Of course, this is a joke, Mina's family is rich, and she can't do anything to withhold her elven food for such a thing.

The day passed so slowly, and in the afternoon, as Luo Xiaohei thought, there was a thunder and lightning fist at the bottom, and King Nido quickly mastered the flame fist and the frozen fist.

The power of the three punches is not very large, but it is very practical, and the most important thing is the attribute damage attached to the three punches, which is easy to hit unexpectedly.

After a day of training, Mina wiped the sweat from her head and walked towards the outside of the Pokémon Center with Picosi and Luo Xiaohei.

Before reaching the door, he met three acquaintances.

The three are Xiaozhi Xiaoxia, and Xiaogang.

At this time, Ash looked very happy, holding a blue medallion in his hand and showing off with Xiaoxia.

Xiaoxia, on the other hand, was staring, arguing with Ash about something, looking unconvinced.

"I haven't lost yet! Apparently our battle was interrupted by Team Rocket, okay! So we should be considered a tie! Xiao Xia crossed her waist, she really couldn't stand Ash's current very smuggling look.

Ash waved his hand proudly: "This medal was given to me by your sister Sakura, and just like she said, if Pikachu plays, you have no chance of winning at all, so how to calculate that in the end, I will win!" Xiao

Xia jumped his feet angrily, although he knew that Ash was right, but he still instinctively opposed Ash.

Just now, Xiaoxia suddenly appeared to indicate her identity, and temporarily served as a dojo trainer, accepting Xiaozhi's challenge.

Pikachu refused to play because he didn't want to fight Xiaoxia, but in the end, Ash relied on other elves to gain the upper hand.

Just as the game was about to end, the Rockets trio suddenly appeared, interrupted their battle, and used modified machines to try to snatch the elves in the Hualan Gym.

Unfortunately, he was defeated and stopped by Ash's Pikachu.

Because the battle was interrupted, the battle did not count, but it was a pity that Sakura, the eldest of the Hualan sisters, admired Ash very much and gave the blue medal to Ash.

Getting the medal made Ash very excited, feeling that he had defeated Xiaoxia, and Xiaoxia, who did not admit defeat, would not admit it.

That's why there is the current dispute.

Mina was about to go out and happened to meet the three: "Huh? It's you. Ash

and Kasumi stopped arguing and turned to look at Mina at the same time.

Ash took the lead and proudly handed the medal to Mina: "Mina, look at what this is!"

Mina blinked her eyes and said with some surprise: "This is the Blue Medal!?" You are so despicable, you actually secretly went to challenge the Hualan Taoist Hall! Mina

felt very bad now, he didn't expect Ash's movements to be so fast, and he took the medal within two days of arriving in Hualan City.

Even now she regrets a little, knowing that she has the same dream as Ash, that is, to become the world's number one Pokémon trainer.

The two are small and have regarded each other as competitors since childhood.

Now Ash has two medals, that is, one step ahead of himself.

How could this make Mina stand it.

"Hey, hey! Now I have two medals~" Ash opened the medal box and put the blue medallion in.

Mina's angry little face turned red: "No! Mina is also going to challenge the dojo! Saying

that, Mina was going to take Picosi to the Hualan Taoist Hall.

Now that King Nido has learned three punches and a million-ton punch, she believes she has the confidence to win.

As long as you get the blue medal as soon as possible, you will not be considered a loss!

Before Mina could leave, she was stopped by Xiao Gang: "Wait Mina, you can't challenge the Taoist Hall now, it is estimated that the Hualan Taoist Hall will not be able to open the door in the past few days." "

Just now, Team Rocket blew up the Hualan Daoist Hall, and it is estimated that before it is repaired, it will not be able to accept the challenge of the trainer.

What's more, with the character of the three daughters of Sakura, they still wish to open the door later.

Mina froze: "How so..." Seeing

Mina so disappointed, Ash smiled, feeling that he had finally won Mina again.

Xiao Gang said: "Speaking of today's encounter is still very surprising, even now I am surprised that Xiaoxia is the sister of the three sisters of the flower basket."

Xiao Xia pouted, not proud of this, but ashamed, after all, the reputation of the three sisters is a vase among the trainers.

Mina looked at Xiaoxia with some surprise: "And this?" Unexpectedly, Xiaoxia is also a Taoist trainer.

Xiao Xia lowered her head: "Not yet, when I am strong enough to snatch the Taoist Hall from them, I can be considered a real Taoist trainer."

"Is that so? It seems that Xiaoxia, your relationship with your sisters is not very good. Mina frowned.

Xiaoxia quickly waved her hand to deny: "Actually, it's not as bad as you think."

When she was leaving, Sakura went out of her way to find her, first concerned about her recent trip, and told her to stay safe, and finally gave her a bank card with a lot of money in it.

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