"Pikei!" As soon as he finished checking, Picosi ran out of the Poké Ball and took Luo Xiaohei, who came out with him, to his head and put it away.

Miss Joy smiled slightly: "The relationship between the two of them is very good."

Mina nodded in agreement: "The four of us have a good relationship."

"By the way, the Pokémon Center is holding a first aid training class, which is a training class for some talented elves." Miss Joy reached out and touched Picosi and spoke again: "Picosi can learn a lot of skills about healing, and she is also kind and careful, which is very suitable for being a nursing elf." "

Most trainers with a slightly more generous family will catch a Pokémon that can be used as a care elf.

As long as the training is good, it is equivalent to bringing a doctor with you, which can play a key role in long-distance travel.

The most famous nursing elves are the Gili Egg family cultivated by the Joey family.

Then there are almost dolls, and then there is the Pippi family.

The Pokémon Center will conduct similar training courses from time to time, in order to improve the trainer's chances of survival in the wild.

Trainers who travel in the wilderness, if their strength is not strong, it is easy to encounter danger, after all, some elves are still very dangerous.

For example, large needle bees with a strong sense of territory, as long as they break into the territory, they will be besieged by at least a dozen large needle bees.

There are also some ground elves who will accidentally kill you without either of you noticing.

Just like those small fist stones and rumbling stones that they encountered when they first came to the Tsukimi Mountain Range.

The last thing that is lacking in the wild is battles, but where there are battles, you will be injured, and sometimes the medicine is not enough, and the advantage of having a nursing elf is perfectly reflected.

Picosi raised his head slightly and listened to the conversation between the two.

Mina tilted her head and looked over, she would have a little first aid herself, but it could only be said that it was fur, and if Picosi had learned, it would be a good thing for her.

But Mina is not the kind of person who will dictate the future path of her elves, and she respects the elves' own wishes.

So Mina asked about Picosi's plans: "Picosi, what do you think?" "

Pikei..." Pikesi happily agreed, and Luo Xiaohei planned to follow Joey.

Joey stretched out his hand to block: "Picosi can only come by yourself." "

Pikei?" Hearing that she couldn't take Xiaohei, Pikosi was a little hesitant, she didn't want to be separated from Luo Xiaohei and Mina.

Picosi was originally an elf who was extremely dependent on the group, and now after leaving the original group, she regarded Mina and the others as members of the new group.

Leaving the community would give her a feeling of insecurity.

Seeing Picosi's hesitation, Miss Joy spoke gently: "You don't have to worry, the course is only ten days, and there is only one three-hour class in the morning, which means that there will only be three hours of training every day, and you will not be separated from your trainer for too long."

Luo Xiaohei stood up from Picoxi's head: "Follow and study hard, we will come to pick you up after class every day." "

Pikei!" Seeing that Luo Xiaohei said so, Pi Kexi agreed with a serious face.

"Don't worry, we won't lie to you." Saying that, Luo Xiaohei jumped over Mina's shoulder.

Miss Joy was very happy, because this training class was a private training course with the permission of the alliance and the family.

If you want to enter, you naturally have to pay money, and this money is regarded as Miss Joy's own side business, and there is no need to hand it over to the alliance and the family.

It was Miss Joy's extra money: "Since you all agreed, what do you want Picosi to learn?" We have three grades of ABC here.

Mina asked curiously, "Is there any difference between these three levels?" "

Grade C is two commonly used healing skills, plus first aid and bandaging training, and Grade C costs five thousand dollars."

"Grade B is to teach her all the healing skills she can learn, as well as the handling of various emergency situations, and the price of Grade B is much higher, requiring 50,000 yuan."

"A-level is to the extent of B-level plus follow-up and practical training, after the training, you will also get the nurse certificate of the Pokémon Center, and Picosi will not be recorded in the quota of only six elves, and..." Before Joey finished speaking, he was interrupted by Luo Xiaohei: "Just A-level, since you want to learn, you naturally have to learn the best."

Joey paused, and then looked at Mina: "The A-level course costs 200,000, this price may be on the high side, if you are just private care, the B-level is about the same." "

Two hundred thousand is not a small number for most trainers, at least after all the harvests of Xiao Gang Mountain have been struck, they can't exchange it for 200,000.

But these 200,000 yuan is nothing for Mina, and Grandfather Cyr will give her a lot of pocket money every week.

After a few days of going to Mt. Tsukimiyama, this card has at least a few million, which is enough for all of Mina's expenses.

Mina handed over the bank card: "Xiao Hei is right, please give us an A-level training course!" "

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