"Ash, what's wrong with you? Why does it look so embarrassing?

When they saw Xiao Zhi and Xiao Gang, Mina and Xiao Xia couldn't help but be taken aback.

Just because the two of them now look not much different from the beggars who fled the wilderness.

The two were dressed in rags, with black marks all over their faces and bodies, and their hair was a little burnt.

Ash said with some indignation: "It's not all to blame those three bad guys from Team Rocket!" They actually took advantage of Lijia and my battle and set fire to the entire Rainbow Dojo! "

What!!" × 2

heard this, Mina and Xiaoxia were taken aback.

I didn't expect Team Rocket to make such a big move again.

They have all seen the Rainbow Taoist Hall, and this building alone, as well as the rare plants inside, are worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

What other precious perfumes, let alone that.

"That... So how is it now?

Xiaoxia asked with some worry, wondering if the Rainbow Taoist Hall was gone, if the Rainbow Dojo was gone, then she would not be able to buy the rainbow perfume in the future.

The bottle of perfume she spent a lot of money on would be heart-wrenching if it ran out and couldn't be renewed.

Xiao Gang shook his head with some pity, and this time he raised Xiao Xia's heart to his throat, thinking that the Rainbow Taoist Hall was completely burned out.

"Although we rescued in time, many rare plants were burned down, according to Miss Lijia's original words, almost all the plants planted before had to be replaced, and many equipment of the Rainbow Dojo Hall was also broken and needed to be rebuilt."

"In short, a fire from Team Rocket caused Miss Lijia to suffer heavy losses..."

"They are so hateful, the next time I see them, I must send them to the police station!" Mina spoke out indignantly.

"It's over... Doesn't that mean that the rainbow perfume will not be available in the future? Xiao Xia said sadly, very sad.

Who knows, Xiao Zhi touched the back of his head at this time and smiled from his pocket, took out a refined crystal bottle, and handed it directly to Xiao Xia: "You don't like perfume, this is for you."

Looking at the perfume handed in front of her, Xiaoxia was stunned, and then she blushed a little embarrassed.

Looking at Ash's face full of black marks but smiling brightly, the unknown emotions in his heart are surge.

Xiao Xia asked a little shyly, "You... Where did you get this perfume? "

Boys give girls perfume, which represents a very different meaning.

But most of them want to take the relationship further, or express pursuit, or confess.

It also means deepening the friendship between the two sides.

However, Xiaoxia now likes Ash, so Ash giving her perfume will make her unconsciously think crookedly.

Ash grinned and said with a smug smile: "This is me helping Miss Lijia save her stinky flowers, and also helping to put out the fire, she gave me thanks, I can't use it as a boy, since you like it, I'll give it to you." "

Because of Xiao Zhi and Xiao Gang's timely rescue, Lijia will not leave nothing.

At least there is no major problem with the overall building of the Rainbow Dojo, and it can be repaired before continuing to use.

If even the entire Rainbow Dojo needs to be rebuilt, the loss will be great.

So in order to express her gratitude, Lijia will save a bottle of successful perfume from the workshop and give it to Ash, and Xiaogang also gets a bottle.

And also said that these two bottles of perfume will belong to the two in the future, and they can be renewed for free without cost!

"Miss Lijia also gave me a bottle, saying that we would give it to her when we met a girl we liked, and said that after the Rainbow Dojo is repaired, we can renew it for free after we run out of perfume, hehehe... I don't know if I can use this bottle of perfume to find

a girlfriend..." Xiao Gang said with a big grin, not noticing that he said something shocking, but fell into the dream of exchanging perfume for a girlfriend.

And after hearing his words, Xiaoxia's heart became even more confused.

To... Favorite girls? Does that Ash give me perfume, does it mean that he likes me too...?

Thinking like this, Xiaoxia looked at the perfume handed in front of her, a little overwhelmed, but her body was very honest, and she took the perfume away and held it in her arms: "Xie... Thank you!

Mina's eyes widened and she looked at Ash in disbelief: "God, when did Ash become so smart?" "

Xiao Zhi is a famous straight man, I didn't expect him to send perfume to express his love for Xiao Xia, this is looking at Xiao Xia right eye?

Ready to pursue your dreams while traveling, but also want to be a winner in life, love and unemployment together?

Ash is too chicken thief!

I really didn't expect ah, Ash also has such a clever time, and looking at Xiaoxia's current appearance, it is clear that he agreed, as long as Ash takes the opportunity to confess, maybe he can enter the cave room tonight!

However, Mina still overestimated Ash a little, and saw Ash looking at Xiao Gang with some puzzlement, and said suspiciously: "Give it to your girlfriend?" Doesn't it mean that you can also give it to female friends to enhance your relationship? I now have two friends Xiaoxia and Mina who are women, Mina doesn't like perfume, so I gave it to Xiaoxia, what's the problem?

Xiao Gang's movements froze, and he glanced at Xiao Zhi with pity.

My hand of divine assist, can basically reach the peak of the wingman, but the opponent is really a pig, so I didn't take the fly.

Xiao Gang shook his head, sighed, and then turned and left.

The corners of Mina's mouth twitched, and she took two steps back, feeling as if the atmosphere was a little wrong.

Before Ash could see the situation clearly, he looked at Xiao Xia, who had a somewhat ugly face, and Mina, who was also looking at him with pity, and asked again in confusion: "What's wrong?" Any questions?

As soon as the words fell, Xiao Xia's fist fell directly on his head.

"Bang! Die, stupid! After the fight, Xiao Xia huffed and left with the perfume.

Ash rubbed his head in puzzlement, with a look of disbelief: "Why hit me?" Doesn't she like perfume? Did I give her perfume wrong? Mina

shook her head, yes, really a dead straight man, who didn't understand the minds of girls at all.

What does Xiaoxia care about is a bottle of perfume? What she cares about is why you give her perfume, and what does giving her perfume mean!

However, he could obviously be sent to the cave room, but he was screwed up by Ash, a fool.

What a shame.

Ash looked at Mina, wanting to find the answer from Mina, but who knew that Mina shook her head slightly, tilted her head to think for a while, and then said solemnly: "This is the iron fist of love that Xiao Hei said, when Mina didn't study well before, Xiao Hei would beat Mina, this is Amina's performance!" "

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