Although the trash can was beaten into a sieve, it was still a metal product, and under Luo Xiaohei's control, the garbage can instantly decomposed into four long strips of iron, which directly trapped the necks of the four people under the thunderous momentum.

And also lifted the four people off the ground, and the gradually locked iron pieces quickly suffocated the four to death.

Luo Xiaohei walked out of the corner and appeared in the corridor, needless to say that it was now exposed, so there was no need to hide it at all.

It didn't take long for the four to stop struggling, and those who were already dead could no longer die.

At this time, in the room where the four rocket team members ran out, two very panicked people poked their heads out.

The two were also travelers, a man and a woman, apparently husband and wife or couple.

"Ah! Die... Dead! Seeing the four lifeless people on the ground, the woman let out a terrified cry.

On the contrary, the man was much better, and did not yell like a woman, but his trembling body still showed that his mood was no better at the moment.

Luo Xiaohei's mind moved, and a large string of keys flew towards the two.

This frightened both of them, thinking that Luo Xiaohei was going to attack them.

"This is the door key, Team Rocket said to sink the entire St. Anno, you two go and release everyone."

Hearing Luo Xiaohei's words, the two of them suddenly turned bloodless, now they are on the vast sea, if the ship sinks, then don't they also sink?

At that moment, the two of them raised the mind to find a lifeboat to escape.

As if he had insight into their thoughts, Luo Xiaohei glanced back at them: "Don't think about escaping alone, there are still a large number of rocket team members guarding the deck of the first floor, only the two of you can't escape, only by gathering everyone will you have a chance to defeat the rocket team and escape."

After that, Luo Xiaohei no longer cared about them and walked towards Guan Mina's room.

Walking to the door, Luo Xiaohei's mind moved, and the metal door that was originally locked was instantly opened.

Hearing the movement, King Nido, who was responsible for protecting Mina, instantly looked over viciously, and when he saw that it was Luo Xiaohei who opened the door, his expression changed into a flattering smile in an instant.

Mina poked her head out from the protection of the elves, and was instantly surprised when she saw that it was Luo Xiaohei: "Xiaohei! You're back!

Mina came out and picked Luo Xiaohei up, looking like she was worried about Luo Xiaohei's safety just now.

"Now is not the time to speak, I just got the news that the people of the rocket team will blow up the Saint Anno, and the rocket team members in the rest area have been solved by me, but there are rocket team members guarding other areas, so we must first organize the passengers in the rest area and launch a planned counterattack."

After knowing that Team Rocket did not want to kill, Luo Xiaohei planned to organize a counterattack.

The people who came on the ship were not all trainers, but there were still one or two elves in the manpower.

Driven by Luo Xiaohei, everyone released their own elves, among which the elves with strong defense such as the small fist stone and the big rock snake took the lead in order to prevent the people of the rocket team from shooting and wounding people.

After that, the elves of various attributes formed in an orderly group.

At this time, the submarine was really full, and Pais, who had asked the captain to call for help to the outside world, came to the deck with a mask to join Ian, who also completed the task.

"Those two fools have been locked up by me, and there are more than thirty people who have not been searched."

Seeing Pais, Ian couldn't close his mouth with a smile, the first mission, won such a big result, I'm afraid that those cadres don't have such an honor!

This time back to the base, it will definitely be reused by the minister.

"Other places have to be done too, those allied dogs will take about two hours to come here at the earliest, and as soon as they arrive, we will detonate the bomb and escape while they save people." Pais looked at the time and felt that his plan was simply perfect.

Not only did he get a lot of money and elves, but he also put all the blame on the two fools, and even killed Mina, who had a relationship with them before.

"Hahahaha! Thanks to you this time!

In the crowd, looking at the rocket team getting closer and closer, the three of Ash became even more nervous.

"What to do, they're coming..."

Wait a minute! Xiao Gang pulled the restless Ash, and at this time, his head appeared, and it was definitely a bullet that faced him.

At that time, the elves will still be taken away, and they will die because of it.

"Hey! Hand over the elves honestly! "

Don't... Don't kill me! I... I'll give you all my elves! The people not far from Ash hurriedly and honestly threw all their Pokeballs into the sack in front of them.

Life is varied, there are people like Ash who are not afraid of death, naturally there are those who are afraid of death, and many people are honestly cooperating with the actions of those rocket teams.

The elves can be caught again when they are gone, anyway, those elves are about the same, as long as their own is still alive.

Pais glanced at the time and began to urge: "Move quickly!"

After speaking, he looked at Ian next to him: "What about the captain in charge of the service area?" He is the most relaxed over there, why hasn't he come down yet? "

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