That time, it left a lot of psychological shadows on Xiao Gang.

As a low-ranking heavyweight, the big rock snake can reach a height of 8.8 meters and weighs more than 200 kilograms.

Because his big rock snake is the main force, plus he is a breeder, even if he has no money to buy those high-grade materials, his big rock snake is still far beyond its kind and belongs to the elite among the big rock snakes.

At that time, the height of the big rock snake had reached ten meters, and its own weight was well cultivated, so the rock body was very large, more than three hundred kilograms.

However, such a large body and weight are like a plastic toy in Nazi's Hudi's hands.

Directly raised to the air by Nian Li, unable to move, like a leather ball, casually shooting.

There is no ability to resist without any resistance.

Xiao Gang knows Ash's strength very well, and if Nazi is real, Ash can't win.

However, the dojo trainers in the Guandu area will release water, and even if they play, they will not be the main force, most of them are the second team, or the three or four combat forces in the first team.

Of course, if they are weaker, they need to be more serious.

Therefore, if Ash wants to win, he can only hope that Nazi is in a good mood, the weakest elf, and has no intention of serious fighting, and releases a piece of the sea.

Let the little intelligence dog another medal.

Hearing this, Ash was also a little bottomless in his heart, but this would not discourage his enthusiasm: "Is this so?" Then I won't give up, she has her superpowers, I have my backbone, even if she can beat me, I will challenge her again until I get the medal!

"Okay, we'll support you, but when are you going to challenge?" Xiao Xia gave a thumbs up, gave a rare encouragement to Ash, and did not sneak another sarcastic blow.

Ash quietly looked at the closed door, afraid that Mina would hear the same, and then lowered his voice, thinking that he was cunning: "I have set the alarm clock, tomorrow morning I will challenge Nazi, this time I will get the medal before Mina!" "

Well, Ash, this is a Mina bar, Xiao Gang and Xiao Xia are a little speechless about this.

Just like you, even if you go first, you may not be able to get the medal one step ahead of Mina.

Mina's capable Luo Xiaohei, who has the ability to be weird, as well as the ultra-ancient fast dragon that is comparable to a divine beast, and the sound and color of the Geng ghost who has not been subdued for a long time and can fight with the super-ancient fast dragon.

As expected, Geng Ghost will play, and there will be suppression in terms of strength.

There is no need to worry about whether Mina can get the medal or not.

Ash's iron-headed baby is hanging.

Xiaoxia spread her hands: "Why do you get up so early?" You may not be able to beat Nazi if you get up early, it's better to wait for Mina to consume Nazi's strength first, and you go and pick up a bargain.

"I think Xiaoxia is right, you have no chance to win Nazi, it's better to follow Mina to pick up a bargain, if you want to challenge to get the medal alone, your winning surface is too small."

Xiao Gang also agreed with Xiao Xia's words.

In fact, many trainers who challenge the dojo, except for those who are very confident in their strength, will not be the first to challenge, they will all watch from the sidelines, see that the dojo trainer's elf is in poor condition, and then go to pick up the cheap.

But who is Ash, that's the iron-headed baby, that will agree.

I saw Ash looking at the two very angrily, and snorted coldly: "You guys also underestimate me, you must know that you two are my defeated subordinates, I admit that Mina is my lifelong rival, but I Ash has a backbone, how can I do such an opportunistic thing!"

Xiao Gang and Xiao Xia pouted, and the same meaning was revealed in their eyes.

Opportunistic? Do you do less of this kind of thing?

Early the next morning, it was just dawn, and the servants of the manor had just gotten up.

Ash was already refreshed and quietly got up.

He wants to challenge Nazi early and try to get the medal before Mina.

Eric had to arrange servant work, so he got up early, and he had long been used to it over the years.

When he saw Ash pulling Xiao Gang and the two who were still confused downstairs, Eric was a little surprised.

He saluted and asked, "How many guests got up so early, are they dissatisfied with the room?" If you are not used to anything, you can tell me and I will let people improve.

Xiao Xia yawned and glared at Xiao Zhi: "Eric butler, you misunderstood, we rested very well, I have never slept in such a comfortable bed, it is Xiao Zhi, this guy, who is going to challenge the dojo, so he pulled us up early..."

Xiao Gang is the same, such a luxurious room, they have never experienced, even the luxury cruise ship Saint Annu is not as good as Mina's room.

Eric knew that it would be rude to not entertain guests well, and it was his dereliction of duty as a butler.

As a top noble butler, he did not allow himself to make such mistakes.

Eric let go of a position and stretched out his hand to the three people: "The Taoist Hall in Golden City usually opens after eight o'clock, and now it's only about six o'clock, and you will be turned away if you go, so the three guests go to breakfast first, and when you finish breakfast, I will arrange for someone to send you to the Golden City Taoist Hall." "

Huh? So, we're up a little early," Ash scratched his head a little awkwardly, as if he had indeed ignored this.

Taoist trainers are also people, and people also need to rest, and Nazi opens the door at eight o'clock, which is already early.

Xiao Xia gave Xiao Zhi a blank look: "It's all to blame on you, I told you that I don't have to get up so early, ahhh~!" It actually disturbed Miss Ben's beauty sleep, if I didn't get enough sleep, I would have dark circles!

"Please, guests, I'll prepare a hearty breakfast for you right away."

Eric smiled slightly, and after taking the three of them to the kitchen, he instructed the servants to prepare breakfast.

There are a lot of people in the kitchen, and breakfast is relatively simple, so before ten minutes, breakfast is served on the table.

Breakfast was basic, a sandwich, a fried egg, a grilled sausage, and a glass of milk.

It is the best and most reasonable breakfast pairing.

Although it is simple, the ingredients used are the best, so it is delicious to eat.

After they finished eating, Eric arranged for a driver to drive them to the Golden City Taoist Hall, and asked the driver to follow the three of them, and then pick them up after they finished their business.

When Mina got up, it was already eight o'clock, after washing, Mina also left the bedroom.

At this time, Cyr was eating breakfast while reading the newspaper prepared by Eric.

"Good morning Grandpa, good morning Eric butler."

"Good morning Miss Mina, were you used to it last night?"

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