"Clickby!" Little Kabi nodded.

Now Mina was a little embarrassed.

The little fire dragon spewed out a trace of flame, and was very dissatisfied with the little cabi beast looking down on himself: "Cha! "

Kabi Kabi... In the face of the dissatisfaction of the little fire dragon, the little cabi beast should not fight, and if it wants to reflect its value, it cannot be defeated.

His little Kabi Beast is going to stand out and gain the favor of trainers!

"But Mina only has four elves who can fight now, and Picosi is the team doctor and does not participate in battles." Mina is embarrassed, does the little Kabi beast want to challenge the ugly fish? Although the ugly fish has changed a lot and is stronger than before, it has not evolved after all, and now its skills will be a collision, and it can only act in the water, how to fight?

The ugly fish in the pool are very shrewd, and at this time they have dived, leaving only a little eye on the surface of the water, trying their best to hide their existence.

Little Kabi beast eyes turned, little fire dragon he is not willing to take advantage, naturally it is impossible to find a weaker ugly fish, King Nido's words do not need to look, he will definitely not be able to fight, if the loss is too bad, it will not reflect his strength.

So weighing the pros and cons, the little cabi beast stretched out his little claws and pointed directly at Luo Xiaohei.

"Kabi Kabi!"

The scene was silent for a while, and the little fire dragon opened its mouth wide, and did not express dissatisfaction, but glanced at the little kabi beast with a little appreciation.

Good guy This is a ruthless person, come up and challenge the most powerful boss of the team, no wonder you can't look at me, it's a wolf.

"Haw?" The ugly fish rolled its dead fish eyes and floated directly on the surface, looking at the little cabi beast in shock.

Even King Nido, who was trying to set his own meal record, stopped and looked at the little kabi beast with his mouth open.

This little Nima guy not only has a lot of food, but also has a surprisingly big boldness, and he challenges the boss when he comes up, and he can't even look at his second eldest brother, good guy! This kid has a backbone! In the future, if the strength is enough, it will definitely threaten his position!

King Nido threw away the food in his hand, and was ready to give this little fat man a big bibie, blinding your green bean eyes, and daring to provoke the boss, which is even more swollen than my old king!

Luo Xiaohei licked the sauce on the side of his mouth: "You want to fight me?" "

Kabi Kabi..." the little Kabi beast nodded, not noticing that the atmosphere around him was a little wrong.

Mina's eyes are complicated, and this little guy doesn't seem to have a very bright head....

However, although she is not smart, Mina still likes it, so she looked at Luo Xiaohei: "Xiaohei, look..."

Trainer request detected, now publish mission: Accept Little

Kabi Beast Details: A well-qualified little Kabi Beast is very pleasing to your trainer, defeat him and subdue him, and you will get a good little brother.

Reward: Random Pokémon Skill ×1]

"I'll play with him, it won't take much time anyway." Don't give something for nothing.

Luo Xiaohei pushed the braised fish in front of him aside and jumped off the table.

Mina smiled slightly: "Okay, but you have to be lighter, don't bully him and cry." Before

the little cabi beast realized that danger was approaching him step by step, he took the initiative to find an open space to stand and prepare for battle.

Luo Xiaohei walked with cat steps and came to the opposite side of the little cabi beast.

"Then I won't command, Xiao Hei, you collect some strength." Mina instructed again uneasily.

"Got it..."

"That... So here we go! "


At the beginning of the game, the little kabi beast rushed towards Luo Xiaohei fiercely, using the most ordinary move to strike.

Luo Xiaohei's beard trembled: "Hmph..." Luo Xiaohei

, who was originally a kitten, his body seemed to be inflated, and he instantly turned into a monster even bigger than King Nido.

The little kabi beast lowered its head and rushed forward, suddenly feeling that he had hit a large and somewhat soft wall, and then he was pushed by the force to sit on the ground.

The little kabi beast looked at the black wall in front of him with some confusion.

What is this? I haven't had it yet.

The little cabi beast, which was a little puzzled, raised its head a little bit, and then saw a murderous big cat head with a mouth full of sharp teeth.

"Little one, go ahead!"

Little Kabi (; ∀;)

Luo Xiaohei was very satisfied, this little guy could choose him, obviously because he was small and had no combat power, so he didn't promise the little fire dragon or challenge King Nido.

The reason why I didn't choose the ugly fish that looked weaker was probably because I was afraid that I wouldn't look good if I won, so I picked him.

This made Luo Xiaohei a little dissatisfied, so he just came up and demonized, so that this little guy would know a little good in the future and know who was the boss.

"Poof! Hahaha..." Seeing the dazed look of the little Kabi beast, Mina smiled unkindly.

This smile also made the little kabi beast react.

Luo Xiaohei's gradually approaching big head, big white eyes without pupils, and a blue-gray mouth full of sharp teeth instantly scared this little guy to cry.

"Hmm... Kabi... Wow! The little kabi beast got up with a grunt, ran towards Mina with tears in his eyes, and hid behind Mina and did not dare to look up again.

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