In Tokiwa City, Itagi has returned to his dojo, and all matters of Team Rocket, except for the more urgent ones, will be communicated through the secretary Matori.

"Boss, just now Musashi and the others came with a little news, I think you need to take a look." Matori held a pile of files and stood honestly next to the plank desk.

Thinking of the news from Musashi and the others, Matori couldn't suppress his joy in his heart, believing that Itagi would definitely regret letting Mina go before reading it.

That's right, the news from Musashi and others is about Luo Xiaohei's battle video.

And finally Luo Xiaohei's abnormality after evolution.

Now Team Rocket is studying mythical beasts and embarking on gene creation, wanting to rely on the Phantom Pokémon Dream Dream Dream genes to create the strongest divine beast.

To this end, Team Rocket collects various powerful elves and wants to fuse their genes together.

Because of various genetic conflicts, this plan has fallen into a bottleneck.

Because there is no gene that can match the fantasy to balance other genes.

So what Team Rocket is most eager for at the moment is to find a way to find another gene for a powerful elf.

Matori didn't like Mina, and he didn't like her very much when he first saw her.

She didn't know why she was angry with a little girl, anyway, she just wanted to make Mina uncomfortable.

"Bring it." Itaki was very calm, there was no expression on his face, even the real bird who had followed him for so long, did not dare to speculate on the mind of his boss.

The real bird suppressed the joy in his heart and quickly put the sorted video and file in front of Itagi.

Banmu clicked on the video, inside is Luo Xiaohei teleported out of the explosion, and then the robot was spawned by a large number of plants wrapped in legs, at that time is the skin evolution, in the evolutionary energy Luo Xiaohei is unconscious, and the body size changes to a green tail.

This unknown elf is indeed very weird and has many abilities that other elves do not have.

This is very similar to the sacred beasts in those ancient books.

In particular, his control wood is very similar to the myth of Tokiwa Forest, Shirabi.

In ancient books, Shirabi can travel through the river of time, and he is the embodiment of the forest and the guardian deity of the forest.

Also has the power to control trees, you must know that ordinary grass elves can only rely on their own special organs to perform grass skills, such as flying leaf fast knives, vine whips, etc.

And Luo Xiaohei's ability to directly control trees is still very surprising.

A trace of appreciation flashed in Banmu's eyes, but unfortunately he did not see the figure he wanted to see the most in the video.

The video is very short and has been processed by real birds in order not to delay Itachi time.

Itagi opened the file and read the evaluation of Luo Xiaohei by Musashi and others inside.

As well as the weird method of defeating the meow robot, the unknown ability to directly control metal by evading the mental jammer, and the weird tree control ability.

In the end, Musashi and others asked for battle, wanting funds to capture Luo Xiaohei back.

After reading it, Itamu's brows furrowed slightly.

Now that Mewtwo's research has reached a bottleneck, he is also anxious, after all, it is related to his plan.

But he was very worried that it would hurt Mina, and after thinking for a long time, Itagi felt that Dr. Fuji and others should not need the whole life of that elf for research, just a little gene, it should be enough.

Matori saw that Itagi was a little anxious when he didn't speak: "Boss, I think we can increase our manpower and capture this elf, I believe this elf should be able to help Fujibo..." "

I know, I have already ordered Tatsumi to this matter, so you don't interfere anymore."

The real bird was a little unwilling: "But Tatsumi is still there..."

You go out first. Before the real bird finished speaking, he was raised by Itagi, signaling the real bird to go out first.

The real bird gritted his teeth and could only retreat unwillingly.

Smelly girl! Count you lucky, but it won't be good luck for long....

After the real bird left, Itagi picked up the phone on the desk, entered the number, and the phone was quickly connected.

A lazy female voice sounded: "Hello? "

Thea is me..." Hearing the voice, the corners of Banmu's mouth were slightly hooked, and his eyes were not as stern and rigid as just now.

If you let the real bird see it, it will definitely drop its jaw, and the cold male god in his heart will even have a gentle scene.

"Oh... How did you have time to call me? Doesn't it mean you're busy? Too busy to accompany me on a trip to relax.

Thea's tone was ordinary, but the resentment inside was very strong, making Itami feel a little guilty.

"I'm sorry, I've been really busy lately, but if it goes well, I'll have time to accompany you soon."

"Huh... Do you think I'll still believe your nonsense? You don't remember it yourself, how many times have you said this, right?

Itagi opened his mouth, and the guilt in his heart was even stronger, he had been trying to plan in order to fulfill his mother's lifelong wish.

He was a good son and a good leader, but not a good husband and father.

Thea's tone was flat: "If there is something, say it quickly." "

I need some Mina there, an elf hair..."

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