"You are Kojiro and Musashi-senpai, we are the new special squad Ian and Pais."

Ian and Pais, who came to Dead Leaf City overnight, immediately contacted Musashi and Kojiro here.

Looking at the two people in front of them, Musashi and Kojiro were a little surprised, the training of the special team, they have a deep experience, at present, the entire rocket team can take a few shots.

They can stand out because they have great ability in mechanics, and they are named the special team white hole because they have a skill.

Kojiro covered his stomach, because of insufficient funds in the past few days, they have not eaten yet: "Are you looking for us for something?"

Pais stepped forward with some excitement: "Senior Kojiro, we have a mission to find you to cooperate!" "

Mission? What task requires two squads? Musashi, who was also hungry next to him, said a little weakly.

Because of several failed captures, they have already exhausted their operational expenses, and there are still a few days before the rocket team releases funds.

These days, they are so hungry that they want to block the road and rob the children's lollipops.

Ian looked around, as if afraid that others would overhear, and then lowered his voice and said to Kojiro and the two, as for Meow, they had ignored him, and thought it was just an elf.

"It was the task of Lord Minister, and he also assigned us fifty ordinary members to kidnap the Saint Annu and attract the attention of the alliance!"

"Attract the attention of the Alliance?"

"Also kidnapping the luxury cruise ship Saint Anno?"

"You're not crazy, are you! If he kidnaps the Saint Anno, he will still be hunted down by the Alliance. Hearing this task, Meow decisively refused.

Just kidding, there are too many rich people on the Saint Annus, many of them are elites in various fields, if they really kidnap them, they will not be chased to death by the alliance.

Thinking about it this way, Musashi and Kojiro looked at Pais and Ian with strange eyes, such a difficult task, these two would not have offended the minister.

Otherwise, attract the attention of the alliance, just tie up a small cruise ship and make more noise.

If you don't want to kill them, how can you let them kidnap the St. Annus?

"Shh! Be quiet, it is because of the heavy task that we invited the two seniors. Pais also lowered his voice and began to promise Musashi benefits.

"Through internal connections, we have disguised fifty ordinary crew members as waiters and crew members of the St. Annu and sent them to the ship, and even the captain and deputy have been replaced by the dark line of Team Rocket."

"So once the plan is implemented, it will be very smooth, as long as we wait for the St. Annu to leave Hong Kong, we can start immediately, and then we can rob the casino, as well as the elves of those rich people!"

"At that time, we will divide the money and elves equally!"

Hearing that there was money to take, Musashi and the two began to growl in their stomachs, and after some heartbeat but some fear of action, they would be targeted by the alliance.

Isn't it more uncomfortable to have money to spend when there is no life?

Seeing that the two were still hesitant, Pais continued to bewitch: "The two seniors have failed in these missions one after another, you must know that this has made the boss a little dissatisfied, this plan we have prepared foolproof, why not save your image in the boss's heart?"

"And with money and powerful elves, don't the two seniors have better equipment for new operations?"

Although he was more excited, Kojiro still shook his head repeatedly: "No~ no, absolutely not, this mission is too dangerous, or go by yourself, we won't be mixed in." Pais

and Ian looked at each other, they never expected that they had promised so many benefits, and the two were still not fooled.

How could they not know what was most dangerous about this mission, in fact, they promised half of the benefits in order to make Kojiro and them the backers.

In their plan, there has long been a plan to get rid of the golden cicada.

"Are the two seniors really not coming? You must know that in the casino of St. Anno, there are hundreds of millions of funds, and after we divide it equally, everyone has less than 20 or 30 million.

"Coupled with the excellent elves in the hands of those rich people, as soon as we turn over to the organization, we will definitely get the reward of the organization."

"Two... Million? Is there so much money? "

It's still 20 million per person, that is, if this is done, they can say that they can have 40 or 50 million in the account!"

Hearing such a large amount of money, Kojiro and Musashi completely ignored what was in danger, and their eyes flashed with gold coins.

Seeing this, Pais smiled, reached out and directly pulled up Musashi and Kojiro: "The two seniors haven't eaten yet, let's find a place to eat and talk, I will tell you the complete plan of action!" "

Hearing that there is food, Musashi and Kojiro are completely fooled by Pais into the thief's ship!

After a few people discussed the plan of action and sent Musashi and the two away, Ian quietly asked, "Do you really want to give them half?" "

Half, that's not a small amount, Ian is reluctant.

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