The phone didn't ring a few times, but it was connected, and Mina's familiar voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Moses Moses! Is it Mina?

"Grandpa is Mina, is Grandpa okay?" Mina sat upright and behaved very decently.

This grandfather is very good to her, but what old man is still a powerful old man, he attaches great importance to etiquette.

In the Pokémon world, large families have strict requirements for their children in their families, the first thing is those cumbersome etiquette, and the requirements for women are higher.

In addition, there are various skills, among which music, painting, musical instruments, etc. are used to highlight a person's sentiment and temperament.

When Mina was young, she lived with her grandfather Cyr for a long time.

Those subordinates in the family are all one-size-fits-all, bowing or something, and Mina was hired by Sear, a grandfather, to teach a lot when she was a child.

All of them cultivate Mina's skills, and it is because of those tutors that Mina begins to fear learning, so that when she goes to school later, she will fall asleep unconsciously during class.

When facing her grandfather, Mina would also be unconsciously a little restrained, not as relaxed as usual.

Later, Thea couldn't stand it, she didn't want Mina to lose the childhood that a child should have when she was still so young, after all, Mina's personality was slightly weak, she didn't know how to refuse, and she wasn't as fierce as a mother.

The tutors that Ciel had hired for her were all in the hospital, and in the end, Ciel really couldn't help it, so she didn't continue to educate Thea.

Now that Cyr has set his goal on his daughter, who is too sensible to refuse, Thea directly took Mina away from home and went to Zhenxin Town to enjoy the idyllic life, so that Mina can enjoy the life that a child should have.

Because of the psychological shadow, as soon as Mina talks to this grandfather on the phone, it will be unnatural and even a little afraid.

A hint of distress flashed in Cyr's eyes, since Thea took Mina away, he realized that he was wrong, especially now in front of you, Mina always behaves politely, Cyr is even more distressed.

So every time I contact Mina, this old man will deliberately behave like those ordinary old people outside.

Cyr casually leaned back in the chair and acted very relaxed: "Why did Mina call her grandfather for so long, but her grandfather missed Mina very much."

There was a trace of nostalgia in Ciel's eyes, and he stretched out his hands and gestured a length: "I remember when you were just born, only a little big, fat and cute, now grown up but thin, Cia Na girl definitely did not take care of you, if you let grandpa take care of you, you will definitely raise you white and fat, then it will be the most cute."

Mina smiled and looked a little more relaxed: "Mina is not a pig, too fat to look good, mother said that girls have to be slimmer to be pursued by many people."

Cyr snorted coldly: "Hmph! Your mother is not obedient at all, running away from home at every turn to cause me trouble, and even more so long ago with your bastard father, really pissed me off! Cyr

was suddenly serious, and was so frightened that Mina lowered her head and did not dare to speak.

His grandfather and his father have a very bad relationship, and the two dare not meet, as long as they can't say a few words when they meet, Cyr will copy things and hit the board.

Itagu did not dare to resist, who told him to be abducted by the palm pearl that the other party regarded as a treasure, and it didn't take long to get a son.

If he were to change to him, it is estimated that he could directly take the gun and surprise the man.

So Cyr is pretty light.

Seeing that Mina was a little uncomfortable, Cyr quickly changed the topic: "Has Mina traveled smoothly recently?"

Mina quickly nodded: "Mina is very good, they are all with friends on the road, taking care of each other without encountering any danger, but encountering a lot of interesting things during the trip, by the way, Mina took in two elves, they are very good and cute."

"Well, that's great, but you should also always pay attention to your own safety, if there is anything, call your grandfather, your mother and father are not reliable, if there is something to find your grandfather, grandpa will definitely help you solve it."

Cyr didn't have the idea of refuting this, because even she felt that her mother and father were unreliable.

There is no need to say more about the old mother Siya, and the father Banmu calls less all year round, and will only go home from time to time without a fixed time.

I can't stay for a few days at a time.

"Well, Mina got it." Mina smiled sweetly.

Cyr nodded, and as if he had thought of something, he quickly spoke: "By the way, Mina, where are you now?" Is there a Pokémon Center there?

Mina was a little puzzled, but still honestly spoke: "Mina is going to the last transit village in Dead Leaf City, there is one in the Pokémon Center, is there something wrong with Grandpa?"

"Well, recently the company has newly studied a poké ball, which has a large space, designed an environment suitable for all kinds of elves to live, and some equipment for exercising elves, which is the main product of our company's new research..."

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