【Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the mission reward: Pokémon Evolution ×1]

As soon as the system voice fell, Luo Xiaohei felt that his body's absorption of the surrounding water spirits was more violent.

The wonderful feeling that he had experienced once before made Luo Xiaohei's consciousness begin to blur.

Mina and the others were crouching at the entrance of the stairs.

When they sent the supplies to the ugly fish, they happened to see the situation here in Luo Xiaohei.

"Mina, look at it, Xiao Hei, this seems to be about to evolve?" The first to notice Luo Xiaohei's changes was Xiaoxia.

When they saw Luo Xiaohei covered in blue fluorescence, they were already surprised, because Luo Xiaohei was still emitting green light on his body before.

But now the light on Luo Xiaohei's body is getting stronger and stronger, and at this time, it is like a big light bulb in the water, and even the second floor that is flooded can be seen clearly.

Everyone looked, and sure enough, the blue light on Luo Xiaohei's body was gradually changing to the white color of evolution.

And the most obvious thing is that behind Luo Xiaohei, another black tail is growing out little by little.

Mina was also shocked, Luo Xiaohei had an extra tail for no reason before, and she didn't quite know what was going on.

Now it seems that Luo Xiaohei will grow an extra tail every time he evolves.

Ugly Fish is searching for supplies in the trading area on the second floor, and soon she finds a box of biscuits.

The cardboard box containing the biscuits was already wet with water, but the biscuits inside had a layer of plastic bags.

So cookies can still be eaten.

Before, Mina had given her biscuits and bread, and she was impressed by them and knew that they were delicious.

"Purr..." So the ugly fish spat out a few bubbles happily, then carried the wet cardboard box on his head and began to swim back.

As she gradually approached Luo Xiaohei, the ugly fish felt that the surrounding waters made her feel more comfortable.

The mysterious energy in the water also entered her body from the gills as she breathed.

That comfortable feeling is not the same as the last time I was at the beach.

And this time it's more comfortable.

Faintly, the ugly fish dropped the cardboard box above his head, squinted his eyes and gradually leaned towards Luo Xiaohei's side.

As she gets closer, the ugly fish feels that the energy is gradually changing her body, and instinctively tells her that this is very beneficial to her.

"Ugly Ugly Fish..." Afraid that the ugly fish disturbed Luo Xiaohei's evolution, Mina spoke out and wanted to call the ugly fish back.

"Mina wait! Look at the ugly fish..." but was quickly stopped by Xiao Gang.

Xiao Gang stretched out his finger and pointed at the ugly fish.

Because the ugly fish was close to Luo Xiaohei, part of the blue fluorescence separated from Luo Xiaohei's body and wrapped her.

And with the wrapping of this part of energy, white light began to gradually appear on the ugly fish.

The white light on the two elves jumped again and again, and it seemed to resonate at this moment.

"This!" Mina was a little surprised, the ugly fish that had never evolved actually showed signs of evolution because of the energy gathered by Luo Xiaohei's evolution.

This moment is simply a double happiness!

After Luo Xiaohei divided part of his energy to the ugly fish, he completely fell into a deep sleep.

Just after he fell asleep, his body began to demonize uncontrollably.

This time the demon turned into a demon, and his height directly reached about four meters, which was much larger than before.

And the most attractive are the three tails behind Luo Xiaohei.

One is pure black, one is emerald green, and one is aqua blue.

Half an hour passed, and Luo Xiaohei's aqua-blue tail was completely open.

When the evolution was completed, Luo Xiaohei began to shrink again, and finally changed back to its original size, but the tail behind him changed from two to three.

And after Luo Xiaohei finished evolution, the ugly fish around him also began to evolve, and I saw that her body began to gradually elongate in the white light, forming a beautiful arc.

The original fishtail became larger and began to fork, eventually resembling a fan.

The originally fat head gradually became slender, and two ribbon-like fins were drawn from both sides.

"Whaa An ethereal voice suddenly sounded.

The white light dissipated, and the ugly fish with a greatly changed appearance appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

I saw that the current ugly fish was still as old and ugly as before, and the slender body was covered with fine and well-proportioned beige scales.

The long tail behind him is covered with brilliantly colored scales.

"This... This one is...! Menas! When she saw the appearance of the stinky fish after evolution, Xiaoxia's eyes were about to pop out.

As a water Pokémon trainer who wants to become the world's No. 1 water system.

Menas, the water system elf who is known as the most beautiful elf in the world, how could Xiaoxia not know.

Compared with the shock of Xiaoxia and others, although Mina was also a little, she was very happy because she was mentally prepared in advance, and did not almost open her eyes like others.

"Actually evolved into Menas?! Why can such an ugly ugly ugly fish evolve into Menas!

"What a beautiful elf..."

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