Before Mina could speak, Xiaoxia had already stepped forward and held her hand tightly.

"Hello, my name is Xiaoxia, from Hualan City, because I admire the rainbow perfume produced by your Rainbow Taoist Hall, so I came to visit, can you let me see the perfume you produce?" Even if it's a smell. "

For this high-end perfume, Xiaoxia has been hungry for a long time.

As a girl, there is no one who does not love beauty, and the perfume department, although it cannot directly enhance the appearance, but can indirectly enhance the feminine charm.

Ask a beautiful woman with a unique fragrance in front of you, it is estimated that even if she does not move, you will also be seduced by the smell of perfume.

"Uh... Huh... It turns out that this is ah, no problem, but please miss, let go of my hand first..." The gardener was a little at a loss, and smiled awkwardly, obviously frightened by Xiaoxia's enthusiasm.

Xiaoxia quickly let go: "Thank you so much!" "

Mina... It's to pick..." Mina opened her mouth, didn't she come to challenge the dojo with herself, why did you go to see the perfume first?"

Before she could finish speaking, Xiao Gang next to her stopped her and said in a low voice: "Let's go see the perfume first, just to see how it is here, and inquire about Lijia's strength, so that your chances of winning will be greater." "

With Mina's strength, there is no need to observe and inquire about anything, what Xiao Gang didn't say is that in fact, he also wants to see the beautiful women first, if Mina beats Lijia very badly, and drives them out when the time comes, won't he be able to find a rich woman?"

Xiaoxia spoke first, and it was also for this reason that if Mina repaired Lijia very badly, wouldn't she be able to see the perfume she had in mind?

The two have different goals, but their minds are the same, only Mina is stupid, but she thinks that what Xiao Gang said is very good.

So he did not mention the matter of challenging the dojo, but quietly rushed behind the gardener.

"These small rooms are full of flowers that we cultivate, the raw materials for perfume are collected here, the temperature here is specially adjusted, it is the most suitable for these plants, we will select the best flowers to collect petals and pollen and other materials to make perfume."

"Because each flower is different in type and in different amounts of ingredients, the perfume that makes it tastes very different."

"The rainbow perfume we produce is a mixture of various flower drinks, some of which are bloomed in various seasons, different types of flowers in the same season, or flowers that grow in special areas to make more complex perfumes."

In the entire Rainbow Taoist Hall, there are only a hundred greenhouses like the greenhouse in front of you.

Each room is filled with a variety of flowers carefully nurtured.

It is estimated that all the flowers in this world can be found here.

In each room, there are one or two gardeners taking care of them.

As you enter the room, the smell of flowers is particularly obvious and refreshing.

Each flower is delicate and beautiful, and it blooms extremely brilliantly.

As the owner of Tokiwa's power, Mina can clearly feel the surging vitality of these flowers.

Apparently the gardeners here have a knack for their care.

They were well taken care of.

"Wouldn't it be easy to mess up the taste by mixing a lot of flowers together?"

It's not that after the incense thing is mixed together, it is still fragrant.

Once the taste is more, it will be very unpleasant, like this to mix a variety of different seasons, different regions of the flowers together, you can imagine, mix a variety of ingredients together to cook, put a variety of dishes, put a variety of animal meat, a variety of fruits, directly in one pot of cooking.

That smell is probably the same as they configured perfume.

If one is not good, it may be configured with a bad smell, or even an unpleasant perfume.

The gardener did not refute, but nodded with a smile: "Yes, so the success of every rainbow perfume is made by a lot of waste materials and a lot of labor."

"Moreover, we usually only produce one bottle of each perfume, but every time we configure the perfume, we leave the recipe, and if one is successful, if any customer likes it very much, we can configure it again according to the recipe, and the perfume is only sold to the customer who buys the first bottle."

This is also how the Rainbow Dojo operates.

Everyone is unique, so the fragrance must also be unique.

No one likes to bump shirts, because once the same, then it will be easy to contrast, if the comparison is lost, it is very humiliating.

Therefore, once everyone buys a rainbow perfume, it is equivalent to buying his copyright, and in the future, only he can own this perfume.

And the Rainbow Dojo also has a rule, that is, each person can only buy one perfume.

Only after the death of this person can others continue to be the owners of this perfume.

Because of this unique feature, rainbow perfume has become the top luxury in perfume, and the people who can use it are basically rich women.

However, the birth of a perfume is not easy for the Rainbow Dojo.

Sometimes thousands of failures don't necessarily produce satisfactory flavors.

Up to now, there are still a lot of perfumes in the inventory of the Rainbow Dojo, and these have not found a buyer.

Because only one can be bought, the rest of the people will also be very picky when choosing.

Mina nodded abruptly: "No wonder the rainbow perfume is so expensive."

"So, the people who buy the rainbow perfume, all the perfumes are unique?" Xiao Gang touched his chin and was shocked by this way of operation.

The gardener smiled and nodded: "Yes, and each perfume has no name before it is sold, after it is sold, it is named by the buyer, our boss believes that when people choose perfume, perfume is also choosing people, people are beautiful because of perfume, and perfume is named for people." "

Every fragrance is unique, and the people who use the rainbow perfume are also unique."

Xiaoxia looked at the sea of flowers in front of her yearningly, feeling that Lijia was a very romantic person.

She is the one who really understands perfume, and unlike the rest of the people, she uses this as a tool to make money, but as a living life.

Choose a unique owner for each fragrance and make a name for yourself with them.

When the person who bought the perfume goes, the perfume will be sold again.

Many people will continue to buy this perfume in order to see things and think about people, and whenever they smell this perfume, it is as if she is still by their side....

Because of its various uniqueness, rainbow perfumes are sought after by everyone.

Hearing these introductions, Xiaoxia felt itchy in her heart, and she very much wanted to buy a bottle, and buy a bottle of her own fragrance!

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