"Do you want to climb up from that high? Meow..."

Now it's dark, and the pitch-black coast is like a bottomless abyss.

"Yes... It's a little high..."

"No! We can't fail the mission again, otherwise Boss Banmu won't let us go!" "

The three of them are a little afraid, but recently they have been reprimanded by Itagi for failing one mission after another, and even the funds for the operation have been cut off, if they don't make some achievements.

It is estimated that he and others will not be able to retain the title of the special operations team, and will once again become ordinary members, doing some hard work and no connotation to block the road and rob the business.


"Hmm... Oh...! The

strange sound that everyone had heard last night reappeared, only this time closer, Mina's eyes lit up, and she quickly rolled out of bed and ran outside.

As soon as I went out, I met Zhenghui and Xiaogang.

Seeing Mina, Zhenghui was slightly stunned, but did not speak, and hurriedly ran towards the top of the lighthouse.

Mina glanced at each other, and then followed.

At the top of the lighthouse, the view is instantly wider, not too much.

But because it was dark, everyone still couldn't see clearly.


"Appeared, appeared again, this time I must see you!"

Hearing the voice appear again, Zhenghui pressed a red button next to the lighthouse with some excitement.


The exact same sound as the one just now came from the loudspeaker above.

"This is?"

Everyone was a little confused.

Zhenghui looked excited: "This is a strange elf I found, he doesn't know when he appeared in this sea, he is huge, and he doesn't look like any elf found now!"

Mina next to her had a dull look in her eyes: "Lonely..."

Masaki just heard Mina's murmur and looked back at Mina suspiciously.

Mina whispered, her voice a little dull: "He is lonely, he is looking for a companion..."

You must know that he has studied Pokémon for a long time before he can barely judge the mood of each elf by sound.

And this girl actually has the same talent as him!

But in the blink of an eye, Zhenghui's eyes lit up again: "You... Do you possess any extraordinary powers? "

How can a teenage girl have such a wealth of experience as him.

Ordinary people can't communicate with Pokémon.

It can only be judged by the body movements of elves, or by being together for a long time.

But there is another very small number of people who have powers that ordinary people do not have.

Unique powers like Pokémon.

Mina came back from the loneliness in that voice, and saw Zhenghui staring at herself like this and nodded a little embarrassed: "Hmm... Dad said... It's Tokiwa's power. A

resolute look flashed from Zhenghui's eyes, followed by endless envy.

Masaki is very envious of Mina's abilities, and Tokiwa is famous in the Kanto region.

This power can not only use the power of the forest to cure any disease, but also communicate with the elves without barriers.

Most importantly, it is said that the power of Tokiwa can be possessed by the chosen people of the Rabbi of the Forest God.

Rabbi, that's the legendary beast!

Masaki looked at Mina longingly: "Mina, you have the power of Tokiwa, so have you seen the Rabbi of Shi?"

Mina was a little confused: "Who is Rabi Shi?"

Zhenghui clicked on his watch and brought up the stone carvings of the rabbi from his own information.

Although there is no color embellishment, you still recognize the elf who saved her as a child.

Mina was a little surprised: "It turns out that his name is Rabi Shi!" Mina had seen him, it was when Mina was a child, when her brother took Mina out to play, Mina ran away with a big butterfly.

When she said this, Mina blushed embarrassedly, because of her naughtiness, her brother was scolded by her mother.

"Then Mina fell and twisted her foot, and at that time Mina was very hungry and scared, and she cried in the forest, and then this elf suddenly appeared, he was badly injured and fainted, and even if he was bullied by other elves, he held him and hid in the tree hole and fell asleep."

"As a result, Mina just woke up the next day to find that her father came to Mina, and her father said something to this elf, and then he cured Mina and him with a green light in his hand, and then he suddenly disappeared again, and Mina was also brought back by her father."

Mina struggles to recall memories from a long time ago.

Mina was only three years old when he met Rabbi, and he didn't know Rabi at all, but he remembered that time his father seemed to know the elf and had an argument.

He also said something strange about changing the world so that humans and elves could truly live together as equals.

But Mina was very young at the time, so she doesn't remember it very well.

Anyway, the last elf disappeared directly after she woke up, touched her face, and then Mina secretly ran to the forest to look for him, but she never found it.

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