Opposite the gate, there is a very high throne.

Above the throne is a young girl wearing a red leather coat and a very cold appearance.

The girl was holding a doll wearing a white Lolita in her hand, which made the already somewhat silent room look even more strange.

If it weren't for the bright room in the room, Mina would feel like she was challenging a ghost-like dojo.

"You're here..."

Just as Mina looked at Nazi stunned, Nazi on the throne spoke first.

At the same time as she spoke, her right hand was raised, and a blue light erupted from it.

After that, the young man who was still standing beside Mina just now flew out directly upside down.

Until it flew out of this room, and then the heavy door slammed shut shut.

The sudden sound and change startled Mina, and after a stirring spirit, she instinctively looked back at the closed door.

"Meow...!" Before Mina came back to her senses, Luo Xiaohei on her shoulders had exploded, and a pair of pupils had turned into vertical pupils, staring at Nazi who suddenly teleported in front of Mina.

"Yay!" Mina turned around, and it was another agitated spirit, because Nazi, who was still resting for tens of meters, had appeared in front of her silently.

And still floating there.

Mina has seen this scene, and it feels like a ghost.


Geng Ghost, who has been hiding in Mina's shadow, is also aware of Nazi's terrifying superpower.

I don't know when, I have appeared behind Mina, looking at Nazi grimly.

It was as if Nazi would strike immediately as long as she dared to disadvantage Mina.

Nazi didn't even look at Geng Ghost and Luo Xiaohei, as if they were air.

Just slowly stretched out his white and slender right hand and slowly touched Mina's face.

Mina was already frightened, so she didn't dodge, letting Nazi gently touch her face.

The fingers were very cold, making Mina excited again, and finally came back to her senses, and shrunk back with some fear.

Nazi's hand levitated there, and it took two seconds to retract it.

"You... Are you Nazi, the gym trainer here? Rice... Mina is a rookie trainer from True New Town, here to challenge you, please... Please fight Mina!

Mina, who finally summoned up the courage to challenge Nazi.

"Huh... Are you afraid of me? Nazi did not respond, but laughed softly with a slight hook at the corner of her mouth.

Hearing this, Mina was stunned, then shook her head, thought about it and nodded: "Just now, it's a little, now I'm not afraid."

Nazi tilted her head: "Why aren't you afraid now?" Mina

stretched out her hand and held Luo Xiaohei on her shoulder in her arms, and Luo Xiaohei had been fried just now.

He was also taken aback by Nazi's weirdness just now.

But the main thing is the fear of Mina's injury.

However, after that, it was indeed found that Nazi was not hostile to Mina, otherwise Luo Xiaohei would have directly attacked.

"Mina has Xiao Hei, as well as Geng Ghost, King Nido, Fast Dragon, Fire Dinosaur, Menas, Little Kabi Beast, they will protect Mina, so Mina is not afraid."

With each name, Mina's confidence becomes.

And with the words closed, the few Pokeballs around her waist also swayed, as if in response to Mina.

Nazi smiled, although it was still beautiful, it still felt like an ice beauty, and there was no temperature.

Nazi turned and levitated in mid-air, slowly flying towards her throne.

"You don't look like your dad at all, you're very similar to your mom, and your personality is very similar to your dad, not at all like your mom."

Listening to Nazi's tone, she seemed to be familiar with her parents.

Mina immediately asked with some doubts: "Sister Nazi knows Mina's parents?"

Nazi smiled softly: "You should call me Aunt Nazi, because... I call your parents brother and sister..." When

Natsu met Itagi and Thea, Thea was already pregnant, and she was less than ten years old at that time, when she was ostracized by everyone.

At that time, Banmu and Xiya were not very old, both were only eighteen or nine years old.

Because Banmu is very amiable, Nazi directly called Banmu big brother, and Xiya naturally can't be called an aunt, she can only be called a beautiful big sister.

The current Nazi and Mina are not much different in age, just about their teens.

Mina can also be called Auntie, but the consequences are serious, and no girl likes to be called old.

So Mina instinctively called her sister.

As a result, Nazi still did not appreciate it, and had to be older than her!

"Ahhh... Aunt? "

Now the most unexpected thing is estimated to be Luo Xiaohei, thinking that Nazi and Xiya's parents still know each other, and the relationship does not seem to be simple.

Such a cordial brother and sister call, the relationship is not good, can make this super queen so affectionate?

But think about it, Xiya is from Jinhuang City, Nazi is also a person here, the two are not small in Jinhuang City, and it is normal to know each other.

But they can get to know each other better, at least Nazi should not be embarrassed by Mina in this relationship.

How much will not lose after turning them into dolls.

Nazi sat on her throne again, holding the doll in her arms.

"Then ask Aunt Nazi to agree to Mina's challenge!" Although Mina was surprised that Nazi knew her parents, she still did not forget her purpose.

Nazi supported her chin with a lazy hand, reached out and waved, and a chair next to her flew directly behind Mina.

This hand made Mina look very envious, did not refuse, and obediently sat on the chair.

If Ash saw this scene, he didn't know how he would feel.

At this time, Nazi, there was also the terrifying look he saw.

Although it is still cold, it is at least a little human.

"Want the Gold Medal?"

"Uh-huh!" Mina's little head pointed out the phantom, as long as she got the medal, she would be one step ahead of Mina.

"Yes, give you two choices, one is I will give you directly." Nazi fiddled with her doll with her left hand and said softly.

"Directly to ... Mina? "Mina was surprised and a little incomprehensible.

Nazi nodded: "That's right, your strength is very good, you are fully qualified to get the medal, and you are my junior, it is nothing to give you a little privilege, after all, whether those people can get the medal in the past only depends on my mood." "

Luo Xiaohei grinned, he was really willful....

"This... Is that so? Mina lowered her head, a little silent, and then raised her head again and asked, "What about the second option?" The

corner of Nazi's mouth hooked, and she looked up at Luo Xiaohei in her arms: "Fight against me, fight against my strongest elf, win, medal to you, I will give you my doll, lose it


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