At this time, not only Mina was looking at this thing, but Luo Xiaohei was also watching.

He remembers when he used to play Nintendo's Pokémon game, there was a prop in it, that is, a portable computer, and an online shopping machine.

One can be connected to a computer in the field, and the other can be directly purchased, and the online shopping is very complete.

In his last life, Luo Xiaohei was an otaku man, so ordering takeaway and online shopping was basically the main reason why he could not go out several times a year and not be starved to death.

If memory serves, Cyr is related to the Joey family.

This portable computer can teleport the elf to the Welcome Doctor who guides him.

Is it also possible to teleport to the Pokémon Center and receive treatment directly?

Isn't that an additional product with revenue?

Every time it is not right, the Joey family charges more treatment fees according to the price, and they take a share of the overcharged fees, is it another income?

This would reduce the price of portable computers and make up for it with this product by-revenue.

Seeing Mina pondering hard, still unable to get the point, Luo Xiaohei said his thoughts.

Seale, who had been drinking tea for a while, sat up directly.

Looking at Luo Xiaohei in shock: "This is what you came up with?"

Luo Xiaohei rolled his eyes: "Is there anyone else here?"

Mina was a little confused, but seeing her grandfather so excited, it showed that Luo Xiaohei's idea was likely to work, so she couldn't help but pick up the cat.

Cyr sat back in his chair, his eyes were shining, according to Luo Xiaohei's idea, the portable computer could completely reduce the price of a part.

Traveling in the wilderness, it is very normal to encounter the kind of situation that Luo Xiaohei mentioned.

For the sake of their own lives, or the safety of their children, it is estimated that many people will buy a portable computer.

When it matters, this can save lives.

As long as each person has a portable computer, it can even reduce the mortality rate of trainers in the field.

And if you advertise in this aspect, you can also highlight the role of portable computers more obviously.

This undoubtedly increases the popularity of portable computers, and if you add Luo Xiaohei's secondary income, it makes portable computers become products that can generate follow-up income, rather than one-time transaction products.

This is another concept.

After a short thought, Seale already knew the feasibility of this scheme, and maybe this time studying portable computers will not only not lose money, but can make money.

At the moment, Cyr squinted his eyes, and the look in Luo Xiaohei's eyes was very strange.

This elf, he remembered correctly, was his granddaughter's original Pokémon.

It seems to be a rare phantom Pokémon, but I didn't expect an elf to have such a high talent for business.

If he had been following his granddaughter, he might be able to help his granddaughter manage Silver.

"Your name is Xiao Hei, I didn't expect you to be so smart, Mina can have you to take care of, it is her blessing." The heartfelt sigh made Mina also nodded repeatedly: "Yes, if it weren't for Xiao Hei, Mina might still be a Xiao Bai who doesn't understand anything, and Xiao Hei taught Mina a lot of things." Mina

felt honored to have Blackie as her own elf.

I also feel glad that I chose Luo Xiaohei in the first place, such a powerful elf, in exchange for other elves, which can compare?

Hearing their praise, coupled with Mina's gentle touch, Luo Xiaohei snored comfortably.

Luo Xiaohei, who was praised for his vanity, said the matter of online shopping without thinking.

"What is it? Since this laptop can teleport elves, you can improve it a bit so that he can teleport items. "

Wouldn't it be a lot more than a lot of extra income to bring together all kinds of goods so that they could buy them directly from a laptop and teleport them to them?"

Mina was a little confused: "Is there a lot of extra income?" Is it also a markup, charge a little more?

Mina didn't understand, but Cyr next to her sensed the profit in an instant.

Just thinking about it, the huge profits made Cyr tremble, and his eyes were a little red.

Luo Xiaohei turned over comfortably: "No need to increase the price, even the original price can be too much money, you see medicine, food, or other clothing, field supplies, are they all needed for travel?" "

Uh-huh!" Mina nodded her little head and listened carefully.

"And these things are not all Silver's products, so let the company that produces these products, or the factory and Silver, they produce goods, we help sell to people who need them through portable computers, and there is less middleman in the physical store, you can reduce the price of the goods, they still have to earn, we charge some handling fees, and the co-author is directly replacing the middleman of the physical store, can you make a lot of money?"

"And we can save a lot of things, such as sending the delivery method directly to the factory, they deliver it to the customer themselves, and we can also save the cost of transporting the goods to the physical store."

"In addition to these, there are too many and too profitable things, which need professional people to calculate, as long as the operation is good, the income from online shopping alone can build a large company comparable to Silver."

Mina was surprised: "Is it so profitable?" Blackie is awesome!

She still didn't understand much, but it was incredible to hear that the money she could earn was comparable to her grandfather's Silver.

Ciel next to him had redder eyes, and as a businessman, he could think more about making profits.

In previous lives, online shopping has become an indispensable thing in everyone's life.

As for making more money, Luo Xiaohei is not very clear, but those companies that do online shopping are very rich.

Silver has so many employees, there are many more smart people than him, and they are all in business, he gives an idea, and some people to improve.

He just had to tell Cyr the idea and let him run it.

The money that Cyr earned in the end was to be given to Mina, and as Mina's elf, it was not too much to raise an old man, eat and wait for death.

"Good! Very good! This plan is feasible, the profit is very large, it seems that the old man I have to create a myth before I want to retire! "

What is honor for a businessman? In Seale's view, that is, of course, to build an industry that everyone looks up to.

For the first half of his life, he ran Silver as one of the world's leading companies, and now a soon-to-be leader is beckoning to him.

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