She knew that if the frog seeds remained here, they would become real frogs at the bottom of the well.

Never become a real powerhouse.

It's a good thing to travel with Ash now, but it's a bit of a pity not to follow Mina.


"Damn it! Why are the little fire dragons so weak! The previous one is like that, and you are still so weak when you buy a new one! What use do I want you guys! Seeing

that the little fire dragon was defeated by his opponent again, Dayou couldn't suppress the anger in his heart, and casually picked up the branch and hit it with a split head and face.

"Cha!" The little fire dragon was afraid in his heart, plus he was defeated by the mosquito coil tadpole just now, and he was not lightly injured, so he couldn't resist.

Dayou didn't have the slightest intention of keeping his hand, he was originally angry because of the last little fire dragon, and now the little fire dragon that had just arrived was so weak that Dayou was no longer interested in the little fire dragon.

"Hmph! Your little fire dragon clan is waste, the last one is just like that, this one is also like that, it's really a waste of my time and money, and the waste elves are not qualified to follow me!" The

hurtful words, coupled with Dayou's whipping, made the little fire dragon's originally fiery heart gradually cool.

The pain in his body was nowhere near as painful as his heart at this time.

With tears in the corners of his eyes, the little fire dragon could only curl up and let Dayou whip.

Perhaps tired of fighting, Daisuke threw down the branch in his hand, snorted coldly and turned to leave.

Seeing this, the little fire dragon, who was originally full of pain, stood up and stumbled behind Dayou.

Although he was whipped, the Poké Ball has already imprinted on him, he is already an elf of Daisuke, and he has no choice.

Dayou stopped and looked back at the little fire dragon with dissatisfaction: "What are you still following me for?"

"Just ..." the little fire dragon called out in a low voice, his voice trembling and looking a little desolate.

"Oh? I whipped you like this, and you still want to follow me as a master? Daisuke's eyes flashed with mockery, and the corners of his mouth hooked into a mocking smile.

The little fire dragon lowered his head, not noticing Daisuke's expression, but just exclaimed in a low voice.

Dayou's smile widened: "It's good, I don't see that you are still very loyal, but I Dayou don't want to waste elves, so good, you will always stay here, as long as you don't wait for me to pick you up and prove that you are loyal enough, I will continue to be your master."

"Well, do you dare to prove your loyalty?" With his hands on his shoulders, he was no longer interested in the little fire dragon.

So he already wanted to abandon the little fire dragon, but before abandoning it, he wanted to find himself a little fun.

I want to see if this little fire dragon can really be stupid enough to wait for him here.

The little fire dragon raised his head with difficulty, and firmness flashed in his eyes: "Just ..."

He agreed, and the little fire dragon jumped on a rock next to him and rested on it, intending to wait for Dayou to pick him up again.

Seeing that he really agreed, the corner of Dayou's mouth hooked, did not say anything more, turned around and walked towards the small village not far away.

The village there is relatively prosperous, which can be regarded as a resting point in Hualan City and Dead Leaf City.

Even for the convenience of trainers, Miss Joy was stationed and set up a relatively rudimentary Pokémon center.

After Dayou left, the little fire dragon's eyes flickered, not knowing what he was thinking, he knew very well in his heart that Dayou might not come back, but he was also gambling on whether this trainer was worth his continued follow.

Compared with other little fire dragons, this little fire dragon is more intelligent, he is very clear about the current situation, and he is also very clear that he was disliked by Dayou because of insufficient strength.

He who knows everything is gambling on human nature!

The little fire dragon lay on the stone, allowing the fiery sun to envelop him.

There were injuries on his body, which made the recovery of the little fire dragon very slow.

But even so, he didn't move the slightest.

This is two days later....


"Let's go faster, according to the map, there is a larger village in front of us to rest." Xiao Gang pointed to the map, and then ordered to speed up.

"So can we take a hot bath tonight?" It's so good, I've been sleeping in a tent for the past few days, and my waist is going to break.

"Cut, hypocritical, isn't travel like this, who in the wild boils water for you to bathe?" It's nice to have a tent to sleep in, at least it won't rain. "Daily bickering has become a habit of Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia.

The two had a feeling of joy and wrongdoing.

"Whew... Let's hurry, it feels like it's going to rain. Mina said, glancing at the dark clouds approaching in the distance.

The village is close at hand, and if you walk slowly and get a rain, it will be really bad.

"Hmm... It looks like it's going to rain, and it looks like we need to go faster. Xiao Gang was experienced and confirmed Mina's conjecture at a glance.

So everyone began to speed up their steps, and in order to take a hot bath, Xiaoxia did not continue to fight with Xiao Zhi, and followed everyone closely.

"Huh? Is that a small fire dragon? Why is he lying on the side of the road? As she got closer to the village, Mina noticed the frail-looking little fire dragon lying on the stone.

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