"Boom!" The heaven-shaking thunder is like a clarion call to charge.

Bean-sized raindrops poured down with thunder.

Mina hugged Luo Xiaohei tightly and used her back to help him block the rain.

"Cats don't like water, don't be afraid of Xiao Hei, Mina won't let you get wet." Mina showed a bright smile and the speed under her feet increased a little.

Luo Xiaohei watched the raindrops dripping from Mina's pink hair, and felt a little sorry for this silly girl.

Unfortunately, I don't know what the reason is, he can't speak like Luo Xiaohei, maybe he hasn't comprehended the beast human form yet.

"Meow..." Luo Xiaohei could only express his meaning with body movements.

With his own cat's paw, he pointed to the backpack behind Mina's back.

Mina was a little puzzled: "Did Xiao Hei say that Mina's backpack had something in it?"

Luo Xiaohei nodded, and in the backpack behind her, there would definitely be an umbrella or raincoat prepared for her by her mother.

After all, these things are often used in travel.

Of course, it is not ruled out that Mina's stupidity is inherited from her mother.

But you still need to find it, what if there is?

Mina ran under a tree and opened her backpack, and sure enough, in the sub-bag that stored the tent outside, in addition to the tent and sleeping bag, there were raincoats and umbrellas.

Mina looked at it with a raincoat in one hand and an umbrella in the other.

"It's because of her mother, it's because she didn't tell Mina that she had an umbrella, that's why Mina gets rained, yes, it's not Mina..." After comforting herself, Mina put the pink raincoat on her body.

Luo Xiaohei, on the other hand, poked his head out from the wide collar of his raincoat.

There was a lot of fog in the rain, but I could barely see the road.

The originally active wild Pokémon did not know where to hide, but many Bobo did hide under the leaves.

If he started to capture it now, Luo Xiaohei had a great chance, but in this heavy rain, even Mina did not have that interest, let alone Luo Xiaohei, who was still a little lazy.


After a flash of light, thunder followed.

Because she started late, Mina had not yet arrived at Route 1, the main highway to Joban City.

In the rain, the wind was not small, and Mina could only move forward half-hunched.

"Boom! Crackling! Suddenly, the sky suddenly lit up, and for a moment, Luo Xiaohei seemed to see a thunder pillar that ran through heaven and earth.

"What's that? It's terrible..." Mina stopped, looking at the path ahead with some hesitation.

Luo Xiaohei lowered his head and pondered, his mind quickly filtering the almost forgotten plot.

If memory serves, the moment just now should have been used by the skin god to get rid of the chase and kill of the flock of flaming birds.

With the help of the power of heaven and earth, this moment is indeed a little terrifying.

I don't know if I'll fight it.

But even if he fights, Luo Xiaohei is not daunted.

In the anime, the skin god is indeed very powerful, and he can be separated from anyone, and he can abuse the god beast on the top, and defeat the new one at the bottom.

To put it bluntly, it is because the plot needs to play the role of the protagonist's halo.

In reality, Pikachu has a race value of only 320 points, and even the race value of Ba Da Butterfly is 395.

Of course, there were many people in the previous life who speculated that Pi Shen had a hidden characteristic lightning rod, and was opened by the natural thunder just now to open the second pulse of Ren Du.

So that the voltage in its body is unstable, and the combat effectiveness is high and low.

But this is just speculation, the strength of the skin god is all on the thunder and lightning, if one day he extracts the power storage characteristics, the skin god is a cute little hamster in front of him.

However, I think that Mina, this little girl, will not have a chance to fight with Ash, but it is definitely not a death match, so it doesn't matter if you win or lose.

"Meow..." Luo Xiaohei greeted, signaling Mina to hurry up.

However, Mina did not move, but stared blankly at the direction of the sun in the sky that broke through the dark clouds.

"Xiao Hei, look quickly, what kind of elf is that?"

Hearing Mina's words, Luo Xiaohei suddenly woke up, yes, how could he forget such an important thing.

As soon as Luo Xiaohei raised his head, he immediately saw the figure flying through the rainbow in the sky.

'Flash Bigmouth Sparrow...

' Mina couldn't get Luo Xiaohei's answer, and directly took out the elf guide that Dr. Ohki gave her.

Unfortunately, Mina's words disappointed Mina.

"Not on the profile! There are still Pokémon in this world that humans have not discovered..."

"What, this thing given by Dr. Ohki can't work." Mina turned her hand and aimed the book at Luo Xiaohei.

"Blackie, cat Pokémon, currently don't know his living habits and habitat..." Good

guy, Dr. Ohki just put the news he knows now.

Even the name is Mina's fresh Blackie.

Mina took the Elf Book into her arms, already extremely disappointed in the thing given by Dr. Ohki.

After that earth-shattering thunder pillar disappeared, the sky cleared strangely.

The downpour disappeared.

Mina simply took off her raincoat, which was still very uncomfortable to put on her body.

What's more, now Mina's body is still wet just now.

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