"Then what is your purpose in luring us out?"

"Oblivious... Smart little ghost, the old man does have something to ask you, not far from this forest, there is a small village where a group of injured elves abandoned by humans live, and now the medicine in the village is not enough for some reason, so the old man wants to ask you to help. Ghost

stated the purpose of creating an illusion to seduce Mina.

Before encountering Luo Xiaohei again, this ghost ran out to find medicinal herbs and tree fruits.

It is a common occurrence for humans to abandon elves, which are close to the field area, because the elves are too weak to lose battles, and sometimes trainers directly abandon seriously injured elves to fend for themselves.

Not far from this forest, there is a small village that loves elves very much, and they often relieve these elves and send them back to nature when they return to normal.

As soon as Ghost came to that village, he liked it, because he was a ghost elf and could not show up, so Ghost often collected some herbs with healing effects, or tree fruits, or money he saw and sent them to the door of a young girl in that small village.

Recently, I don't know why, there are many injured elves, the girl is a little busy, and the ghost finds that Mina is very kind and the owner of Tokiwa's power, so he wants to lure Mina to the small village to help.

During this period, he didn't want to show up, after all, many girls in this world don't like their 'ghosts' very much.

But seeing that they were not leaving, they had to show up.

Hearing that there were many elves injured, Mina didn't give Luo Xiaohei a chance to question, and directly ran forward and agreed: "Are there a lot of them?" Is the injury serious? Please hurry up and lead the way, Mina and Picosi will order medical skills and can help.

Luo Xiaohei was a little dissatisfied: "This girl... How can you trust an outsider so easily, and there are many ghost stories, he is an old ghost who has lived for thousands of years, don't be sold and help with money.

Mina's little face was serious: "Anyway, someone is injured, isn't it?" Whether it's true or not, you have to check it out, and Mina feels that Ghost is not a bad person. Seeing

Mina like this, Ghost Si was slightly stunned, and then laughed heartily.

"Don't worry, little guys, the old man won't hurt you, if he really wants to hurt you, he doesn't need to be so troublesome, the old man is confident that he still has some strength."

After thousands of years of precipitation, Ghost Si is still relatively confident in his strength.

But with that hypnotism, he can take down everyone in Mina without bloodshed.

Luo Xiaohei's beard trembled, and he really didn't leave a little affection, which made me unable to get off the stage.

Mina squatted down and looked at Luo Xiaohei expectantly: "Xiaohei, let's follow."

"And what if he lied to you?"

"If it's a lie, then it means that no one is hurt, wouldn't it be better?"

"You're not afraid you're in danger? I don't necessarily beat this guy.

"Hmm... Is that so? Then I'll send a message to my mother first, if something happens, she will be the first to save us. Mina took out the communicator Thea had given her and began fiddling.

Luo Xiaohei was speechless, if something really happened, it would be too late.

According to the plot of memory, it seems that there is such a small village, the girl in it is still Xiaogang's crush, and Ash's magic frog seed is still the bodyguard there.

According to what Ghost said, it is very likely that it is the village.

Luo Xiaohei himself actually believed the words of Ghost Si, but he just wanted to mention Mina and make her a little more vigilant, and now it seems that this girl still has more care.

After sending the message, Mina directly picked Luo Xiaohei up: "Well, if we don't reply to the message on time, my mother will find someone to rescue us." "

Ghost, please hurry up and lead the way."

"Oblivious... Follow me..." Following

Ghost, Mina and the others walked towards the small village where Xiaocui was located in the original book.

On the other side, the little one who made breakfast just started to wake up a few people.

"Ash is getting up for breakfast soon, we still have to hurry."

"Wow! "


"Xiaoxia, I made the pastry you like, you must hurry up and wash it, otherwise Ash will finish it for you later."

"Hmm... I'm so sleepy, I'm getting dressed, just wait.

After shouting the nearest two, Xiao Gang swept the white mist in front of him and walked towards the place where Mina set up the tent.

Because it was changed to night training, in order not to disturb the rest of the others, Mina changed the tent to another place.

"Mina is going to get up for dinner... Rice... What about Mina? It's strange, her tent yesterday seems to have been set up here, did I remember the wrong place? Xiao Gang was full of question marks and looked at the empty woods with a confused expression.

After walking a few more steps, just after coming to Mina's tent, Xiao Gang squatted down with a frown, reached out and touched the flattened place.

"There are still some temperatures, which means that it has only been a short time ago, why did Mina say goodbye?"

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