"By the way, are there just the three of them?"

"We also invited a well-known breeder called Xiaoxue, who lives in Rainbow City, which is not far from here, but she needs to deal with the things at hand, so she will not be able to arrive tomorrow."

It is definitely not enough to invite only three people, these three people are of the same level, and you must invite another high-level and famous person to be the captain.

That Xiaoxue had a high reputation in the breeding world, and after inquiring, she was careful and careful, very responsible for any elf, and proficient in a massage technique that she had researched.

It can relieve the fatigue after elf training, which is of great benefit to elves.

Although it was expensive to invite her, for the great Silver, it was too much.

Just a day's profit for Silver now is enough to hire her for decades.

Mina was a little curious: "Xiaoxue? Sounds like a girl, is she famous?

"Little... Small... Small... Small... Light snow! Eric

next to him had not yet opened his mouth to answer, and Xiao Gang, who was originally asking questions with the three breeders, didn't know when he ran over with a red face.

The incoherence makes people feel very strange.

Mina was even more curious: "Xiaogang, do you know her, right?"

Xiao Gang was excited, as if choked by something, and nodded frantically.

This look is what he will only show after meeting beautiful women.

Obviously, Mina guessed correctly, that Xiaoyuki is a girl, and it must be a beautiful girl.

Finally, the excited Xiao Gang spoke: "Miss Xiaoxue is my idol!" She is the winner of the Beauty Street Breeder Champion for three consecutive years, and she is also recognized by the Pokémon League as the most popular trainer voted out by Pokémon Magazine! He also won the title of Super Excellent Breeder for four consecutive years! "

She's a shining star in the entire breeding world!" The unique massage technique has made countless people look back, and the elves cultivated by her are all excellent players in the race! When

it came to a series of achievements, Xiao Gang's excited body trembled, and he could see that Xiao Gang really adored that Xiao Xue.

Mina, who knows Xiaoxue's identity, is also surprised, although she doesn't know how heavy those identities are, but it sounds very powerful!

Xiao Gang excitedly took Eric's hand and said excitedly: "I didn't expect you to be able to invite Miss Xiaoxue over, I... I'm so excited to meet my idol tomorrow!

Eric quietly tried to withdraw his hand.

It's a pity that Xiao Gang's current state is very abnormal, as if he associates Eric with that Xiaoxue.

Holding his hand, he didn't let go, and the strength was surprisingly great, and Eric didn't pull it out several times.

This always gentleman Eric was a little broken, and the beating of his facial muscles and slightly reddened skin all showed his anxiety.

However, the temperament accumulated over the years allowed Eric to keep his character at the last minute.

"Mr. Xiaogang, can you let go of my hand, after all, I am not Miss Xiaoxue, just a bad old man who is about to enter the soil!"

Woken up by Eric's slightly angry voice, Xiao Gang quickly let go of his hand, and then bowed and apologized: "I'm sorry Eric butler, it's that I'm a little too excited."

Eric put his already pinched red hand behind his back, didn't say anything more, and turned away directly.

He had to wash his hands, and he was held by a big man for so long, and he was quite angry in his heart.

"Mina, I'm so happy, you don't know, I plan to go to Rainbow City, I'll go to the beauty shop opened by Miss Xiaoxue, I didn't expect to be able to see it so soon~"

Mina quietly took two steps back and opened a little distance with Xiao Gang.

Now he is much more terrifying than when he was crazy.

After two consecutive busy days, the four people finally did not change, so they rushed out all the energy cubes.

In the afternoon, three more people came, two women and one man, the same people that Eric asked his men to dig to take care of the Mina elf.

But they are not breeders, but trainers.

With people who take care of the elves, it is natural that there are also people who are trained.

These three are all trainers, the level is at the elite trainer level, and their identities are all hung with awards from various competitions.

All three were also dug up at a high price.

"Miss, they are the trainers who will train your elves in the future, they are all elite-level trainers who have won many awards, do you need to test them?"

Eric brought the three to Mina and asked softly.

Whether to hire or not depends on the meaning of the owner.

He didn't know much about people and things other than being a housekeeper, but he knew that he had a specialty, and he would just leave what he wouldn't do to the people who would know.

"All elite trainers?! Think about it! Mina is still only an intermediate level..." Mina

covered her mouth in surprise.

She had just received four medals, and she could only be rated as an intermediate trainer, or an intermediate beginner.

An elite-level trainer, that is an existence that is two levels higher than her.

There is also a senior trainer on top of Mina, a level that can only be reached after collecting eight medals, and can be qualified to participate in the league competition.

Then there are Taoist trainers, a category that is relatively vague in the Guandu region.

He is not a dojo trainer, or he is a dojo level.

The real Daoguan level is that all the elves have reached the Daoguan level and are evaluated by strength.

As for the dojo trainers, they are relatively lax in the Kando area, and they are the least valued in all regions.

That's why there are Taoist gym trainers like Xiao Gang and Xiao Xia who are not level enough.

Above the Taoist hall level, there are elite trainers, and this category is like a top university graduate, who already has his own set of systematic methods for training elves.

And it is the existence of books that can be published.

After them is the quasi-heavenly king level.

Compared to them, Mina really doesn't look enough now.

However, Mina is a special existence among the kind of intermediate trainers, she just doesn't have enough medals yet, otherwise she will definitely reach the advanced level.

And the elves under him are also perverted.

Luo Xiaohei because of a few more attribute affinity, now he has awakened superpowers, the spiritual space is much larger, really fighting, his strength is equivalent to the elite junior in Pokémon.

Although King Nido has broken through a layer of shackles, his strength has reached the early stage of the Taoist hall level.

Menas reached mid-senior level.

Fire dinosaurs reached the early stage of advanced stage.

Little Kabi Beast has a good talent and has also reached the early stage of the advanced level.

Needless to say, Kuailong and Geng Ghost are no problem for them to challenge for the championship now.

As for Picosi, this is the team doctor, don't look at the strength.

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