Xiao Zhi hurriedly stepped forward: "Little fire dragon, I am also very powerful, you follow me, I will definitely cultivate you well, absolutely: I will not abandon you again like that Dayou." "

It's a pity that Ash himself doesn't know that one day in the future, he will abandon Lao Yi again for some reason, but this time he really brought him back."

Ash has released many elves in this life, which made the audience in the previous life have some regrets in their hearts.

This guy is very bad, but he really loves the Pokémon race from the bottom of his heart.

I can go through so many seasons, and I rely on that unwavering and sincere heart.

Feeling the sincerity in Ash's eyes, Lao Yi was a little moved, and finally nodded and agreed to follow Ash.

No way, among the four, Ash is already the last choice.

When he entered the elf ball, Lao Spray looked at the little fire dragon that looked very happy, with a trace of envy, a trace of jealousy, and a trace of war intent in his eyes.

Ash jumped three feet tall, and the coveted little fire dragon finally arrived.


After two days of rest in the small village, the group disposed of their dirty laundry, bought some food, and set off on a new trip.

"Mina thank you for lending me money, I will definitely pay you back."

Because he lost all his money in the field zone, Ash didn't even have money to buy food, and finally had to borrow from Mina, the little rich woman in the team.

The two sides were small, and Mina lent Ash a thousand pieces, but it needed to be repaid.

A thousand dollars is not much for Mina, she can't see it, but according to her grandfather's previous words, the money lent must be recovered, especially with friends.

And when borrowing money, you need to consider the situation of the other party.

A thousand yuan is not much for Mina, but it is a lot for Ash, if you don't come back, what if Ash borrows money later?

Borrowing can maintain the friendship between the two, but it will make this friendship deteriorate, and in the long run, Ash may treat Mina as an ATM.

If you don't borrow it, it will instantly make Ash resent Mina and directly break off the friendship between the two.

With borrowing and returning, the friendship between the two sides is more trusting.

After that, grandpa also said to Mina, don't urge if the money lent out is not much, see if the other party takes it to heart, if the other party sees you and does not mention it, it proves that the other party is very likely not to take you to heart.

Using money can test whether a person can be trusted, in fact, it is an excellent choice, knowing that the other party cannot be trusted early, and also preventing him from being stabbed later.

Mina remembered her grandfather's teachings, so in the face of Ash's promise, she just nodded with a smile and said, "No hurry, you will pay it back when you have it."

Xiaoxia snorted coldly at this time: "Some people haven't compensated my bicycle!"

One sentence made Ash feel as if he had become a poor ghost with tens of millions of debts.

In the Pokémon world, the price of bicycles is very high, but the bicycles in this world have special passages, as well as special functions, climbing mountains, extreme speed, no worse than off-road motorcycles.

Correspondingly, the price of the bicycle is also outrageously high, basically around one million.

It can be seen that Xiaoxia is also a little rich woman....

Ash had just been out on the trip for less than half a year, and he was already in debt of one million and one thousand....

Everyone went around in circles, leisurely and leisurely, because of a heavy rain, the ground was still a little muddy, but not very serious, because the fresh air will make people forget the mud under their feet.

According to the map, everyone soon came to the road to Dead Leaf City.

At this time, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, because as long as they walked on the national highway, they would not get lost again.

Getting lost in the forest is a very dangerous thing, and the Pokémon world does not dare to develop the forest too much in order not to affect the reproduction of elves too much, and not to be retaliated by those legendary Pokémon.

So once you get lost in the forest, it is equivalent to getting lost in the primeval forest, and when the time comes, the threat from wild Pokémon not to mention, just the lack of supplies will make many people starve to death.

If you accidentally lose all your elves and encounter danger, it will be easier to turn into a corpse.

The profession of trainer is still very dangerous, tens of thousands of trainers disappear every year, most of them are lost in the wild, and then there is no news.

He was eventually judged dead or missing.

However, there is also a way not to take risks, which is to pay a lot of money for a bicycle, so that you can walk the cycle path, with Miss Junsha taking care of the whole time, and all go straight to the destination.

The journey is shorter and safer.

However, most of such trips are rich children, and the real more exercised trip is walking.

Although Mina is a rich lady, for the sake of her dream, she resolutely chose to walk and refused the wind pink bicycle bought by her mother Thea.

For her daughter's insistence, Thea did not object, but very recognized, when she traveled, although she had a bicycle, but most of the time it was on foot, so she appreciated her daughter's unpretentious behavior.

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