"Ni... Many! King Nido raised his right leg, and the power in his body was running wildly.

Luo Xiaohei raised his eyebrows a little unexpectedly: "This is... Earthquake? I

saw King Nido's raised foot and stomped on the ground fiercely, and suddenly, everyone felt that the ground under their feet was trembling, and many people did not notice for a while, and sat on the ground with their butts.

And the most deeply felt is Mina, Daisuke, and the circle bear who attacks the target.

With a boom, a huge crack ran from King Nido towards the bear of the circle.

Dayou was shocked: "Circle bear quickly dodge!" The

bear was almost physically exhausted, and he woke up from the chaos, but the pain all over his body did not give him a chance to avoid and cope.

In the blink of an eye, the crack had reached the circle bear, and it seemed that a huge force erupted from the ground, directly lifting the circle bear more than two meters high, and then smashed it fiercely on the ground.

The fallen bear has rolled its eyes and fainted with lilac foam, and if it is not treated in time, it may be poisoned by the poison of King Nido.

"Roar!" Seeing his opponent fall to the ground, King Nido still roared in disbelief, as if he felt that he was so embarrassed and a little humiliated.

Mina smiled and quickly beckoned to King Nido: "Okay, don't be angry with King Nido, hurry back."

King Nido snorted at the place where the bear was lying on his stomach, and then ran towards Mina with a somewhat aggrieved expression.

It looks like a two-meter-old kid who has been robbed of ice cream.

"Nido... Nido..." King Nido stomped on the ground with a bang, ran to Mina aggrievedly, and showed Mina his belly, which had been burned by the destruction and death.

It seems to be suing that the circle bear bullied him.

Mina quickly comforted softly: "King Nido, wait for Mina to bandage you, don't be sad." "

Daisuke on the side: Don't you want to face! What was defeated was my circle bear is good! Now the hoop bear will be killed by you! You're a chicken feather!

"Come back, circle the bear!" Daisuke shivered with anger.

The rest of the people were very envious of Mina for having such a powerful King Nido.

"Pikei... Pikei skin! Picosi stepped forward with his short legs.

I saw Picosi clasping his hands together and making a prayer, and in an instant, a faint pink glow flowed on Picosi's body, and then floated towards King Nido.

Mina was a little surprised, she seemed to have seen this skill: "Is this the healing wish of Picosisi?" It seems that Picosi really learned a lot from Miss Joy. "

Visible to the naked eye, the scorched black on King Nido's body began to recover, and in less than ten seconds, King Nido had recovered as before.

Looking at his restored white belly, King Nido reached out and touched it in surprise, and then looked at Picosi's eyes lit up.

This big girl is not bad! It turned out to be so powerful, I won't be afraid if I get hurt in the future, thinking about it this way, King Nido feels that he needs to curry favor, well... Don't rub her next time you eat.

Using the Healing Wish, Picosi's body swayed a few times, and the Healing Wish was to directly transfer Picosi's physical strength to King Nido to treat his injuries, so for Picosi, the consumption was not ordinarily large.

"Picosy... Are you okay..." Mina was shocked, and quickly held Picosi, she had forgotten just now, Picosi also had healing skills, and actually medicated the little fire dragon herself.

Luo Xiaohei was a little helpless: "Silly girl, the old second has rough skin and thick flesh, that requires you to consume physical strength to treat him, this guy can just take some medicine and sleep." Pi

Kesi scratched his head and smiled slightly: "Pi Kei..." The

little fire dragon looked at the interaction between Mina and King Nido obsessively, very envious of King Nido and them, they could have such a good trainer.

"Hey! You guys are endless! Our battle is not over yet! "Dayou on the other side, seeing that the atmosphere on Mina's side is so good, he was even more angry for a while.

Mina was stunned, smiled embarrassedly, and then looked down at Luo Xiaohei: "Xiaohei, come to the last one."

Luo Xiaohei stood up helplessly: "I thought I could prostitute a skill for nothing, but I still want to do it." "

I thought that I had encountered a loophole and could let King Nido earn a free skill for himself, but I didn't expect that in the end, I still couldn't be lazy and had to start a fight."

Mina didn't hear what Luo Xiaohei meant, but she felt that it was not simple.

Luo Xiaohei walked with leisurely cat steps and walked to the middle of the field.

Dayou looked at Luo Xiaohei with some surprise, and then laughed arrogantly: "Hahaha... What kind of elf is this? Meow? Did you send your best elf on the first scene? In this way, this victory, I will accept it unceremoniously.

"Go! Strange power, avenge the circle bear and beat that meow fiercely! "Daisuke pulled out his strongest elf.

"Obediently leaving!" As soon as the monster appeared on the scene, he began to throw his fists quickly, showing off his muscles.

Luo Xiaohei pouted disdainfully: "The chest is big and brainless, the limbs are developed, and the garbage is really overkill." "

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