, robbing the rest of the people's backpacks and other elven food.

And with the help of Li Ke, he relies on collecting moon stones and ores in exchange for enough food.

Even a few years later, the people who came here to look for the Moon Stone were more or less helped by the monkey monsters.

For example, if you get lost or injured in the mountains, these monkeys will reach out.

After the Tokiwa Forest Sparrow, the Tsukimi Mountain Monkey Monster is also famous, and even made many people change their prejudice against the monkey monster and the Flaming Sparrow...

These are all afterwords, and after Mina and the others sorted out their backpacks, they waved goodbye to the hot monkey.

Li Ke stepped forward and bowed sincerely to thank you: "Thank you very much for your help, I will also leave for Nibi City in the afternoon, and report your credit truthfully, your next stop is Hualan City, when the time comes, the rewards of the alliance will be distributed to you through the Pokémon Center in Hualan City." In

the face of these rewards, Mina is not very attentive, because she does not care about money at all.

Xiaoxia and others are different, and they are very interested in the rewards of the alliance.

"Hahaha... Actually, we didn't do anything..." Ash scratched his head and laughed, this time the most powerful was Mina's elf Blackie, Xiao Gang and Xiao Xia were almost playing soy sauce, that is, he only let Pikachu go up and fight once when he first met Team Rocket.

"Anyway, without you, I can't handle it alone, and it's these simple wild elves who will suffer in the end." Li Ke straightened his expression, and his eyes were full of unknown light: "Thank you Mina too."

Mina raised her finger a little confused and pointed to herself: "Huh? Do you mean Mina?

Li Ke nodded, and the light in his eyes was even stronger: "That's right, in the past few days of getting along, you have made me understand a lot, what really links people and elves is not the small elf ball, but the sincere emotions, I have decided to quit my job as a researcher." Xiao

Gang was a little surprised, researchers need a high degree or outstanding academic papers to become a researcher, and when they have real inventions and research, they can become a doctor like Ohki.

After becoming a researcher, although the work is sometimes busy, it is a real high-paying job, which is worth more than his work as a dojo trainer, not only that, but also in the purchase of a house and other large expenses, the alliance also gives more discounts.

Now Li Ke wants to resign, which makes Xiao Gang a little incomprehensible.

When Li Ke said this, it was very natural, and he seemed to have thought it through.

"I want to stay in Mt. Moon, protect these wild elves, maintain their ecological environment, and let more people know the most correct way to communicate with wild elves!"

After Li Ke finished speaking, Xiao Gang realized that he gave up his superior job just because he found the life path he was pursuing?

Then the light in Li Ke's eyes is also completely understood....

After waving and Li Ke parted, several people officially embarked on the journey.

Looking at Picosi's back, the hot monkey wanted to take his feet to catch up several times, but the nostalgia for the group in his heart finally defeated love.

Of course, this does not rule out that the hot monkey looks down on him, and he has no way to make Picosi change his mind.

Since love is out of reach, then protect your people wholeheartedly.

The hot monkey turned his head and looked at his people, and now he decided to fulfill his agreement with Mina.

But after Mina left, the drawbacks immediately came out, and it was difficult to find enough food for so many clansmen without relying on robbing them.

Because of the food, the hot monkey is going to scratch himself bald, and when he sees the moon stone found in the cave, the hot monkey's eyes light up.

As soon as he grabbed a few moon stones, the fiery monkey walked towards Li Ke, who was about to leave.

After a comparison, Li Ke finally understood that these moon stones were not the hot monkey to give him.

Li Ke pointed to the Moon Stone, and then himself and the plastic bag that ate the elf feed.

"Are you trying to exchange the Moon Stone for elf feed with me?"

Seeing that he understood, the hot monkey nodded, revealing a complex look of relief and care for the mentally retarded.

This person has to die more than people, and he has to throw away goods in comparison, why are they all people, this guy is not as smart as Mina? Such a simple meaning has taken so long to understand....

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