"Go! Gas bombs!

"Supersonic Bat decided it was you!"

"Little Rada! Bounce on the gas! The

rest hurried to follow and released all their Pokémon.

In the blink of an eye, there were already five elves in front of Luo Xiaohei.

Seeing their faceless plan to besiege, Mina's little face turned white: "You guys are so despicable!" Violated the rules of the battle! The

skinny tall player sneered: "Rules? We're Team Rocket, a stinky girl! This

time he spoke, and the red-haired captain did not refute again, because he knew that he was pretending to be big, and the most important thing now was to defeat Mina and complete the task assigned to him by the leader.

Mina was angry and looked at Luo Xiaohei worriedly, while Nidolino, who had just retired next to him and had not rested much, rushed directly to Luo Xiaohei's side, intending to fight alongside him.



'You try to drag that Rada and Little Lada as soon as possible, and I will resolve the battle to support you as soon as possible.' Luo Xiaohei didn't know the strength of the other party, so he gave Nidolino combat instructions to be on the safe side.

"Gas bombs use poison gas!"

"Supersonic bats use wings to attack!"

"Lada uses an electric flash!"


The members of Team Rocket did not talk about martial virtue, and directly ordered to let their Pokémon besiege.

"Nido!" Nidolino roared, blocking the widened attack line with his body, and took Luo Xiaohei's words to heart.

In the face of the attack, Luo Xiaohei flashed left and right, and quickly rushed towards the nearest gas bomb.

"Meow!" In mid-air, in the shocked gazes of everyone, Luo Xiaohei's thin body expanded rapidly, and in a blink of an eye, it became more than two meters tall.

This is the first time Luo Xiaohei has used it, the demon beast form, compared to the serial anime watched later, this body size is much smaller, this is because there are too few spirits in his spiritual space.

His huge size gave him more strength, but this form consumed his energy, that is, spirit.

The huge Luo Xiaohei looked extremely fierce, so that the gas bomb that faced him forgot to escape.

The enlarged cat's paw came down from above and directly slapped the gas bomb on the ground.

When it was lifted again, the gas bomb was already asleep in the pit.

"Meow!" Luo Xiaohei shouted excitedly, his slender tail had become six or seven meters long, and the iron tail was used, like a telephone pole sweeping.

Directly fly the supersonic bat with the surrounding trees.

Luo Xiaohei turned his head again, and his eyes like lanterns looked at the remaining gas bomb: "Meow...!" The

gas bomb body of the poisonous gas froze, and the bitter melon face became even more ugly, and the bean-sized purple liquid dripped down, which seemed to be his nervous sweat.

"Wa... Gas bombs! The gas bomb shivered, and finally could not resist the pressure brought by Luo Xiaohei, and flew directly towards his trainer.

On the other side, blocking Rada's electric flash with his body, Nidolino used a peck on Lada in front of him!

"Lada dodge! Use killer front teeth! Lada

quickly dodged away, and then ran towards Nidolino again, opening his mouth to reveal his large, sharp front teeth, which were Rada's killer move.

Nidolino looked at the rushing Rada, thought of the scene of the previous battle with the Appa snake, quickly turned around, and used a second kick on the rushing Rada.

Because it was too close, Rada had no chance to stop.

Nidolino's huge feet, with a vicious wind, directly hit the face.

For a moment, Rada felt her front teeth loosen, and a second kick followed, and Rada watched one of her front teeth fly out.

Rada's trainer, a member of the skinny and tall rocket team, turned pale: "How are you, Lada!"

Luo Xiaohei appreciated Nidolino's improvisation, and then slapped Little Lada who was about to attack with a meow.

In less than three minutes, the battle was over.

Luo Xiaohei returned to his original state, and he was a little lucky in his heart, fortunately, today he met the lowest little minions of the rocket team.

The strength of the elves is not strong, the quality is not good, and even the elves they have are not many.

If you encounter a special squad like Musashi Kojiro, which can act alone, the difficulty of the battle will be at least two or three times greater.

If you encounter the generals under Itagi, there is even less chance of victory.

"Eh! Blackie is the best! When the battle was over, Mina jumped up with joy.

The five members of Team Rocket looked at Luo Xiaohei in fear, afraid that he would do something to them.

In the Pokémon world, dead people are a very common thing, plus they are criminals, and they are killed by trainers, even if the alliance will not trouble her, maybe it will give a pennant to eliminate harm for the people.

So the red-haired captain turned around and ran: "What are you still stunned for!" Escape! "

The other four are very skilled in each running in one direction, obviously they are also very experienced in this kind of escape, and they know that if they scatter and escape, the chances of surviving will be higher.

Luo Xiaohei didn't chase, even if he caught up, what happened? Killed? He was not prepared for this, after all, he lived in a safe country in his previous life.

Handed over to the police? That's more troublesome, but now in Tokiwa Forest, it takes at least a week to go to Nibi City, and to Tokiwa City, isn't this road for nothing?

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