"This is the Gold Medal, and it's yours."

A small golden medallion flew out of Nazi's hand and headed towards Mina.

Mina grabbed it happily and jumped up happily: "Yay! Mina got the Gold Medal! "

Geng Ghost drifted back, and I was happy to see this, and my heart was also very comfortable.

This little girl, how to see how pleasing to the eye.

After chatting with Nazi in the dojo for a while, Mina returned to the manor under the escort of the bodyguard.

Today, Silna didn't go, he didn't plan to go to work these days, Mina finally came back, he wanted to spend more time with his granddaughter.

And the company has reached the level of Silver, as long as he does not do anything dangerous, there is basically not much for him to worry about.

The most I can do every day is to pay attention to the research results of the laboratory and sign a contract.

Almost everything is perfected and carried out for him.

When Mina returned, it was already afternoon, and Mina, who had only eaten half a grilled sausage, was already hungry.

But as soon as he returned, Eric's butler had already received news in advance and prepared a hearty meal.

After eating and drinking, Mina remembered Ash and them.

After leaving the dojo just now, I didn't see the three of them, and I thought that they had returned, but I didn't see them.

Mina looked at Eric and asked softly, "Eric butler, Ash, didn't they come back?"

Eric bowed slightly: "No, according to the driver's report, they seem to be going to Ziyuan City to subdue the elves of the ghost department, and then go to challenge the Golden City Taoist Hall." "

After the driver dropped Ash off and they were there, he waited to pick them up again.

Who knew that they were going to Ziyuan City, and the driver reported the news.

Because he was traveling with his own lady, Eric directly asked the driver to send Ash and them, and followed Ash and them by the way.

"Ran to Ziyuan City?" Mina was a little surprised, but was relieved to hear that she had just gone to subdue the elf instead of leaving her alone.

If they went to Aster City to collect the elves and then came back to challenge Nazi, it would definitely take a lot of time.

It seems that he will have to stay at home for a few more days and wait for them to be together.

After eating, Mina was ready to train her elves.

Because of Seal's support, Eric didn't dare to say anything about etiquette or impoliteness.

Mina finally stepped on the lawn of her heart's desire.

When all eight elves appeared, it was Cyel, the rich man, who was very side-eyed.

Especially when you see Kuailong.

This huge body size, that is comparable to ordinary fast dragons, you can know that it is powerful at a glance.

Cyr held up her glasses and stood in the distant gazebo watching Mina's training.

"It seems that Xiaona is more talented in being a trainer."

"Miss Mina has always been excellent, and now she has obtained four medals and become an intermediate trainer, but his elves seem to have exceeded Miss Mina's level."

Next to him, Eric said softly.

Although Mina's personality seems to him to be a little weak and not suitable for ups and downs in the mall, he also found out when he saw Mina training elves when he was training his physical fitness hard.

This young lady, who has always felt a little weak, seems to be very self-disciplined, very persistent, and has very strong self-control.

Being able to train the elves while training with the elves, and his tired limbs trembled without stopping, which was very different from what he felt before.

Especially looking at the skillful movements, and the attitude of the elves, this is not the first time this kind of thing has happened, and they seem to be used to it.

"Alas... It seems that the old man will have to work hard for a few years..." If

Mina has no talent as a trainer, then she can come back after failure to inherit his inheritance, and he can retire early.

And now it seems that Mina is extremely talented in being a trainer, so his dream cannot be realized.

In this way, if you want to retire, it will take longer.

I really don't understand why his huge Silver, one of the world's leading enterprises, is so troublesome to even find an heir.

In the end, there are still too few heirs, unlike other people's families, who are fighting for family property, and one is more active than the other

.... Look at his own home, he can't look at anything else, he doesn't want it, this thing is troublesome, annoying....

"Sir, do you want to call Lady Thea back?"

His own master has been nagging about retirement, and now it seems that the first heir wants to succeed to the throne is still far away, so he will directly change the candidate.

Thea was also watched by Eric growing up, her personality is decisive and fierce, and she is also very intelligent.

In the past, Eric always felt that Thea was the most suitable person to rise and fall in business.

Hearing this, Seal's eyes lit up, yes, Silver will be her daughter's in the future, she is a mother, a daughter, how can she come back to help him.

In advance, she had been pushing back and saying that she would take care of Mina, and now this girl has been traveling outside and playing crazy, thinking that he has worked hard for most of his life, and he has not played so happily.

Must call back!

However, when he thought of Thea's succession, this daughter said that she would not use her power to help the worse son-in-law, and Cyr was a little angry.

This possibility is still very high.

However, Silver is her daughter's, and if the bastard son-in-law asks Mina for help in the future, as a daughter, Mina will also help.

It seems that in the end, it is still necessary to give the bastard something cheap.

I don't know why, the more Cyr thought about it, the more angry he became.

I regarded it as a treasure, I was afraid of melting, holding the palm pearl that I was afraid of falling, but I was arched by such a bad pig just after going out for a trip.

And his baby daughter is still protecting the pig, otherwise he will definitely find a pig killer to learn how to kill pigs!

"Alas... Call it back, I don't care about the old man, anyway, I have to cheap that..." Cyr

had decided to give up, but he had to leave a way back for his children and grandchildren.

"Help me make an appointment tomorrow with Devin, Big Pansy, and Pokémon, and fight against the presidents of several groups, and I want to buy a little of their shares."

"Forget it, forget about the Pokémon watch company, they are a family business like us, they should not sell shares."

After thinking about it, Cyr ruled out the Pokémon watch company.

Devon Manufacturing Co., Ltd., whose business field is very similar to Silver, but when he first started, he did not have the support of the huge Joy family behind Seare.

So at that time, a lot of shares were sold, and there were many shareholders inside, and it was easier for him to buy shares.

The main business area of Pansy Holdings is energy, and there are many shareholders, which also support financing.

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