The inflated seawater has a strong impact, and it is impossible to swim out.

"Oops, can't get out now!"

As the cruise ship sank, the speed would become faster and faster, and in the blink of an eye, the water had spread from the staircase to the feet of several people.

Xiao Gang's face changed, and he hurriedly turned back with Xiao Zhi on his back: "Run upstairs!" "

The amplitude of the boat is too big, if you accidentally fall into the water, the indiscriminate impact of the water will instantly shoot the person to the bottom, you just can't swim up."

Falling into the water in this situation is equivalent to swimming in the rushing and convective water of the river.

Kojiro and the others did not dare to delay, and hurriedly turned around and ran towards it.

"Don't leave me behind! I'm most afraid of water! The sea water flowed to his feet, and Meow snorted and slammed directly onto Musashi's back.

Musashi almost fell down with a crooked body, and angrily wanted to throw the meow on his back out: "Stinky meow! Why don't you hurry up and get me down!"

"Don't! I don't want it, I'm afraid of water meow! "It's a pity that the hug is too tight and Musashi can't pull it off.

Everyone ran to the third floor, and before they could take a few breaths, they felt that the hull of the ship began to tilt violently.

Even almost ninety degrees.

Everyone stood unsteadily and fell straight towards the front.

At this time, the fear of death spreads in everyone's hearts, sometimes direct death is not the most terrible thing, the terrible thing is that you know that you want to die, and there is no way to resist but wait for death!

At this time, everyone's mood was like this, feeling that her body was out of balance and about to fall, and Mina was finally afraid: "Xiao Hei! "

After all, I am still a child, and after encountering problems that cannot be solved, I always like to rely on my latest arrival.

Luo Xiaohei's eyes burst out with green light, and the second tail instantly dispersed into countless green rays.

Midori came to everyone first, and in an instant, the kung fu began to sproute, weaving into a large net of vines to catch everyone.

Because of its weight, the ship, which was completely sunk into the sea, sank head-down and sank vertically towards the bottom of the sea.

Luo Xiaohei raised his eyes and looked at the stairs, where seawater had already begun to pour towards the third floor.

A few green birds burrowed into the wall, and then grew into larger green plants, blocking the entire staircase entrance and preventing the sea from entering again.

The cruise ship is still sinking, but this time it is a little more relaxed than before, and it is not as shaky as before.

Luo Xiaohei fell to Mina's side and asked with some concern: "Is the girl okay?"

"Blackie, are we going to die?" Mina's little face turned a little white, and she hugged Luo Xiaohei tightly, obviously very scared.

"Wow! We're young, we don't want to die yet! A question completely ignited everyone's fear, and Kojiro and Musashi couldn't help but hug each other and cry.

Xiaoxia also sobbed regretfully: "People just want to experience the feeling of rich people taking luxury cruise ships, why can I always encounter such unfortunate things!"

"Yes... I'm sorry Xiaoxia, it's all my fault..." Ash, who was smashed by the big cabinet, began to blame himself for his willfulness, if he didn't exchange elves with others, or he regretted now having to find Bada Butterfly.

They will all get into lifeboats just now, and they will not be trapped in the cruise ship by themselves.

Even Xiao Gang, who looked more calm, took out a photo from his jacket pocket.

There were only twelve people in the photo, and everyone was smiling very happily, it was a family portrait taken by him and Mina before they traveled together.

"It's a pity, there is no mother in it, I thought that when I went back one day, I could take a real family photo..." A

wry smile appeared on his face, and he didn't know what they would cry when they got the news of their death.

Looking at every face in the photo nostalgically, Xiao Gang pasted the photo on his chest again and put it away.

Looking at everyone looking like they were waiting for death, Luo Xiaohei said speechlessly: "It's still a little early to wait for death."

"Huh?! Do you have a way to get out! Hearing this, everyone's eyes lit up, as if looking at a savior, their eyes flashed and they looked at Luo Xiaohei, who was leisurely licking his paws.

"Xiao Hei, do you really have a way to save us from leaving? Now that the entire cruise ship is sinking into the water, there is very little oxygen and food and water, and we have little chance of surviving until rescue. "

The little one who recovered his spirit began to analyze the current situation.

The sea is mobile, a sinking cruise ship will not sink vertically, and it is not a simple matter to find a sunken cruise ship on the vast sea.

"That's not right! Mina's family is very rich, if we knew that Mina was in danger now, his parents would definitely find someone to save us! And isn't there positioning on board? As long as we hold out for a few days, we will definitely get out alive! Xiao

Xia, who had not yet had hope, was revived.

In her opinion, Mina's family is so rich, after knowing that her child has an accident, she will definitely spend money to hire someone to search and rescue, and there must be a signal transmission device on such a luxurious cruise ship as the Saint Anno.

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